Chapter 253 She fainted again
Have been cool to.

Sure enough, swallowing their anger is not their style.

For this kind of fish in troubled waters, take advantage of the fact that Lu Yao is attacked by a group of netizens at the moment, and she is the one who vents her emotions among them.

Fans really can't stand it.

This kind of person is no longer simply discussing the matter as it stands, but is simply too unhappy in real life, so he is looking for a sense of presence on the Internet.

[It's really a QR code, you don't even know what you are unless you scan it. 】

[The rectum leads to the brain, lose weight and reduce the brain, it’s about you. 】

[God should have favored you very much. After all, when she sprinkled wisdom, she specially held an umbrella for you.Oh, I'm afraid you won't understand me. 】

【You are too human.admire. 】

[It’s really the green grass beside the ancient road outside the long pavilion, and there is no 'Bilian' [laughing]]

The medicine powders are full of fighting power, and they talk one after another, which directly stumps the opponent.

It takes a few seconds to think about what it means when you get a reply.

The main reason is that the snarky quotes given by Liu Suyu are so easy to use.

That was like adding wings to a tiger, and the fighting power of the medicine powders rose.

The ordinary onlookers who eat melons are dumbfounded.

[Ah, ah, ah, are all Lu Yao fans so talented?Swearing does not include a single dirty word. 】

[I thought about it for a long time, only to realize that this is all scolding hahahahaha.talent. 】

[Favorite, these words can be kept, I will use them when I want to swear in the future. 】

[Hahahahaha, grab the bamboo shoots, I learned it. 】

However, within a few minutes of chatting, the entire Weibo collapsed.

All the posts about Lu Yao couldn't be refreshed, it showed that they were loading.

That gray loading circle keeps spinning and spinning, and it just doesn't show up.

Some netizens found that other content can be opened, but once it involves Lu Yao, a loading circle will appear.

This is a bit mysterious.

[Could it be that the capital is gone? 】

[For example, Fu Xiuyun to help?Strength to protect his wife? 】

[Shhhhhh, be careful to be blocked. 】


[What about the sisters?Why can't it open all of a sudden? 】

[I can't find the organization, family members! 】

[Eating melons, the melon fields are gone? 】

Because the homepage, or the entire network, posts about Lu Yao couldn't be opened, including those positive ones.

As long as it is about Lu Yao, everything is loading.

This caused netizens to scurry in various comment areas.

Look around for organizations.

So you can see a rare picture, because everyone is afraid of being banned, and they speak more reservedly.

They even used abbreviations and code words that ordinary people can't understand, such as "the inner one is the inner one".

As a result, the post comment area on the homepage is all the same as the code of the mysterious organization.

Not on one channel at all.


And now in Lu Yao's fan group.

A group of fans who hadn't escaped from the state of hating people looked at each other in blank dismay.

【what's going on?I've only been halfway through the deduction, why did it suddenly load? 】

[That is, what happened?I clicked send, but the whole page was blank in the next second.I thought it was me who posted it, so what was the violation? 】

[Hahahahaha, I am full of energy now, and I feel that I can still fight for 800 rounds. 】

[It seems that the posts about our sister Yao can't be opened. 】

[It's not really Boss Fu who came out, right? 】

[It's exciting to think about it, Mr. Fu is strong enough to protect his wife! 】

【Wooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooeses. 】

[This doesn't explain anything, does it mean that the police must have committed a crime when they came to the door?Anyway, I don't believe it, I always believe in our sister Yao! 】

[Me too, me too! 】

[The Internet is really not a place outside the law, those bad-mouthed guys really don't deserve to be human! 】

[I hope that the authorities can give our sister Yao a clean slate as soon as possible. 】

[Sister Jing is here today, is there any news?I'm so worried about Yaoyao. 】

[Didn't you see Miss Jing?It is estimated that sister Jinghao is also very angry now. 】

【woo woo woo woo!so sad!Our sister Yao would not do what they said! 】

[Don't talk about it, I can still go up there for three days and three nights, Mr. Fu's speed is too fast!Haven't enjoyed it yet! 】

[giao!The counterattack strategy of the black fans is awesome!Absolute son!Mom no longer has to worry that I won't swear! 】

[Ha ha ha ha ha ha, listening to the words of the black fan head sisters is better than reading ten years of books! 】
Lu Yao was really touched when she saw these comments.

But it looks like everyone is not having fun, and they can rush forward to chat with those netizens and keep fighting each other.

Lu Yao found it funny again.

Fragments of light shone brightly in Lu Yao's eyes.

It feels so good to be trusted unconditionally.

It's like you are walking on a dark road alone, and your heart has long been cold.

But one day you look back.

Only to find that you are no longer alone, there are countless stars shining around you, illuminating this darkness.

The hard heart of the ancestor seemed to be penetrated by a ray of light, and countless warmth came.

This feeling was indescribably intoxicating and enjoyable for her.


There is a reason why Lu Yao didn't respond to this matter immediately.

Yes, she passed out again and again and again.

This time, it still came so suddenly.

It made it too late for Lu Yao to react.

He fell down on the carpet in a daze.

Fortunately, the floor of the Lu family's living room was covered with a thick layer of soft and fluffy blankets.

Let Lu Yao fall down without any bumps, even before the blur, the ancestor still thought: the carpet is so soft.

For Lu Yao's fainting, Fu Xiuyun who was sitting on the sofa and working was the first to notice it.

He hurriedly interrupted the live broadcast meeting to check on Lu Yao's situation.

Because of the previous experience, Fu Xiuyun was not so nervous this time.

He first carried the person from the carpet back to the room, laid it flat, and covered him with a quilt thoughtfully.

Then Fu Xiuyun consciously offered her hand and clasped his fingers together.

He gave his own lips again, and the two lips touched each other.

Mr. Fu's business ability is also very proficient.

After doing all this, Fu Xiuyun's heart was more than half relieved.

His subconscious mind told him that Lu Yao would be fine.

Fu Xiuyun only felt that his eyelids were getting weaker and weaker, and he was gradually unable to open his eyes.

Consciousness begins to blur.

Finally fell into a dream.

When Fu Xiuyun seemed to be conscious again, he opened his eyes, and what he saw was a blur of red.

The tip of the nose can also smell a touch of plum fragrance.

Very familiar, as if I smell it often.

This smell has made him feel at ease naturally.

The scene in front of Fu Xiuyun's eyes was already clear.

That fuzzy red just now is a plum tree.

Only a few sporadic red plums are blooming at this moment.

There is also a thin layer of pure white snow on the branches.

As for Fu Xiuyun's red eyes just now.It's because he got too close.

And the petal face sticks to the face.

(End of this chapter)

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