Chapter 172 Lu Yao is shy
Lu Yao still had a little impression of what happened last night.

All she knew was that she was probably drunk, and was taken home by Fu Xiuyun.

She didn't have many memories after she came back, but she also knew that she would definitely not change clothes by herself.

So, who changed the clothes?

You know, there is no one else in Fu Xiuyun's family.

Not even a nanny.

This clothes could only be changed by Fu Xiuyun.

What does this mean, he has lost sight of himself? !

When Lu Yao thought of this possibility, she wished she could die.

This is too embarrassing.

Even though the ancestor lived for so many years, he couldn't quite accept this fact.

So, at noon, Fu Xiuyun came back with a bunch of ingredients and opened the door.

It was deserted, without the lazy woman who used to be nestled in his custom-made sofa.


Fu Xiuyun subconsciously frowned, looking strangely at the closed door of the woman's room.

Lu Yao still didn't come out until all his dishes were out of the pan.

What's going on here.

Something abnormal.

Fu Xiuyun looked at the few dishes in front of him, did he fail in cooking today?

Such a fragrant smell, even the women did not come out.

Still not to her liking?
President Fu, who has always been decisive in killing, was stumped by this kind of question for the first time.

In fact, Lu Yao had already noticed the man when he opened the door.

When the alluring fragrance came, she couldn't help it.

Lu Yao's stomach was growling with hunger, but she still didn't go out.

Mainly... the ancestors are also shy.

When I woke up in the morning and thought of this, I didn't eat.Now that I smell the fragrance outside, the ancestors really can't bear it.

Especially, the smell is getting stronger and stronger.

Then, there was a knock on her door.

Very rhythmic three tones, restraint and observance of etiquette.

As soon as he heard the voice, he knew it was Fu Xiuyun.

Lu Yao touched her stomach, and suddenly wailed, and collapsed on the bed.

It's like a useless salted fish that has lost the meaning of life.

Fu Xiuyun opened the door and came in, and the two looked at each other.

"go for meal."

The man's bony hands rubbed the doorknob twice.

The old ancestor didn't want to face this man, so he rolled on the bed, and only after a long time did he let out an "oh".

Reluctantly getting up from the bed, he got out of the bed again.

It was the first time Fu Xiuyun saw her like this, especially Lu Yao didn't dare to look at her.

He didn't know where the problem was, so he took the initiative.Pulled Lu Yao and walked out.

"Hurry up and eat, it will be cold later. Today I made boiled pork slices, pork belly with sauce, and cabbage and radish soup."

"I also bought a fish and kept it in a bucket. I will cook pickled fish for you at night."

"I see the porridge on the table is still there. Didn't you have breakfast today? Then drink a bowl of soup to warm your stomach first, otherwise too much oil will be bad for your health..."

With such a short distance, Fu Xiuyun insisted on talking a lot.

His voice was cold, and he didn't like to talk much at ordinary times, but it was the first time Lu Yao heard him speak such a long series of words.

Maybe it's just the first time I paid so much attention to it, the man's chatter was particularly pleasant to my ears.

Lu Yao didn't feel impatient at all, and was even fascinated.

From the tightly clenched hands came the man's body temperature, which was scorching hot, almost scalding the ancestor's heart.

Inexplicably, there was more yellow waste in her mind, and she fantasized about the scene where he helped her change her clothes last night...

Can't think, can't think.

The old ancestor's earlobes gradually turned pink.

Fu Xiuyun felt that Lu Yao was extremely quiet today, as quiet as when she was drunk last night.

As soon as he turned his head, the pink earlobes came into view.

Throat rolling, a little thirsty.

(End of this chapter)

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