Chapter 252 Lu Yao Was Rumored
[!I go!real or fake?Lu Yao was approached by the police? 】

[There are pictures and truth!This background, this house!Isn't this the Lu family's house during the live broadcast? 】

[My giao?what's the situation? How did jc find the Lu family?Are you looking for Lu Yao?Are you sure? 】

[Eat melons in the front row, wait for the latest news! 】

[Everyone don't believe in rumors and don't spread rumors, hold on tight!Believe in our sister Yao!Keep calm until there is no official news! 】

[Powders, hold on tight!Don't be tough with passers-by, let's wait quietly for sister Yao's notice!It's best not to read the comments and keep yourself in a good mood! 】

【Trust sister Yao!support! 】

[Everyone eat melons rationally!Don't spread rumors casually! 】

In the evening, Lu Yao was once again brought into the limelight because of a candid video of paparazzi in the entertainment industry.

This time, because of the so-called "there are pictures and the truth", coupled with the various guidance of the marketing account, there was a lot of scolding of Lu Yao on the Internet.

There are constant passers-by who are amazed, strange, and curious, and pay attention to it.

Then you will receive all kinds of rumors, netizens have different opinions, and they have everything.

[Laughing to death, I just said that Lu Yao is not a good bird.Ever since she was about to make her debut, she has often been seen on the Internet, and she is so annoying. 】

[Isn't it? It's annoying to be on hot searches every day.I don't have any works, I haven't released any songs, and I have no achievements. I pop out every day to find a sense of existence. 】

[Laughing to death, this is the power of capital! 】

[Hey, I've been checked by the superiors this time, I guess the Lu family is not clean, so it's probably going to be over together now. 】

[Hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha for a long time, can she do whatever she wants with money? 】

[It's really too rampant, it's okay now, it's probably so rampant that even the official can't stand it, and there will be no such cancer in the entertainment industry in the future. 】

【congratulations! 】

The most outrageous thing is a video of only ten seconds.

Two uniformed police officers got out of the car, knocked on the door, and entered the process.

Netizens have directly made the arrangement of the Lu family clear, and they even "know and see" clearly what happened to them.

【Let me tell you, according to the little girl of my neighbor’s eldest cousin’s second uncle’s grandfather’s family.

The Lu family's business was not clean, they owed wages and owed billions to the bank.In addition, their daughter was too rampant, no, she was sued by the bank, and this time she came to investigate. 】

[This is not right, my boss's son works in the police station, and it is obvious that someone in their family is involved in gray transactions.Do you understand what I mean...]

【Mom, it's scary, just like that, Lu Yao still dares to make such a big noise, it's a sports car and a diamond. 】

[Laughing to death, it is outrageous to give back hundreds of millions to users.

Which businessman would trade at a loss?So Lu Yao's brainless fans will believe it, right? 】

[Hahahahaha, Lu Yao's rumors were so loud before, and she is now in such a mess. 】

[Laughing to death, fans are still bragging about it every day. 】

[It is estimated that the whole family really wants to have a national meal now. 】

The drug powders are going crazy looking at these comments.

However, there was no movement from Lu Yao at this moment, so they had no choice but to not respond or make a sound.

What they can do now is not to cause trouble for Lu Yao.

Anyway, their fans knew that it was absolutely impossible for Lu Yao to do such a thing.

They always believed in her, that was their light.


"I'm so mad! Really, this group of people on the Internet is really outrageous."

"It's a pity not to write a novel with such a big brain in such a video! Yu Zhan! Take a look!"

Xiao Qiao was running around in a hurry, like ants frying in a hot pan, and her little leather shoes rattled on the floor.

Yu Zhan was worried that his solid wood floor would be trampled into a skeleton by this woman.

"Grandma, don't turn around, it makes me have a headache."

Yu Zhan closed his eyes a little irritably, and pressed his right hand between his eyebrows.

"You sister Yao can't be contacted right now? Don't worry. When did you meet the boss and suffer?"

Yu Zhan was also very helpless at the moment, and he also read the comments on the Internet.

That is called a miasma, a school of nonsense.

He saw that this group of people was really too idle, and each of them had a very big brain hole.

It's really just like Xiao Qiao said, it's a pity not to write novels.

Yu Zhan was also in a hurry.

But at this time, Lu Yao couldn't get in touch again.

Calls were made and no one answered, and messages were not returned.

Without Lu Yao's instructions, he wouldn't dare to act rashly.

"Ah! I'm sick of it! See if I don't approve ten vests and spray them all to death."

Seeing the increasingly outrageous comments, Xiao Qiao really couldn't bear it anymore, so she directly changed her account to line up with them.

Originally, she had been calming the fans in the fan group, telling everyone to keep silent, just trust Lu Yao.

Now that these people were full of obscenities and even began to greet Lu Yao's family, Qiao Xuan couldn't help it.

How can you bear it!
Don't scold them to death, her surname is not Joe.

Smelly mouth netizen No. [-]: [The Lu family is estimated to be dead, and I don't know if his parents will regret having such an unworthy descendant as Lu Yao. 】

Xiao Qiao replied: [My sister Yao is beautiful and loved by others, the Lu family will definitely not have a successor, and the family will be fine.

On the contrary, your parents probably regret having such a human-looking dog. 】

Smelly mouth netizen No. [-]: [Don't worry, one peanut per person, I think they are wasting public resources. 】

Xiao Qiao replied: [This netizen seems to really want one, but unfortunately, people like you don't even deserve peanuts. 】

Smelly mouth netizen No. [-]: [Lu Yao****, she looks pretty good, don't let it go to waste, **Give it to me**]

Because the person's words were too vulgar, in Xiao Qiao's eyes, it had become a mosaic of asterisks.

Xiao Qiao didn't even bother to reply to this person, so she took a screenshot to report and blackmailed him.

By the way, leave this person's id, and wait for sister Yao to make a move, and send him to be reformed directly.

Xiao Qiao became more and more angry, and became more and more angry.

She is not fighting alone, as soon as she found out that Xiao Qiao started to reply to these foul-mouthed netizens.

A large number of powders were dispatched one after another.

Go fuck it, I can't bear it anymore.

A group of people mighty, and almost every fierce negative comment has the footprint of their powder.

However, the medicine fans reached a consensus in advance, and did not use dirty words when swearing, and these idiots were speechless, and every sentence stabbed people's lives.

Liu Suyu, the head of black fans, was also one of the people who rushed to the forefront, her fingers were frantically typing on the keyboard.

Almost all that was left was an afterimage.

Liu Suyu's accumulated vocabulary over the years played a huge role at this moment.

She even gave the group of friends a mocking template while hating people.

The quotations in response to each other inspired the morale of the army even more.

Let the medicine powder army be more brave and good at fighting, and they just killed a bloody road amidst the abuse.


There is medicine powder sighing.

 Thank you so much for the little cuties who have always supported me!Thank you everyone for accompanying me until now~Thank you.

(End of this chapter)

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