Chapter 265
How could I give Mi Le a gift?Aren't you here to join in the fun?

But no one will think deeply, only when they are impulsive.

I secretly regretted it in my heart, and at the same time remembered the reason why I entered the live broadcast room in the first place.

Looking at the strange barrage comment area, I can't figure it out.

In the live broadcast room, the barrage of frantically swiping gifts and swiping comments on Kwami Le's good looks gradually decreased, and the fiery momentum above gradually seemed to stop.

Seeing this situation, two people's faces were not very good-looking.

One is Mi Le who has been smiling and greeting fans with a gentle smile.

At this moment, her hands could hardly move.

The other one with an ugly face was a woman wearing a mask.

She did not appear in the camera, her body was covered by a large black sweater, and the woman was always watching the movement of the live room on the computer screen.

At this moment, the whole face hidden under the mask was so gloomy that it could drip water.

The sternness in those eyes is frightening, but the key is that the woman's eyes are slightly turned upwards, and the whites of her eyes are extremely terrifying.

The little assistant who accidentally saw this scene quickly retracted his gaze and installed a wooden stake.

This woman exuding a terrifying aura is none other than Mi Le's manager, Yin Na.

Yin Na's eyes were fixed on Lu Yao's comment, and her brain was running fast.Countless thoughts are spinning.

Her fingernails painted in bright red Danko pressed the mouse, and she remained motionless.

Like a dead wood exuding a terrifying aura.

If you look closely, you will find that her lips are moving slightly.

At this moment, Yin Na's heart was full of turmoil.

How and why?

How could Lu Yao have such ability?
Her method was broken like this?

How did those netizens wake up?Unaffected by her live broadcast room?
You know, this is the ancient "Wealth Gathering Formation" that she carefully arranged and studied for more than half a year.

In order to ensure that this formation is foolproof, she also used some special materials.

Now, why was it broken by Lu Yao in only 10 minutes?
Looking at Lu Yao's comment, the white light invisible to ordinary people leaked out gradually.

This surprised Yin Na.

Could it be, what did this Lu Yao see?

Know her identity?

No no no, impossible.Yin Na quickly interrupted her guess.

It’s ridiculous.

How could Lu Yao know her identity so well?
But this time I also wanted to test Lu Yao's strength, so it seems that there are indeed two brushes.

She is not simple.


But that's what's interesting isn't it?

Yin Na was immersed in her own thoughts and did not move for a while.

And Mi Le can't control so much.

Looking at Lu Yao's comment, there was a half-minute special effect.

The smile on Mi Le's face froze immediately. After seeing people gradually urging her to draw a lottery, the smile disappeared completely.

I have already scolded Lu Yao in my heart, but considering that there are so many people in the live broadcast room, there is also Yin Na.

After all, Mi Le held back, but the nails had successfully dug out a sponge from the sofa under her.

The live camera could only capture her upper body, Mi Le let go of her hand a little bit, and countless small crumbs fell from her fingertips.

It was enough to see that she was extremely irritable.

Mi Le was originally a very irritable and easy to get angry person, and he also had some weird princess diseases.

Her family is not good, and she has been struggling at the bottom of various circles.

Because of a coincidence, Yin Na picked it up and packed it for half a month before being exposed to everyone.

Mi Le was attracted by Yin Na because of her face and good voice.

Although the face is not original, it is good enough to look good, especially from a certain angle, Mi Le still looks a bit like Lu Yao.

This is also the reason why Yin Na can still tolerate Mi Le acting without listening to her a few times before.

Yin Na originally planned to create a princess character for Mi Le who was richer than Lu Yao, who was flirtatious, tough, beautiful and straight.

Even 100% want to reproduce Lu Yao.

At the beginning, Mi Le's account was run by Yin Na, and then let the little assistant send the content according to the script she wrote.

After all, Yin Na herself is not very convenient to appear in front of everyone.

She still had to flee.

However, in less than a day, Mi Le swelled by millions of fans overnight.

She has been struggling in the society for so many years, but she finally made it through and soared into the sky.

How could it be possible to keep one's place and obey the arrangements of a small assistant?

Long after Mi Le and Yin Na signed an agreement and reached a consensus, she has always regarded herself as a big star.

For daily food and clothing, all consumption must be in accordance with the highest standard.It was as if she was already a woman at the top of the entertainment circle.

Normally, Mi Le often called on the little assistant of Xiaomo.

Even if you drink water, you must drink the highest-grade mineral water.The mineral water has to be boiled and cooled, and the temperature is suitable, so that the little assistant can insert a straw and feed it to her mouth.

After this, how could the little assistant have anything other than money relationship with Mi Le?

The little assistant couldn't control what Mi Le wanted to do, or he didn't want to.

That's why Mi Le's style is completely different today from when he debuted on the first day.

In the past, Yin Na wanted to give her the noble and friendly route of a rich princess.

Now, she can only change to the pure desire route.

Her whole makeup and clothes, except for those delicate and charming lips, have a bit of an imperial sister's air.

No matter how you look at it, it is the Internet celebrity style that is very popular on the Internet and can be seen everywhere.

Anyway, it has nothing to do with the originally planned route.

At this moment, there was no smile on her face, and the large-diameter colored contact lenses were very stiff.

The atmosphere in the live broadcast room froze for a while.

Who made the barrage keep scrolling about lottery-related content without getting a response from Mi Le?

After a long time, netizens couldn't help but mutter in their hearts, could it be that this person can't play?
[Why hasn't Miss Mi Le kept talking? 】

[When will the lottery draw start?All the flowers I've been waiting for are gone.In order to join in the fun, I haven't eaten lunch yet. 】

[It's been 25 minutes, wait another half an hour and it will pass.Let the host tell you the truth, and don't keep playing with us! 】

[That's right, did I give you two 888 gifts just now?You don't want to do anything, just say something! 】

[Could it be because I can't afford to play, so I don't want to draw a lottery? 】

[Isn't this clearly attracting traffic and gaining attention?Are they all gone?You can tell at a glance that you won't smoke.How can it be possible to give away the big sea view villa? 】

[I'm laughing at myself, if you can't do it, don't promote it!What a shame!Isn't the slap in the face also his own face? 】

[Damn it, I don't know what I was thinking just now, but I actually gave you a 99 gift? 】

[Miss Sister, please say something anyway, I still believe in you. 】

These barrages made Mi Le's nose crooked.

She felt like she was holding a breath in her heart, but she had nowhere to vent it.

After all, the sea view villa...

(End of this chapter)

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