Chapter 173 Her ambition
Until Fu Xiuyun went to the company again, he didn't understand what happened to Lu Yao.

This caused him to have a meeting in the afternoon, and his mind drifted away again.

The chief financial officer, who had finished speaking about the financial statements for this quarter, saw the seriousness on the face of the big boss and remained silent.

I thought that I was not good at speaking, and gradually developed into doubts that Mr. Fu is not satisfied with himself as a person.

He was even thinking about whether he should write a resignation report later.

Gao Tezhu looked at the chief financial officer who was sweating constantly on the stage, and felt sad for him.

As the person closest to the president in the company, Gao Lang thought he knew Fu Xiuyun quite well.

If you read this correctly, the CEO should be a wandering spirit.

But thinking of the name of his CEO as a workaholic, he feels that the possibility of him having a god is very unlikely.

Seeing the help-seeking expression from the chief financial officer, Gao Lang decided to help him.

Touched his own president under the table where no one could see.

Fu Xiuyun, who was still thinking about why Lu Yao was so wrong today, suddenly came to his senses.

Unfathomably, he nodded to the people on the stage.

The chief financial officer immediately gave Gao Tezhu a very grateful look, and stepped off the stage as if fleeing.


Lu Yao escaped all morning, and after eating, she came back to life with full blood.

For some reason, overnight, the progress of the third task increased by 5%.

Small briquettes are well versed in the way of life.Motivation comes from rewards.

So he gave Lu Yao a thank you gift in a very stupid way.

Food guides from all over the world.

It's a booklet.It clearly shows which country has which special snacks and where they are located.

The illustrations and texts are rich, just looking at it makes people drool.

Lu Yao was indeed very useful.

She suddenly thought of a person, He Tingting who is still in the 99+1 draft.

That girl is also a famous foodie, and Lu Yao is still waiting for her to be a food guide for herself when she leaves the island.

Calculating the time, there are two more days until the last episode of 99+1, the group night.

After leaving there, I really feel a little bit reluctant.

But the sky is big and the earth is big, sleeping and eating are the biggest.

Being an idol is too tiring, being a star is even more tiring.

Lu Yao felt that this was not suitable for her.

She was not born to eat this bowl of rice, mainly because she was too tired, and she still had the strength.

Among other things, Lu Yao is really confident about her singing and dancing.

Lu Yao's ambition has never been limited to producing enough idols, or aspiring to become the top in the entertainment industry.

What she wants is her own entertainment business empire.

How tiring it is to spend all your time and resources on your own, reach the top of the entertainment industry and earn money.

It would be better for her to contribute money and resources to make others become big stars, aspire to the top of the entertainment industry, and work for herself to earn money.

So from the very beginning, what Lu Yao said about entering the entertainment circle was different from what everyone thought.

Going to the draft is just a stopgap measure.

If there is no accident in the middle, it is not impossible to get the first place.

how to say?Lu Yao's favorite thing is to lie down and make money.

As early as when she picked up the down-and-out Yu Zhan, she wanted him to bring out the thoughts of a bunch of entertainers for her.

So what was given to Yu Zhan at that time was a copy of Lu Yao's plan for her own entertainment industry.

Now, before everyone knew it, the foundation of her business empire had been laid.

The group of people who were waiting for her to discover began to make money for themselves.

Chestnut Live has now added a lot of new users by relying on the 99+1 draft.

At the same time, various functions of the platform have also been innovated and improved.

Just wait for the show to end before proceeding to the next step.Zhou Lan is in charge here, Lu Yao is very relieved.

As for Tianyu, the surprise came suddenly.

At first, Lu Yao wondered whether to reject Tianyu Media, but after thinking about it, she still accepted it.

But the existence of Tianyu will not change Lu Yao's original plan.

(End of this chapter)

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