After wearing the book, I survived by dreaming

Chapter 215 The Observation Group Without Existence

Chapter 215 The Observation Group Without Existence

[!What rhythm is this?Are the fans urging the baby on the spot? 】

[Am I falling behind?Why is this prompting to have a baby? 】

[Hahahahahaha, that sister who gave birth to a baby in place!Ox! 】

[Pure passers-by, who clicked in casually, were stunned by this bullet screen, okay! 】

"Uh, Lu Yao and Mr. Fu can see that they have a good relationship. Mr. Fu will subconsciously protect us Yaoyao."

The observers who had been regarded as background boards finally had a chance to speak.

It was Ding Xiang who spoke, the only woman in the audience.

With her opening the door, several other people also began to express their opinions.

"Film Emperor Cai is already married. I didn't expect that. I'm so shocked, I haven't recovered yet."

"Who isn't? I promise everyone that before I came to this show, I really didn't know it would be so exciting."

"Before coming to the show, I really didn't know that two pairs of guests were married."

Wang Haoming raised three fingers to the camera with a serious face.

[Hahahahaha believe you believe you. 】

[When I found out that all five of you could put duck eggs in your mouths, I knew you must have been tricked by the show crew too. 】

【Hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha This is the first time I have seen some sharp-tongued teachers remain silent for such a long time. 】

[No one speaks of goose goose goose goose, I have to forget that there is an observer. 】

[Who isn't? Someone spoke just now, and I was shocked.I thought to myself, why is there still someone talking about this? 】

"Uh, it's too difficult. You see, our sense of existence is very low. Everyone will forget us."

"No way, everyone is too shocked! There is really no script at all."

Everyone in the love observation room became active and interacted with the fans in the live broadcast room.

Because they can directly see the real-time barrage in the live broadcast room, it is very convenient to communicate.

At this moment, Lu Yao and Fu Xiuyun had already started eating.

It can be seen from the big screen in the Love Observation Room that Lu Yao, Cai Jisheng, and He Jiang have all arrived at their destination.

The slowest Cai Jisheng group is already ordering food.

As for Fu Yan...

【Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha! 】

[The program team is too tricky, isn't it?These three wheels actually exploded while riding a bicycle! 】

[Fu Yan's shock and total stupidity, I can laugh for half a month. 】

[Really, Fu Yan successfully aroused my interest!But is there any sister who is as curious as me, where is Chuxi now? 】

[Goose goose goose goose is curious, Chuxi is probably still waiting for Fu Yan to see her. 】

[Chu Xi never imagined that Fu Yan would collapse at the beginning before he could succeed. 】

Fu Yancai rode the tricycle for half an hour, and the tire blew out.

The sound of "stabbing" and then the sound of air leakage frightened him into a blur.

Fu Yan frowned tightly.

Ask the program team for help, the program team just let themselves find a way to solve it.

Fu Yan struggled in his heart, and finally made up his mind to turn on the cell phone that had been off for a day.

Since last night when he found out that he had forgotten about Chu Xi, he turned off his phone with a guilty conscience.

It seemed that as long as he didn't turn on his phone, he didn't have to face Chuxi.

This idea of ​​escaping is purely like a three-year-old child.

Fu Yan was so frightened.

He didn't know how Chuxi would react.

Should be angry, right?
In just 1 minute of waiting for the boot, everyone in front of the screen watched Fu Yan pacing back and forth on the side of the road.

Chu Xi, who was also watching the live broadcast on the other side, really laughed angrily.

At the same time, my heart felt a little sour.

Numb, uncomfortable.

(End of this chapter)

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