Chapter 229
Yu Zhan, who had watched Lu Yaosao's operation, couldn't help but swear.

The screen of the phone was already black. When he realized that he wanted to check the wind direction in the comment area again, he found that he could no longer enter Lu Yao's Weibo.

Yu Zhan didn't give up, and tried a few more times, and now it's all right, the phone is directly stuck!
This is the latest mobile phone he just changed!
Yu Zhan didn't know how to describe his mood at the moment.

According to his experience over the years, at this moment, the server must have been paralyzed again, right?

At this time, Yu Zhan heard a very familiar and cheerful voice.

"Ah ah ah ah ah ah ah!"

It's hard to restrain the excitement, the sound of being about to split, it sounds like Xiao Qiao's.

Yu Zhan knew Xiao Qiao's expression without thinking about it.

It is estimated that he has already taken off from his big boss CP.

Yu Zhan didn't know why, so he laughed.

Realizing what he was doing, Yu Zhan stopped the rippling smile for a second.

Of course, he and Xiao Qiao were not the only two who had such a big reaction.

At this moment, the Lu family, the Fu family's old house, and the dormitory of Mencius and Fan are all full of excitement.

Needless to say, the whole Lu family paid close attention to this love variety show that Lu Yao and Fu Xiuyun participated in together.

In order to see Lu Yao on time, she kept track of Lu Yao and Fu Xiuyun's every move.

The whole family almost gave up their various hobbies and sat in rows in the living room at five o'clock in the evening.

For example, Mother Lu stopped playing her cards.

Lu's father likes to work overtime the most and doesn't care about the money he earns.

In the past, Lu Qingyi, who often stayed in the hospital and didn't go home for a few weeks, was normal, so he put down his experiment.

Lu Ziyu, who likes to go to bars to relax with friends after work, also arrives home on time.

This group of people wanted to see the whole process of getting along with Lu Yao and Fu Xiuyun thoroughly, and watched the whole process.

Now the two went to a love variety show together. It was such a good opportunity, how could they miss it?
As for Mr. Fu who is still in the old house of the Fu family, he has almost the same mentality.

The old man lives alone in the old house, even if he is accompanied by Uncle Wang and others, he will inevitably feel lonely.

Now he can actually watch the love process between his useless Bingshan son and his favorite girl.

How could Mr. Fu miss it?
At that time, I have been watching in the live broadcast room since noon.

In the evening, I sat in front of the screen and waited after dinner.

Sitting next to Mr. Fu, Uncle Wang was also full of joy.

The young master he watched and grew up with is now married and has a girl he likes.

It's been a long time since I saw Mr. Fu so energetic. It's obvious that he is very happy today.

"Hey, this brat is really useless, he should be a daughter-in-law! I like Yaoyao's personality so much!"

Seeing Lu Yao's actions, Mr. Fu was obviously happier.

The relationship between his son and daughter-in-law has not been officially made public for a long time, and the old man is also anxious.

In his words, Lu Yao is so popular, so many people like her online, if Fu Xiuyun doesn't hurry up, his wife will be gone.

Now the daughter-in-law took the initiative to publicly admit her status as a worthless bastard.

Fu Song immediately burst into joy.

He kept praising Lu Yao to Uncle Wang, saying that he would prepare more gifts for Lu Yao.

"Hey! It's better to give Yaoyao more money, she must spend a lot of money to start a company."

After deliberation, the old man still thinks that giving money is the most practical.

As for Fu Yan and Chu Xi, who were on the same show, they almost had no sense of existence with the old man.

Seeing it is also emotional.

After all, from the beginning when Fu Yan and Chu Xi had some unclear signs, Mr. Fu had already got the news.

Chuxi's family background was completely dug out by Mr. Fu.

Mr. Fu really didn't like some things Chuxi did.

In the entertainment industry, it seems that there will be some of these things.Seeing that Fu Yan liked it, Mr. Fu didn't stop him any more.

Of course, this is mainly because what Chuxi did did not touch his bottom line.

If Chu Xi really had any principled problems, the old man would not let the two of them develop whatever they said.

As for Meng Zifan, a group of girls were sitting in a circle in the same dormitory.

Let's watch the former teammate and immediate boss fall in love together!
This is simply not too exciting, okay?
Especially when they saw Lu Yao's act of protecting her husband, they said it was too sweet!
This group of girls of the same age, who were lively and youthful, screamed more crazily than the fans.

To say that the only one who was unhappy among these people, and the one with the most gloomy atmosphere, was probably the third father and son of the Lu family.

Lu's mother is no different from sugar-eating fans and Mencius Fan.

Also holding the phone with excitement, commenting frantically.

As for the three men from the Lu family, their complexions were not much better.

Even Lu Qingyi, who has always been calm, had deep eyes at the moment.

Lu Ziyu moved impatiently.

Adjust the suit and pull the tie.Brush some more hair.

The whole person is like a child with ADHD, and his irritability and unhappiness are almost written on his face.

But after the previous few lessons, he didn't dare to attack again.

As for Father Lu, there was no expression on his face, and he couldn't see anything at all.

It's just that the hand hanging by the side has clenched into a fist.

It seemed that he could rush forward at any time, pull Fu Xiuyun out of the screen and beat him up.


Lu Yao didn't know, but posting a Weibo post triggered such a huge chemical reaction.

She had already put down her phone and continued to mess around.

Lu Yao acted as if nothing had happened, as if she really just checked the time and information on her phone.

Liang Jinghao's phone, who was sitting opposite her, vibrated after Lu Yao finished posting Weibo.

When Lu Yao raised her head and continued to string together, Liang Jing happened to take off her gloves and was about to look at her phone.

Fu Xiuyun's cell phone in his trouser pocket beside Lu Yao also vibrated.

It's just this subtle movement that only he noticed.

[If you don't even support the wall, you will obey Sister Yao!Quiet Mimi can still keep her expression on after finishing a big job. 】

[Let me go?Sister Yao, is this the end?Shouldn't you go to Mr. Fu to ask for credit at this time?Or report it? 】

[Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha the layout of the upstairs is too small! 】

[That is, how can you bring up such a thing on your own initiative.That can't wait for Mr. Fu to find out by himself. 】

[Then Fu Xiuyun found out that Sister Yao was so protective of him, and his heart was overwhelmed. The relationship between the two heated up, and they were inseparable...]

[Hahahahahahahaha, it's time to turn on the lights! 】

In addition to the netizens who started driving, many fans also noticed Liang Jinghao's movements.

[Hahahahahaha!Jing Haojie's mobile phone's Weibo notification tone.That should be the notification sound that the bloggers who follow have updated their news. 】

[Sister Yao is about to be discovered!Hahahahaha! 】

[Inexplicably looking forward to Miss Jing's actions! 】

[Want to know Miss Jing's reaction!Front row onlookers! 】

[My lord, I am ready to take screenshots and record broadcasts!At that time, I will go to her with Jinghao's reaction, hehehehe. 】

[Hahahahaha, Xiao Wang is too hurt!I learned!Get ready! 】

 Thanks to [Quiet] [Hua Jian] [Tang Xiaochen] [I am a monster and I will lose weight] for the recommendation tickets~

(End of this chapter)

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