After wearing the book, I survived by dreaming

Chapter 261 She Has a Mother Fan

Chapter 261 She Has a Mother Fan

As the night passed, it was still Mi Le who dominated the headlines on Weibo.

The popularity of her Weibo post about giving away a sea view villa by lottery continued to rise, and Mi Le became a big v with millions of followers overnight.

For this news, some people are happy and some are worried.

Countless celebrities and entertainers held their mobile phones, their teeth itching with hatred.

At first, I thought that without Lu Yao competing with them, I would be more or less popular.

Promote the dramas and programs that have been delayed before.

Unexpectedly, on such a night, he popped up and had never heard of Mi Le, and he said that he would draw a lottery to give away a mansion.

It directly disrupted their original plan, and they could have spent money to buy the No. [-] hot search and promote themselves.

No matter how much money is spent now, it can't compare to the popularity of the number one traffic.

This is simply outrageous.

Strange things happen every year, especially this year.

One or two, why is it like having too much money and no place to spend it?
Isn't this one giving a luxury car, a diamond ring, or that one giving a sea view room or a big villa?

Why can't you be a star now that you don't have any family background?

A group of celebrities could only grit their teeth secretly.

There is no way, they don't have the courage of others, and they will find a set of sea view rooms in Beijing as soon as they exit.

However, I never expected that Lu Yao would give some attention and comments to Mi Le, who suddenly popped out and made a big deal?
Could it be that these two knew each other?
Mi Le is also a rich lady in Lu Yao's circle?Come to the entertainment industry to experience life?

But it doesn't look like it!Didn't you see that Mi Le's disdain for Lu Yao?
Moreover, Lu Yao has followed and commented on it, and until now this Mi Le has not checked back, even replied.

Obviously, he has been active in the comment circle, and he often responds to other comments, so it's impossible that he didn't see Lu Yao's comments.

Thinking about it this way, everyone has a taste.

This made Lu Yao's actions even more confusing.

Lu Yao's mind is actually very simple, it is a fool not to take advantage of it.

Bai got a sea view room.

What a wonderful thing.

What's more, with the luck of the ancestors, if it is operated normally, it is really safe for this sea view house to fall into her hands.

But Lu Yao didn't say that nonsense.

She just posted a notice in her employee group, asking everyone to pay attention to Mi Le and participate in the lucky draw.

Whether it was Chestnut Entertainment or the employees of Lu Group and Fu Group, they all received this news one after another.

A group of two monks were at a loss.

Why pay attention to someone who has never heard of it?
A lottery to get a sea view room?

This kind of marketing method, the method of gaining attention, which of these people who work in Fu's and Lu's can't see it?

How is it possible to really get a sea view room? The gift is also a default.

I really don't understand why Lu Yao made them pay attention.It's impossible for the eldest lady to still believe this, right?
But it's not a big deal, just move your fingers.

Seeing that his own president obediently obeyed, it was fine for them to do the same.

Therefore, many of Mi Le's million fans were contributed by Lu Yao.

This is somewhat funny.

Especially when Lu Yao started a live broadcast after being idle for two days.

Hearing Mi Le was mentioned by a fan, he asked everyone to pay attention to Mi Le with a serious face.

【Sister, are you kidding me?People obviously copied Sister Yao everywhere, but now Sister Yao, you actually asked me to pay attention to her? 】

[What the hell, Yaoyao, come and let me see your little brain?Shake it, see if you can hear the sound of water? 】

[Yaoyao, we are sick to say, we can't hold back, or we will become more and more stupid! 】

[Sister Yao!Are you still asleep?They are competing with you for the market!Don't do this! 】

Because the fans were already familiar with Lu Yao, and they spoke more directly, they joked one after another.

As mother fans who have seen all kinds of stupid things about their daughter geese.

And finally the chance arose.

Start to analyze it for Lu Yao.

[Yaoyao cub, listen to my mother's persuasion, this woman really has bad intentions!Don't be fooled by her! 】

【Yao Yao!Your first endorsement was Tomorrow's perfume, look at the Weibo posted this morning, it's also a perfume endorsement? 】

[And the copy of the lottery draw, doesn't it resemble your speaking style?The style of her live broadcast room is also like yours! 】

[We are drawing the lottery on 10.1, and she will release a song on 9.30 to draw the lottery!Isn't this clearly bullying us? 】

[Cubs!You must be obedient!But don't be a fool at a time like this!As for the online saying that you are friends, mom doesn't believe it! 】

【How could Yaoyao have such a friend! 】

Lu Yao narrowed her eyes, her face was a little weird.

"Mom? Cub?"

There was confusion in her eyes, these four words seemed to burn her mouth, and it was extremely difficult for Lu Yao to say them.

The weather turned cold, today Lu Yao wore an off-white round neck sweater, which made her look cute.

When these words came out, everyone in the live broadcast room laughed out loud.

How could Lu Yao be so cute?

Laughed them to death.

I haven't seen such a cute and soft sister Yao for a while.

Looking at the laughter on the bullet screen, the ancestor really has a black question mark face.

"Don't laugh, when did I have a mother fan? Why didn't I know?"

Lu Yao frowned in confusion, with a puzzled and shocked expression on her face.

This is a good question.

The barrage paused for a while again, and those ids who were screaming mother fans just now seemed to disappear in an instant.

"How did those IDs dive right now? Come out, I've memorized your IDs."

Lu Yao's face moved a little closer, and she was about to swipe up to comment.

[No, no, no, Yaoyao, we are very obedient, we usually only dive, not bubbling! 】

【Ahhhhhhhhhh Yaoyao!Zai Zai, please don't deprive us of the last happiness of our mother fans! 】

[Woooooooooo Yaoyao, we are really good.The enclosure is cute. 】

[Hahahahahaha, my mother is so humble. 】

[Laughed and pulled the family members, this is the group of mysterious fans who like diving in the group!Today finally unveiled the mystery: they are mom fans! 】

[I really can't think of it!My elder sister Yao actually has a mother fan!Hahahahaha! 】

Lu Yao couldn't help but touch her forehead, and didn't know what to do with this group of mother fans.

She coughed lightly and silently skipped the topic.

【what!Are sister Yao's ears a little red? 】

[Is sister Yao shy? 】

[Wuhu!The roots of Yaoyao's ears are really red. 】

[Although there is only a little bit of goose goose goose goose! 】

Of course, these were not posted in the barrage, but in their fan group.

After all, if she said that her ears were red in front of Lu Yao, it would probably directly piss people off.

At that time, the kitten with fried hair will probably have to be broadcast.

(End of this chapter)

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