After wearing the book, I survived by dreaming

Chapter 171 Who Changed Her Clothes

Chapter 171 Who Changed Her Clothes

Fu Xiuyun is used to getting up early, and he opened the door as soon as seven o'clock arrived.


Lu Yao standing outside the door startled him.

Lu Yao is wearing pajamas at the moment, her hair is a little messy, and there are two faint dark circles under her eyes.

At first glance, Fu Xiuyun was startled.

Why did this little girl get up so early today?
Thinking about what happened last night, Fu Xiuyun felt short of breath and guilty for some reason.

But he doesn't show it.

"Are you awake? Is your head still hurting? Are you hungry? I'll make breakfast."

Fu Xiuyun greeted her naturally, and reached out to touch Lu Yao's forehead.

In fact, I wanted to scratch my head.

Seeing Lu Yao's expression, he changed direction temporarily.

The old ancestor narrowed his eyes, met the man in front of him with a calm expression, and asked questions repeatedly.

The resentment in my heart disappeared.

Yesterday's dream...

She was enjoying the food, but suddenly this man fell from the sky and stopped her from eating.

Take her plate away like teasing a cat.


After waking up, the more she thought about it, the more angry she became, and by the time she realized it, she was already standing at the door of the man.

It's just a dream...

And this man still cares about her so much.

Lu Yao figured it out, and felt that it was immoral for her to do so.

She let out a hmm from her nasal cavity, then slipped on her slippers and left.

Fu Xiuyun was left standing there, smiling for a while.

Still recalling the vivid expression of the little girl just now.

Thinking of the food that the little girl was greedy for in the dream, Fu Xiuyun felt that he had probably realized it.

At noon, I have to change the pattern of feeding.

Fu Xiuyun went to knock on Lu Yao's door after finishing breakfast, but there was no answer for a long time, so she knew that she might have fallen asleep again.

Or her life is enviable, I can't sleep until I wake up naturally, I still have to rush to the company.


Lu Yao was woken up by the phone ringing.

She picked up the phone impatiently, and Chu Xi's cautious voice came from the opposite side.

"Old, boss?"


Lu Yao turned on the speakerphone, stretched herself, and got ready to get up.

Chu Xi on the opposite side hesitated, apprehensive, and finally closed his eyes, and said it as if he was dead.

"I drank too much last night, thank you boss for saving my life and not killing me."

Lu Yao burst out laughing, thinking of the sticky woman who hugged her thigh and calf yesterday.

"Wait a minute, I'll send you a video."

"Huh? What video?"

Chu Xi was in a daze.

Lu Yao tapped the screen twice with her finger to transmit the video.

She was curious about Chuxi's reaction after seeing the video.

Chu Xi, who was still wondering, suddenly fell silent. It seemed that he was watching a video.

Lu Yao was not in a hurry, she turned her voice to the loudest, and then changed her clothes.

Sure enough, Chuxi gasped and swallowed on the opposite side of the phone.

Is this really me?Unexpectedly so bold and unrestrained.

Holding Lu Yao's thigh, although she had thought about it a long time ago.

After all, if you hug her thigh, you can lie down and win.

However, this and this.

I didn't expect that I was drunk and actually did this.

So embarrassing.

Chu Xi thought about the meaning of the big boss sending this video to him.

Thinking about how to express my apology to the big boss?

Before she could think about what to say, she heard Lu Yao's voice.

"Let's do this first, you just wait for Yu Zhan."

Then the phone was hung up.

Chu Xi: Confused?
big boss what does this mean?Let yourself wait to be cleaned up?Or did he successfully hug his thigh?
Chu Xi thinks the former is more likely.

After all, I couldn't bear to look at my appearance yesterday.

There was a reason why Lu Yao hung up the phone so suddenly. She suddenly remembered something.

Who changed the clothes for her?

(End of this chapter)

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