After wearing the book, I survived by dreaming

Chapter 230 I'm All Jealous

Chapter 230 I'm All Jealous (1000 words)
Under the expectant eyes of all the netizens, Liang Jinghao suddenly covered her chest with one hand.

Her hair hangs down, blocking most of the line of sight, making it difficult to see her expression.

[Sister Jinghao, what's wrong, don't be too excited, she can't stand it! 】

[I am familiar with this action, I did it just now! 】

[Hahahahaha wait online for Miss Jing's response! 】

"Yaoyao~ Do you see if I still have a chance?"

Liang Jinghao suddenly raised her head with a sad expression.Looking at Lu Yao's expression is like looking at a heartless man.

Lu Yao's fingers trembled when Yaoyao elongated the sound, and stopped her movements.

As for why Liang Jinghao behaved like this, Lu Yao felt that she knew the reason.

No matter how stupid she was, she saw the page on Liang Jinghao's phone screen.

Isn't this a Weibo post by myself?

Lu Yao raised an eyebrow at Liang Jinghao: "Sister Jinghao thinks so, Yingdi Cai probably regrets not being stricter with me during training."

[Hahahahahaha I'm going to be dumbfounded by laughter.Cai Jisheng's face is black as hell! 】

[Cai Cai is instantly unhappy!It turns out that the rival in love is Lu Yao? 】

[xswl, Liang Jinghao actually wants to take Fu Xiuyun's place?She probably didn't see the staring eyes of two men, Fu Xiuyun and Cai Jisheng. 】

Cai Jisheng, who was cueed by Lu Yao, looked a little ugly at the moment, and the skewer in his hand was crumbled into pieces.

He was sitting next to Liang Jinghao, of course he saw Liang Jinghao's actions clearly, even Lu Yao's Weibo.

The man couldn't bear it right now, so he took off the disposable gloves and took two pictures of Liang Jinghao's hand.

When Cai Jisheng lowered his head and fiddled with his mobile phone, everyone vaguely guessed what he was going to do.

Sure enough, it didn't take long for Cai Ji's Weibo, which had grown grass, to update a post.

[Cai Jisheng v]: Married, this is my wife @岁月静好姐.

The accompanying picture is the newly released photo of the two holding hands and the photo of the red book.

[Wow!Sure enough, I guessed right, Actor Cai is too good at it! 】

[I crawled over from the live broadcast room, this is my sixth sense and Cai Cai's damn desire to win! 】

[Cai Cai is jealous?The object of jealousy is Lu Yao!Hahahahahaha! 】

[I'm dying of laughter, the majestic film king is actually jealous of a girl! 】

Netizens, who had expected it early in the morning, took over Cai Jisheng's Weibo one after another.

Until someone clicked on Liang Jinghao's Weibo homepage.

Lu Yao of Yishui liked and reposted super words, and the only attention was Lu Yao.

Immediately, the netizens burst into laughter, and they all felt that Cai Jisheng's jealousy was not unreasonable.

[Hahahahahaha, I just clicked into Liang Jinghao's homepage, I laughed so hard, 328 Weibo posts are all from Lu Yao. 】

【This can't be blamed, no wonder we, Cai Cai, want to be jealous of Lu Yao. 】

[Only I want to know why Cai Yingdi didn't pay attention to Liang Jinghao, but he was able to @她 so quickly?Is this true love? 】

After posting on Weibo, Cai Jisheng became angry again when he saw the netizens' comments, and dragged Liang Jinghao to the grill.

Stay away from Lu Yao, out of sight and out of mind.

As for He Jiang and Jiang Zhe, they stopped working as light bulbs a long time ago, and they also disappeared.

In fact, Jiang Zhe was jealous.

Seeing that other people have red books that can be shown off, but I don't, the little wolf dog is not happy.

He Jiang took people to the corner after this, so he had a good meal to comfort him.

She hasn't planned to get married so soon, she has to observe and observe.

The remaining two, Lu Yao and Fu Xiuyun, sat at the table, the lights were dim, and they were both very quiet. The atmosphere was good.

[Here it comes, the part I want to see is here! 】

Some netizens are already impatient.

 Thanks to [Ah] [Listen to the end of summer] [Orange cat wants to play Yao again] [Cihai's Agate] [Tang Xiaochen] for the recommended tickets~

(End of this chapter)

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