After wearing the book, I survived by dreaming

Chapter 245 Lu Yao Swallows CP Online

Chapter 245 Lu Yao Swallows CP Online
Lu Yao, with a white ring of milk on her mouth, is so cute.

Especially the words she said are cute and lovely.

Fu Xiuyun, who was shredding green onions in the kitchen, paused with his hands, and a nice curve was drawn around his mouth.

The man's fingers brushed against the apron around his waist, with natural movements, he took a mobile phone and took a screenshot.

All in one go.

The live broadcast of Lu Yao in the room was still playing on the screen.

The blue flame on the stove, the Coke chicken wings in the pot have turned caramel color, bubbling and bubbling.


[Sister Yao is so cute, she is right in everything she says! 】

【Wooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooows this has been so cute, the last time, it was Sister Yao's little tricks on the group night...]

[I don't believe it, I'm the only one who took the screenshot. 】

[A group of idiots have arrived at the scene. 】

【Hahahahaha The group of He Jiang and Jiang Zhe is really exciting.From the very beginning, I felt that the combination of these two people was very special. 】

[I don't know whose house these two returned to. 】

"I'm cute? Your boss Fu may be a little cuter."

Lu Yao changed into a comfortable position and lay paralyzed, expressing dissatisfaction with everyone's comments that she was cute.

Obviously Fu Xiuyun is that cutie, she?How can the word cute be associated with the ancestors?

The Love Observation Diary is still playing. In the show, He Jiang is held in Jiang Zhe's arms.

"Will Jiang Jiang sleep again?"

"I didn't go to bed early last night, put on the blindfold and sleep here."

Jiang Zhe in the show patted himself on the shoulder, and put He Jiang's head in his arms without waiting for He Jiang's reaction.

It's really domineering.

But everyone didn't think there was something wrong with Jiang Zhe after reading it, and instead, they were teased by him.

The barrage was calling Jiang Zhe too good at it.

Jiang Zhe put on a blackout mask on He Jiang very thoughtfully, and took out a small blanket from the bag he carried with him to cover He Jiang.

Although his inquiry was just for fun, he didn't get He Jiang's answer and began to arrange the next things in an orderly manner.

But it is not difficult to see that He Jiang is satisfied.

Isn't this nestled on Jiang Zhe's shoulder obediently, it looks like a cute little one.

She didn't have the slightest bit of energy to kill people in the entertainment circle.

In the later stage, sweet special effects were specially added, a love heart was magnified on the hands of the two.

The atmosphere is just right.

From time to time, a few barrages of praise for the sweet relationship between the two floated across the screen.

Lu Yao also hooked her lips, with a relaxed expression on her face and a contented smile.

[Sister Yao is being moved by other people's sweet love, is she intoxicated? 】

[Hahahahaha, sister Yao is still secretly envious? 】

[It's too sweet, He Jiang and Jiang Zhe are so sweet, and Yaoyao's smile is so sweet. 】

[The sweetness is beyond the standard, and I am looking forward to the scenes of Lu Yao and Fu Xiuyun more and more. 】

Lu Yao only glanced at the barrage occasionally, and didn't comment on the fans' comments.

Concentrate on the show.

Well, maybe because of being taken by Liang Jinghao, she also fell in love with CP.

It's really interesting to watch other people fall in love.

It turns out that this is the feeling of knocking sugar.

The old ancestor remained calm, trying not to show his rampant expression.

Said Cao Cao Cao Cao arrived, Lu Yao was just thinking about Liang Jinghao, when the program changed, it jumped directly to the scene of Liang Jinghao and Cai Jisheng.

Also in the car, the low-key and luxurious black Lincoln, Liang Jinghao and Cai Jisheng did not sit together.

Cai Jisheng sat alone in the front co-pilot, pinching the space between his brows with some headaches at the moment.

And Liang Jinghao, who was sitting in the back, was lying on the back row with headphones on and a tablet in his hands.

The lens editing of the program group is very interesting. It is undeniable that the editor's skills are very good.

The first scene allows everyone to take a panoramic view of Cai Jisheng's expression, and wonder why the actor Cai has such a headache.

Then the camera switched, zoomed in and out, and was directly fixed on Liang Jinghao's tablet.

It aroused the curiosity of all the netizens in the live broadcast room.

This look!Oh, it's actually Lu Yao and Fu Xiuyun's live broadcast room!


[I was watching Liang Jing on TV in Lu Yao's live broadcast room. How about watching Lu Yao live? 】

[It's over, the matryoshka is getting more and more powerful!Hahahahaha!I have to say, Sister Jinghao is amazing! 】

[Hahahahahaha my Yao's little expression!Obviously did not guess! 】

【Yaoyao unconsciously put down the pear that was near her mouth, and sat up straight. 】

[Sister Yao probably couldn't have imagined that Sister Jinghao is so dedicated that she is going to her in-law's house, and she is still watching the idol's live broadcast. 】

[Ha ha ha ha ha ha, good sister Jing really has a bit of sister Yao's demeanor, occupying the entire back row by herself. 】

[Cai Jisheng in the co-pilot is so pitiful hahahaha!I'm dying laughing! 】

Lu Yao really didn't expect Liang Jinghao to be able to do this.

There is no one who can continue to watch her live broadcast at this time.

"Miss Jinghao is indeed very powerful."

Lu Yao looked at the bullet screen in her live broadcast room, and just said this.

【Yaoyao!No no no you listen to me explain, this is really not the case!my image! 】

[The program group returned my image!Obviously Cai Jisheng did it himself!So angry! 】

[Yaoyao, you have to believe me, your good sister Jing is really a very gentle and virtuous girl. 】


Lu Yao couldn't hold it back, she was amused watching Liang Jinghao who sent three messages in a row in the live broadcast room.

Already a familiar id: Sister Sui Yue Jing.

One could tell that it was Liang Jing who was ready, but her appearance at this time was extraordinarily suspicious.

"Miss Jinghao has been diving all the time, right?"

Lu Yao asked everyone's aspirations.

Ever since Liang Jinghao suddenly appeared and sent these three messages, the fans in Lu Yao's live broadcast immediately exploded.

[Sister Jinghao is getting more and more like a dog, and she actually hides in the live broadcast room and dives!Wasn't it blown out! 】

【Hahahahahahahahaha, good sister Jing was brought under by Emperor Cai, she didn't even froze when she came! 】

[Jing, dear sister!The family status is as solid as a mountain! 】

[Sister Jing, come and share your experience!How can we win the big actor? 】

Facing everyone's first question, Liang Jinghao dived again.

Liang Jinghao who was far away in the villa glared at Cai Jisheng beside him, it was all caused by this person!

The culprit is him!
However, the program group edited it like this, which was obviously misleading, and people thought it was something wrong with him!
"Okay, don't be angry, just keep watching."

"Isn't the show crew publicly executing me, the culprit?"

Cai Jisheng's peach blossom eyes narrowed slightly, and he was ready to discharge his discharge towards Liang Jing.

Humph.Liang Jinghao didn't want to pay attention to her, but couldn't help picking up her phone and continuing to watch the live broadcast.

Cai Jisheng didn't lie to her. At this moment, the barrage in the live broadcast room has changed direction again.

The reason was the editing of the program group. What was shown on the screen at the moment was the scene where Cai Jisheng made a mistake and angered Liang Jinghao.

That's why Cai Jisheng sat alone in the co-pilot.

 Thanks to 【ww.】cute for a monthly ticket

  Thank you [Zanwang] for the 100 book coins rewarded by the cutie.

  Thank you all for your votes~
  Happy Mid-Autumn Festival~

(End of this chapter)

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