After wearing the book, I survived by dreaming

Chapter 224 Divine Analysis from Netizens

Chapter 224 Divine Analysis from Netizens
However, Fu Xiuyun's good mood did not last long.

Because he received a reply from netizens.

"Is it getting in the way of us knocking our CP? Sister Yao is worthy of anyone!"

"Sister Yao yyds! Sister Yao is versatile! Sister Yao is 11111!"

"If Sister Yao really likes Fu Xiuyun, why are you only making it public now?"

In less than 1 minute, three comments.

The more Fu Xiuyun watched, the more heartbroken he became.

What do you mean by "If Lu Yao really likes him, won't you just make it public now?"

Fu Xiuyun held back the discomfort in his heart, and replied a question mark to this netizen named [I'm just a flower].

This "I'm just a flower" netizen felt speechless when he received the reply.

She is not a pure Lu Yao fan, but just a rainbow girl.

I fell in love with Lu Yao because I was fascinated by Lu Yao's seductive and provocative eyes after watching the provocative dance in the talent show.

Later, I became obsessed with all kinds of knocking CP.

Lu Yao and other beautiful female stars.

[I'm just a flower] I've browsed almost all the CP superchats related to Lu Yao on the Internet.

What I love to watch most is the CP-directed videos of Sister Yao, who is so charming and invisible, and girls with different styles.

I watched the live broadcast today and saw the interaction between Lu Yao and Chu Xi.

Especially sister Yao's active interaction!
She felt her blood was burning again!
Immediately, with this energy, I went to work and made this video.

I wanted to have a chat with my fellow friends, but I didn't expect a strange thing to pop up in the comment area.

She actually commented on Lu Yao and Fu Xiuyun in her CP post?

What confusing behavior.

[I'm just a flower] This netizen was victimized by a scumbag in the past, and he has some male-hating emotions.

Although Fu Xiuyun has a good reputation on the Internet, he has always been the prince charming of many girls.

But [I'm just a flower] thinks, how can a smelly man have a beautiful sister?

She still prefers Lu Yao and plmm.

Suddenly, he saw someone talking about Lu Yao and Fu Xiuyun in his comment section.

She was still a little curious, so she clicked into this person's homepage to have a look.

Just made her laugh.

"This user registered 1 minute ago."

There is no avatar, and the username is a string of random numbers.

Isn't this a newly opened trumpet?

[I'm just a flower] I thought it was some stupid sunspot who came here to find a sense of existence, and wanted to bring rhythm.

So the tone of his speech was not good, and his reply was very rushed.

Didn't expect this person to answer her with a question mark?

Go to the question mark of the fucking fairy board.

So [I'm just a flower] passionately commented a lot, and pressed the enter button, which made me feel better physically and mentally.

Fu Xiuyun waited for 2 minutes before receiving the comment of [I'm just a flower].

very long.

takes up the entire screen.

It is roughly estimated that there will be a [-]-word essay anyway.

Fu Xiuyun read each word, and at the end, his face turned dark.

The whole person exudes a gloomy low air pressure.

The fingertips holding the phone turned white.

This "I'm just a flower" netizen typed out her analysis.

From Lu Yao's character, personal attitude towards others.

When Lu Yao and Fu Xiuyun came into contact, it was revealed for the first time that they walked together at the airport and did not respond.

From the interaction between the two on today's show, to Fu Xiuyun's various behavioral reactions.

The analysis is called a nuanced one.

Every detail was written very vividly by her, as if she was there and saw it with her own eyes.

If Fu Xiuyun didn't know his own thoughts, he would have believed it.

His eyes fell on the bottom paragraph of text.

[With Sister Yao's character, if she really liked Fu Xiuyun, she would definitely not keep it secret until now. 】

[Sister Yao will definitely make it public and say: Look, this is my man, and then pamper him and show off his love. 】

 First of all, I would like to thank all the little ones who voted today. I am too busy today. I plan to change the update time, such as updating every morning.

  So I will continue to code and earn money to finish coding tomorrow.Thank you later~
(End of this chapter)

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