After wearing the book, I survived by dreaming

Chapter 223 The Cute President Fu Who Cut Trumpet Comments

Chapter 223 The Cute President Fu Who Cut Trumpet Comments

After reacting, Fu Xiuyun only felt that he was very bored, and the electronic sound just now was endlessly looping in his mind.

Lu Yao also suppressed a smile, and quietly exited the interface on the phone.

What kind of explanation is this on Baidu Encyclopedia, she made it up herself.It's just spoken aloud.

Fu Xiuyun slowed down, and then recovered.

Fu Xiuyun, who already understood what this 1 meant, only blamed himself for being too naive just now.

I can still read those two paragraphs.

Inexplicably shy.

I still blame myself for not having enough surfing time to keep up with the development of the times.

I don't know these new words at all.

You still have to study hard, otherwise these weird words in the future...

Mr. Fu said that the head is very big.

But thinking of the comments from netizens, Fu Xiuyun's eyes became darker and more obscure.

Looking at Lu Yao who was already addicted to the mobile phone beside her, Fu Xiuyun's thin lips moved slightly.

In the end, he returned to calmness, and he swallowed all the words he wanted to say.

Regarding the matter of who is number 1, Fu Xiuyun felt that he needed to find a chance for Lu Yao to feel it.

Some things should be put on the agenda.


The room was quiet, and the two of them swiped their phones.

Adhering to his eagerness to learn, Fu Xiuyun also went to the various super chats to brush up.

Not long after, Fu Xiuyun calmly shifted his gaze to the screen of Lu Yao's phone.

Seeing her keep switching between the comment areas of various Weibo super chats, Fu Xiuyun thought deeply.

Especially the super chats that Lu Yao watched were no longer about the two of them.

It belonged to Chu Xi and Fu Yan.

Fu Xiuyun really felt that Lu Yao seemed to be paying close attention to Chu Xi and Fu Yan.

Too much attention!
He couldn't help but wonder if Lu Yao really liked Fu Yan or Chu Xi?

It's no wonder she has such thoughts, it's Lu Yao's behavior that makes him hard to understand.

Thinking of those strange posts I saw online before.

Someone actually put Lu Yao and Chu Xi together for cp?

Fu Xiuyun had a headache, he realized that Lu Yao seemed to be particularly liked by girls.

It was Mencius Fan before, and now there is Chuxi.

There are also a group of fans in the comment area who are screaming to marry Lu Yao.

Fu Xiuyun had a sense of crisis.

Especially, they are still in a dating variety show at the moment, and the fact that they are married has just been revealed!

At this time, the Internet is still dancing with Lu Yao and other people's cp?

Don't you know that everything else is fake?Only he and Lu Yao are real!
The more Mr. Fu thought about it, the more frustrated he became.

Seeing that Lu Yao was still obsessed with Chuxi's super talk, Fu Xiuyun's eyebrows furrowed deeper and deeper.

He clumsily clicked on his personal homepage and logged out of his account.

Then I created a trumpet on the spot, and went to the posts of Lu Yao and Chuxi cp just now.

This blogger spliced ​​together the live broadcast of Chu Xi's appearance and Lu Yao's comments today.

Afraid that the subject matter was not enough, I also cut out a lot of pictures of Lu Yao and Chu Xi in the "Pastoral Life" variety show.

Also added a pink filter and a heart.

It does seem to have that vibe.

Not to mention, the editing looks decent, and a group of people are already chatting in the comment area.

Fu Xiuyun took a look, good guy, there are five or six times more comments than before he cut his account?
His bony fingers tapped on the keyboard.

"Lu Yao and Fu Xiuyun are the real ones, you are messing around."

Click Send.

Seeing the notification that the message was sent successfully, Fu Xiuyun's frowning brows relaxed a little.

feeling good.

 Calvin is ready, ready to die at the speed of life.

(End of this chapter)

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