After wearing the book, I survived by dreaming

Chapter 244 Fu Xiuyun's Abdominal Muscles

Chapter 244 Fu Xiuyun's Abdominal Muscles
[It's great, I can watch the show with Sister Yao, round up, I'm already in bed with Sister Yao! 】

[Aww!look forward to! 】

[hhhhhhh I want to know what kind of private messages the sisters have sent us Yaoyao?I seemed to see the helplessness on Sister Yao's face. 】

[Quick start, quick start! 】

The fans were very excited, waiting for Lu Yao to press the mouse to watch the show together.

However, Lu Yao didn't start right away, she froze her head with great interest, and flicked the screen with her hands.

"Don't worry, everyone, wait a little longer."

Lu Yao raised her eyes and faced the camera, calming everyone down in a very ordinary way.

Obviously there was no other move, let alone a deliberate wink, but it hit the hearts of the fans again.

【Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!Sister Yao!This look is amazing!I'm going to drown! 】

[Call 120 quickly, I can't stand the look in my wife's eyes! 】

【Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh! 】

Some fans have already gone crazy because of Lu Yao's most natural eyes.

Calling his wife for a while and husband for a while, directly stunned Lu Yao.

At this time, the door was suddenly opened, and after a few footsteps, a figure appeared in front of the camera.

The person who came was wearing a blue shirt with slender fingers, holding a fruit plate in one hand and a glass of milk in the other.

"Have you started the live broadcast? The milk is warm, remember to drink it first."

"I tasted the grapes today, they are sweet, you can eat them with confidence."

Fu Xiuyun glanced at the equipment in front of Lu Yao, and knew that she had already started the live broadcast, so she didn't plan to wait any longer.

His voice was gentle and low, full of pampering.

Putting down the things and tidying up the somewhat messy desktop for Lu Yao, she turned around and prepared to leave.

Lu Yao was very satisfied with Fu Xiuyun's way.

"Do you want to stay and watch the show together?"

The old ancestor's legs couldn't be idle, and his legs were already raised.

Seeing that Fu Xiuyun was about to go away, she leaned back slightly and grabbed the edge of his shirt.

Maybe it was a coincidence, or maybe it was God's will.

The hem of Fu Xiuyun's shirt was lifted by Lu Yao, and the netizens in front of the screen only had time to see a touch of white.

And those defined abs.

Although it's just a flash.

And Lu Yao's hand had already moved up two points, gently pressing on the man's abdominal muscles.

No matter how you touch it, you can't touch it enough.

The ancestor's hands were very white and slender, especially against the navy blue shirt fabric, those hands seemed to be shining white.

Therefore, Lu Yao's movements were very clear, through the camera, they caught the eyes of everyone in the live broadcast room.

The barrage in the live broadcast room was crazy, and everyone held their breath watching the provocative scene in front of them.

I have to say, the visual impact of this picture!

Really tough!
How many people couldn't help swallowing.

And how many people couldn't help their hearts pounding.


In the end, Fu Xiuyun was the first to regain his sanity.

He supported Lu Yao with one hand to prevent her from moving too much and not standing still.

With the other hand, he wanted to grab the woman's messy hand around his waist, but finally took it back.

"Look first, the coke chicken wings in the pot are still cooking, and your popcorn."

"Let go, everyone is still watching, I want to touch it all night and let you touch it enough."

Even though Fu Xiuyun's voice became lower and lower, the audience in the live broadcast room could still hear him clearly.

Lu Yao was speechless, this man is becoming more and more shameless now.

What is he thinking in his heart, can he still not know?

"Okay, you go to the kitchen, the pot is about to explode."

Lu Yao rolled her eyes where no one could see, full of perfunctory.

When she retracted her hand, she secretly poked Fu Xiuyun's abdominal muscles.

Not bad.

It's quite elastic.

Then the sound of slippers falling on the wooden floor disappeared, and Lu Yao sat back at the table again.

As expected, Lu Yao's face re-entered the screen, and what met her was a "Ahhhhhhh!"

[Help, Fu Xiuyun, what kind of wolf-hug words are that?What is "touch as you like at night?"】

[It's a pity, I couldn't see the faces and expressions of Fu Xiuyun and Sister Yao just now!Only the waist and hands can be seen! 】

[Help, I suddenly think like a fountain!Are you still not satisfied after seeing President Fu's abdominal muscles and Sister Yao's hands? 】

[I've already figured out a [-]-word drama! 】

【I can not make it!Fu Xiuyun is too spoiled! 24 What a man! 】

[No, it's fruit plate and milk.The compote was cut and the milk was warm! 】

【Woooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo L L L L l L L L , and popcorn in the pot!what!I want to wear Lu Yao's soul! 】

[Help, my mind is full of Sister Yao's white glowing hands on Mr. Fu's waist...]

[Although it was just a glimpse, Fu Xiuyun's abdominal muscles made me linger, and he slipped across the table! 】

[Sister Yao is too stingy, she pulled Mr. Fu's clothes in the next second!Obviously they treat us as outsiders! 】

[Woooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo So sad!No screenshots!When he realized it, Boss Fu's abdominal muscles were completely blocked! 】

Lu Yao was overjoyed to read the comments, so she randomly picked up a piece of grape and put it in her mouth.

Well, it's not really sour, it's very sweet.

"Ahem, everyone, get ready, let's get to the point and get ready to watch the film."

Lu Yao's opening almost made the netizens laugh to death.

[Pfft, I laughed so hard!What do you mean by "Get ready, watch a movie together?" Sounds weird! 】

[Ha ha ha ha ha ha I understand!In other words, we don't need to prepare, people who don't have a boyfriend can go directly.

There is no such thing as fruit plate drinks. 】

[Tsk, I'm so envious, it's different to have a husband.Whoooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo!Suddenly want to get married! 】

[Let's get started, I'm really curious about the content of this episode!Let everyone talk about it for a few days. 】

[hhhhhhhh Watching Lu Yao and Fu Xiuyun dating together with Sister Yao?Stimulate! 】

"I heard that this episode of the show is quite interesting, and several of our guests are also waiting for the replay."

"Mainly, I still want to see how the other three couples meet their parents. It seems that everyone's comment area is very lively."

Lu Yao chatted with fans while eating, and finally clicked the button to start the show.

"Hey, the program team worked really hard this time, the title is pretty good."

"I even made the beginning of the animation myself."

Lu Yao didn't know why, but suddenly started chatting.

At the beginning of the show, one screen was divided into four parts, and the scene of four pairs of guests starting off was played at the same time.

There is also a small animation of the program group's own characteristics in the middle.

Anyway, this clip is very careful.

A mouse arrow appears and the small screen in the upper left corner is enlarged.

It was a picture of He Jiang and Jiang Zhe, who were on their way to He Jiang's house at the moment.

"Sister He can't lose the noodles, she has to be the first one."

These words come from the mouth of an old ancestor who has just finished a sip of milk and still has milk stains around his lips.

 Happy Mid-Autumn Festival~~

  Let's watch the moon~

(End of this chapter)

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