After wearing the book, I survived by dreaming

Chapter 264 The Weird Live Broadcasting Room

Chapter 264 The Weird Live Broadcasting Room
at noon.

Mi Le's live broadcast room was very lively.

Hundreds of thousands of netizens flooded in every minute, and the barrage was also very popular.

For a while, the limelight was stronger than Lu Yao's earlier.

Almost half of the entertainment industry has been mobilized.Fans of various companies who joined in the fun and celebrities who came to watch.

Even Lu Yao specially set an alarm clock and came here.

As soon as she entered the live broadcast room, Lu Yao felt some subtle energy fluctuations.

The ancestor's eyebrows were frowned with instinctive disgust, why is this breath so annoying?

Looking at the girl who appeared on the screen in the live broadcast room at this moment, she had long black hair like seaweed, voluminous facial features, oval face, double eyelids, and a straight nose.

Those eyes are always smiling, and the lips painted with cherry red glass gloss lip glaze are always smiling.

Her voice was gentle and brisk, and she kept greeting the audience who entered the live broadcast room politely.

Miller wore a small short polo collar top with cherry pink and white stitching, and a pair of high-waisted denim wide-leg trousers underneath.

This combination makes her look young and energetic.Sweet yet feminine.

Not only the slender water snake waist is exposed, but the proud capital and curves of the chest are vividly sensual.

Who can take a look and not praise a beauty?
The more Xiao Qiao looked at it, the more she felt that Mi Le was not a good thing.

"Tsk, Sister Yao, why are you staring at this woman? You don't even blink? You're not going to be confused like this group of netizens, are you?"

Xiao Qiao's round almond-shaped eyes were full of disbelief, "At first glance, this Mi Le seems to be a beautiful thing, but to use the word on the Internet... it is pure desire. In fact, everything is careful."

Xiao Qiao pointed her finger on the comment section, allowing Lu Yao to see the comments of netizens.

[Ah, ah, this sister is really beautiful! 】

[This is simply the ceiling of pure desire, right?This figure, this outfit!Ms. Mi Le is of great taste. 】

【My sister's new album, I'm excited!support!The beautiful and talented Miss Mi Le.The young lady is so beautiful, this collarbone can be used to raise fish, right? 】

[Before I saw the tone of Miss Sister's reply to fans, and the selfie she posted, I thought Miss Mi Le would be cool, but I didn't expect the real person to be so good-looking!Aroused my desire to protect! 】

These few comments were pointed out by Xiao Qiao to Lu Yao, and then she carefully analyzed them one by one.

"Sister Yao, look at this Mi Le's hairstyle, comic bangs and long black hair, it looks like ordinary black long straight. In fact, she definitely has a lot of care.

The bangs are moderately thick, and the root of the hair is definitely permed. The long hair is not rigidly straight, and the curved arc at the end is just right.

This hairstyle made her overly sculpted facial features less aggressive. "

"And this dress, a short polo collar top, under what circumstances can it show big breasts and thin waist, and still see the collarbone?"

"Then there is her smile, which is too formatted. It looks sincere at first glance, but it makes people creepy after seeing too much."

"And this deliberately suppressed soft and slow voice, maybe what Zaan words are thinking in my heart at the moment."

"And the eyeballs are also scary. If you look at them a few more times, I'm afraid that the black contact lenses will fall out."

Xiao Qiao's mouth crackled a series of content, and she didn't stop talking.

The main reason is that Lu Yao is also like that group of netizens. I don't know why she is attracted to this woman, and she will come up with a bunch of compliments.

Then frantically swiping gifts, the special effects in the live broadcast room have not been interrupted.

Mi Le used the live broadcast software that comes with Weibo, and the special effects on it are also very delicate.

Animations of various castles, airplanes, and hearts appear on the screen, wave after wave.

As if crazy, the barrage is full of all kinds of Kwami music.

It's not like a navy army, after all, all the gifts are made of real money.

Xiao Qiao felt very strange, this group of people seemed to be possessed by an evil spirit.Very weird.

The live broadcast has already started for about ten minutes, and no one has urged Mi Le to start the lottery draw. What is even more strange is that no one has commented on the villa draw.

Inexplicably, Xiao Qiao felt that Mi Le's live broadcast room was very weird.

Therefore, I was a little worried about Lu Yao's situation.

After finishing this long list, Xiao Qiao herself felt a little tongue-tied, stopped to catch her breath, and then went to see Lu Yao's reaction.

Lu Yao looked away from the screen.

She also obviously noticed something abnormal in the live broadcast room.

Sensing Xiao Qiao's thoughts, the glint in Lu Yao's eyes flickered, then she turned to Xiao Qiao and smiled jokingly.

"Is it just so afraid that I will be seduced by other women and not love you anymore?"

Facing the teasing from her own boss, a blush appeared on Xiao Qiao's chubby face.

It's really annoying, my boss didn't know which little goblin he learned badly from, why is he doing the same thing now?
Xiao Qiao hesitated and hesitated a few times, and stopped talking.

And Lu Yao also suppressed all kinds of thoughts in her heart, picked up her mobile phone and typed.

"Sister Yao!"

Xiao Qiao only saw Lu Yao's movements, that greenish-white jade-like fingers were flying across the screen, and a line of words quickly appeared on the barrage.

[Lu Yao v: The anchor is very beautiful, but I think the sea view villa must be more beautiful. 】

This sentence would not make Xiao Qiao exclaim in surprise, the main reason is that Lu Yao sent it as soon as she posted it, and she even sent the most expensive gift.

A sea view room worth 1888.

Coincidentally, the gift with the highest unit price of the live broadcast software that comes with Weibo is the sea view room of 1888.

Double entendre.

Lu Yao's words were connoting Mi Le, and at the same time reminded everyone in the live broadcast room to wake up when they were insane.

When she was typing, she twirled her fingers twice quickly and pinched a formula for clearing her heart.

Use spiritual power to take them out together, and at the same time as the text is sent out, the power of Qingxin Jue is spread to the live broadcast room.

However, Xiao Qiao naturally didn't know this.

She only noticed that Lu Yao spent 1888 RMB for Mi Le.

Qiao Xuan's little face was wrinkled into a bun, and he looked unhappy.

He also accused Lu Yao with resentful little eyes.

Mingming is saying: I have advised you like this, why do you still do this...

Lu Yao was a little stressed by seeing this, she pretended to be calm and looked away, resisting the urge to poke Xiao Qiao Baozi's face.

"I have my own reasons for doing this, don't worry! No woman outside is as good as my little Qiao. Just watch how Sister Yao and I put a long line to catch big fish."

Although Xiao Qiao still didn't understand, she still chose to believe in Lu Yao.

After all, Lu Yao is in her heart, that is yyds (eternal god).

And when Lu Yao sent out this comment with the power of the formula of clearing the heart, many people with firm hearts and kind hearts gradually became clear-headed.

Looking at the comments and gifts I just sent, I was a little confused. I looked at my fingers and then at the screen.


 Thank you for your votes~
  Thank you for the monthly ticket*2 of [Taozhiyaoyao], and the 100 book coins of [The Stars Are Shining]~

(End of this chapter)

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