After wearing the book, I survived by dreaming

Chapter 262 Let the whole company participate in the lottery

Chapter 262 Let the whole company participate in the lottery
"Why did Sister Yao ask everyone to pay attention to Mi Le and participate in the lottery?"

Lu Yao read this question slowly, confirming that everyone focused on herself again.

After arousing everyone's curiosity, Lu Yao gave a smirk.

"It's a secret for now."

[Cut, Sister Yao is tantalizing again! 】

【Wooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooish 】

[I'm so angry, it's not enough to directly arouse my curiosity! 】

[Sister Yao really is! ! ! 】

[Tell me quickly!Otherwise, someone will hit your chest with a small fist! 】

【too difficult.Sister Yao, I see through you, you are such a narrow-minded person! 】

"Don't try to pick me up with words, I won't be fooled. Just remember, everyone, I won't harm you. It's best to pay attention to it."

The smile in Lu Yao's eyes faded away, and she stretched out her hand, intending to end the live broadcast.

At this time, a message suddenly popped up, "The blogger Mi Le you follow has a new development, come and find out."

Lu Yao looked over, and then postponed the broadcast time.

Mi Le posted a Weibo, thanking everyone for their attention to Mi Le, and another long speech.

To sum up, his new song will be in school two days later, that is, on September 9, and the lottery will be broadcast live at the same time.

Let fans not worry, show that the whole process is transparent and fair.

Another lucky draw gift was added, which was a pearl.

It is a big and round pearl, and Mi Le also specially sent out the expert's appraisal of this pearl.

After Lu Yao finished watching, she didn't say much, but the fans in Lu Yao's live broadcast room exploded first.

There is no other reason, this operation is very familiar.

At a glance, she knew that Sister Yao was copying them again, and she also disgusted them by the way.

[I threw up, my family, I saw Mi Le's latest Weibo post, I was about to eat, and instantly...]

[The last time I was so speechless was when I saw her Weibo. 】

["I am very grateful to have so many fans, although I know that everyone follows me with a purpose"

What do these words mean?I don't understand!Stand up again! 】

[This is nothing, look at this sentence "No matter what? Even if you don't really care about me, I will be fair and open about this event"

? ? ?Is this attacking us?There are also these three "gong", isn't this the word that sister Yao likes to use every time she blogs? 】

[Sister Yao has a ten-carat diamond ring, so she just got a pearl bigger than her eyeball? 】

[Help, it’s really not that we are too sentimental to take our seats!Look at what she said in the comment area, she is simply slapping us in the face publicly! 】

【No, I'm already getting angry!

This Mi Le is really too confusing. Didn't she use the domineering and straightforward Yujie's favorite fan before?Why does this article smell like tea? 】

[The tea smells like tea!I guess I can't help but reveal the truth!Pretend is pretend! 】

[Maybe one million fans were added overnight, right? 】

【Yaoyao must be careful of her. 】

Lu Yao couldn't help laughing, seeing this group of people exhorting her from the bottom of their hearts, she was really moved.

Tears are about to overflow.

If the id in front of them is not the group of mother fans who just called themselves Zai Zai.

[Ha ha ha ha ha ha, stop talking, we were hung up, this Mi Le directly sent us a screenshot, saying that we scolded her! 】

Before everyone talked too much, some fans said that they were hung up by Mi Le.

However, this Mi Le still has some brains, and didn't directly use her Weibo account to publicly diss Lu Yao and Lu Yao's fans.

She cleverly took a screenshot, typed a few useless mosaics, and sent a sad text.

Lost in her fan base.

She looks like a little white flower who has to face up to being wronged.

However, Mi Le has only been in the circle for four or five days, where did he get his diehard fans?

Although she now has millions of fans, three fan groups of 500 people.

However, everyone knows why they joined the group and why they paid attention to her.

How many people in the group are really fans of her?

All of a sudden, Mi Le sent out this news, and after ten minutes or so, only seven or eight people expressed concern.

They are all short two or three words.

To be honest, after seeing Mi Le's post on Weibo, everyone somewhat nodded.

The frenzied thought that he could win a lottery for a sea view room also subsided a bit.

The truth is a bit awkward.

After all, Mi Le's article not only offended Lu Yao's fans, but also made most people feel weird.

What is "knowing that you don't really like me and follow me, everyone has some purpose"?


Many celebrities and managers began to feel embarrassed for Mi Le.

This is too good at tweeting, right?

Are your writing skills too poor?Estimated to be the third grade Chinese level?

The key is that there is a smell of green tea between the lines.

"Sister, are you saying that no one checks on this Mi Le? What are these things, just sent out like this?"

"Why does everyone pay attention to her? Is she still not clear in her heart? At this time, here is the persona of the weak and strong little white flower?"

Some celebrities pulled their managers and started complaining.

"It's estimated that Mi Le has little experience, and he didn't discuss it with his agent when he posted on Weibo. You shouldn't learn from her."

"Speaking like this, it will definitely not go far."

"Ayu, don't say a few words, my sister knows you are unhappy. The leader said that the hot search will be rescheduled in two days. Your drama will not be dirty, don't worry!"

Huang Yuyu's manager comforted her.

"Sister, what you said sounds good, but it's not so simple. Originally, this drama will be aired next week, so we must build momentum in advance!
In a few days, there will be hot searches for innovative arrangements, how can there be time?Lu Yao's National Day must have another big move, and this must be postponed again. "

Huang Yuyu looked at the phone with a sad face, obviously not being comforted by the manager's relief.

She has been in the entertainment industry for two or three years, and she knows the twists and turns, how could it be so easy to talk to her agent.

These days, the Internet is full of things about Lu Yao and Mi Le.

Forget about Lu Yao, this Mi Le, hey.

Everyone could clearly see that this newcomer, Mi Le, was imitating Lu Yao's approach, even more generous than Lu Yao's.

The National Day is coming again, and the traffic will definitely be rounded up by these two people.

Her drama was launched at the end of the National Day, which was not a good time to catch up with the traffic of the National Day.

Once these two people get mixed up, they will definitely turn yellow again.

When will she have the chance to make her debut?
Huang Yuyu was a little frustrated.

After finishing the bitterness with the manager, he turned around to Lu Yao's Weibo, and reposted the Weibo of the lucky draw to give the sports car.

Not for the sake of winning the lottery, but simply because Mi Le is not pleasing to the eye, so she came here to give Lu Yao a wave of support.

(End of this chapter)

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