Chapter 214

Lu Yao's video played all the way, and she laughed all the way.

Especially when Fu Yan's transformation value was increased by 5.00% as prompted by the small coal ball, the ancestor laughed so much that he was even happier.

The atmosphere in the studio was also very pleasant.

[I watched Fu Yan in Lu Yao's live broadcast room, but it was okay. 】

[I'm watching the anchor in the live broadcast room to watch the live broadcast? ? 】

[Static matryoshka behavior, hahahahaha. 】

[I'm really looking forward to the destination where sister Yao and brother-in-law Yao are going. 】

[Hahahahaha brother-in-law Yao?This name is Goose Goose Goose Goose Goose!The psychological quality of Lu Yao's fans is also very good.This accepts reality? 】

[My head is going to laugh off my head!This should be the first thought of all fans of collapsed houses. 】

Except for the fact that everyone knew that the two were married at the beginning, they were a little excited.

Now Lu Yao's fans do not object to the fact that Fu Xiuyun and Lu Yao are married.

Especially the batch of black fans who blacked Lu Yao because of Fu Xiuyun before, now it's a universal celebration.

Under the Chaohua post dedicated to the two of them, it was as lively as the New Year.

They first hated Lu Yao because of Fu Xiuyun, and then fell in love with Lu Yao because of her personal charm.

The final journey home is the CP fans of the two.

Digging ponds in every corner, drinking cp every day in Chaohua.

This time, the main character actually appeared on a love variety show, and he started giving sugar as soon as he came.

Married directly in situ?
There is no need for fans to move the Civil Affairs Bureau here, is there any star who is more worry-free than this?

For cp fans, this is double happiness!Sweet fried directly.

As for Lu Yao's personal fans, because the entertainment media had been breaking the news about the relationship between Fu Xiuyun and Lu Yao a long time ago, everyone was immune to it.

If you really want to talk about feelings, it's exactly the same as when Liang Jinghao looked at Fu Xiuyun like an old mother.

Lu Yao and Fu Xiuyun's destination was a well-decorated Chinese restaurant.

Hiding in an inconspicuous alley, he walked through a few paths before seeing the door face.

The road is very small, and Fu Xiuyun and Lu Yao are a bit crowded walking side by side.

So Fu Xiuyun naturally stretched out his arms to wrap around Lu Yao's waist, and took her into his arms.

The hoodie Lu Yao was wearing today was relatively loose, and when he swept it around like this, her waistline suddenly appeared.

Lu Yao, who was originally 1.6 meters tall, was not considered short, but she was extremely petite against the backdrop of Fu Xiuyun.

Cute little one.

Fu Xiuyun's hand was placed on Lu Yao's waist, and a little sandalwood beads were faintly exposed under the sleeve.

His hands are beautiful and powerful.

The movement of embracing Lu Yao's waist, and the half-revealed prayer beads made the whole picture very sensual.

Give people visual enjoyment.

The photographer who was following them was behind the two of them, keeping a close distance.

From this angle, the picture is very beautiful.

When people look at it, they want to have the same sweet love.

So the screen was filled with the screams of CP fans again.

【Ah ah ah ah ah ah ah!This is too sweet. 】

[Sister Yao's waist!So fine, so fine. 】

[Aww!I want a boyfriend!want a partner!I want to have a boyfriend of the same type as sister Yao! 】

[I have the material for dreaming tonight! 】

【Ahhhhhhhhhhh!The novel screen comes alive again!So much, families! 】

[I have to say, Fu Xiuyun's faintly visible Buddhist beads!Let the atmosphere inexplicably wander between abstinence and lust. 】

[Help, help, I don't know what words to use to describe it now!It fits so well!Let's get married! 】

[Upstairs, you forgot, they are already husband and wife!Just give birth on the spot!Pass on such good genes. 】

(End of this chapter)

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