After wearing the book, I survived by dreaming

Chapter 225 The Distressing Mr. Fu

Chapter 225 The Distressing Mr. Fu

[The program team asked this question, obviously with ill intentions.Normally the show would ask "what's your relationship?"

Don't they all default to boyfriend and girlfriend?What is the point of this question.

However, it was a pleasant surprise for the program crew to be able to reveal the hidden marriage of Yingdi Cai and his wife. (Digression.)
I suspect that the program team was bought by Fu Xiuyun.

This is definitely Fu Xiuyun's conspiracy.It is he who is forcing my sister Yao to disclose it.

I still say the same thing, if sister Yao is willing, it must be made public from the beginning.

Lu Yao is not the kind of person who will hide, there is nothing she dares to do, especially for love affairs. 】

The netizen's analysis was quickly ranked first.

Then it was seen by more and more people and forwarded comments.

Fu Xiuyun looked at this comment, but there was no movement for a long time.

But the storm in his eyes became more and more solid.

The whole body is filled with low air pressure.

Even the bright sunshine outside the window couldn't save the temperature of the living room.

Lu Yao had noticed it a long time ago, and stared at the man opposite.

However, Fu Xiuyun seemed to be immersed in his own world, motionless.

Fu Xiuyun's eyes fell on the phone without focusing, and he maintained that movement for a long time.

The old ancestor frowned.

It was obvious that he was in a bad mood, on the verge of breaking out.

At this moment, there was movement at the door of the villa.

A tall and chubby figure came in, and Lu Yao glanced over there.

It's Fu Yan.

Fu Yan should have had a good afternoon, with a smile on his face and a happy face.

Then he half-stepped into the hut, only to find that the atmosphere was not right.

Having lived with Fu Xiuyun since he was a child, he felt the familiar danger.

Fu Yan was a little stiff, and pulled Chu Xi who wanted to come in behind him, and quickly backed out.

He also kindly closed the door for them.

The whole process didn't take more than half a minute.

The movement at the door returned to calm, and Lu Yao put her eyes on Fu Xiuyun again.

But he found that Fu Xiuyun was also watching her.

The moment Lu Yao looked over, she quickly moved her eyes away.

There was a feeling of loneliness and sadness all over his body.

Although Fu Xiuyun moved quickly, whoever Lu Yao was, he still caught the emotion in the man's eyes.

That look, sad, sad.

Even with a bit of heartbreaking loneliness and depression.

My heart trembled when I saw Lu Yao directly.

The old ancestor was thinking all over his head, what's the matter?

Where did I provoke him?Why is it like this all of a sudden?

It was the first time Lu Yao saw Fu Xiuyun like this.

So fragile it hurts.

Lu Yao did what she said, and sat down next to Fu Xiuyun very neatly, next to him.

Both Fu Yan and Chu Xi came back, and it seemed that it was getting late.

It's time to start work later.

It's still necessary to understand what happened to Fu Xiuyun first.

Why do you look so pitiful again?

Thinking of Fu Xiuyun's staring at the phone just now, Lu Yao didn't hesitate.

Just wanted to get the phone over.

Unexpectedly, Fu Xiuyun's grip was quite tight, and Lu Yao failed to take the phone away the first time.

On the contrary, Fu Xiuyun raised his head, and a pair of calm, stagnant eyes met Lu Yao.

He didn't move, didn't blink.

He just silently increased his grip on the phone.

Lu Yao had no choice but to lower her tone.

"Can you let go of your hand?"

Lu Yao dares to bet that this is definitely the most gentle speech she has made recently.

However, the other party didn't appreciate it.

Instead, he gripped the phone even tighter.

 Today's update.

  I don’t know if anyone is depositing manuscripts. I hope that the sisters who deposit manuscripts will not come to see me o(╥﹏╥)o
(End of this chapter)

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