Chapter 266
The sea view villa is also a well-known real estate developer in Beijing...

Hualanshan's villa has an excellent location. Although it is not in the city center, the surrounding facilities are complete and the transportation is convenient.

Close to the sea, away from the hustle and bustle of the fast-paced life in the city, you can see the blue sky, white clouds, beach and sea as soon as you open your eyes.

This is another major selling point of Hualanshan Villa.

In the busy and fast-paced life of the city, there is such a place where people can relax and get close to nature, but it is less than two hours away from the city center.

It has become one of the first-choice properties for countless rich people.

Of course, what everyone values ​​is not entirely because of the geographical location and surrounding conditions.

The bigger reason is that the developer of this property is the Fu Group.

Produced by Fu, it must be a high-quality product.

What's more, when Hualanshan was bidding for the land two years ago, there were some interesting episodes.

Originally, the Nan family, the real estate tycoon at the time, intended to want the land of Hualanshan, and it was inevitable to obtain it.

At that time, Jingdu Nanjia was still the number one real estate developer envied by everyone.

Who can compete for the land that the Nan family likes?With the rumors from the Nan family before, everyone thought this time it was just a formality.

Who would have thought that Fu Xiuyun would appear?
The Fu family has never been involved in the real estate industry, and has always focused on product development and technology.

And Fu Xiuyun himself is a financial genius, and he also focuses on the investment industry.

But this year, Fu Xiuyun and Nan's family just started dating.As soon as he made a move, he snatched away Hualanshan's land.It became a hot topic in Kyoto at that time.

It's just that everyone thought that this was the first time Fu's Group set foot in the real estate industry, but they didn't know that Fu Xiuyun was just gradually turning his private business to the bright side.

So in the past two years, everyone can only see that the Fu Group is thriving under the leadership of Fu Xiuyun, and the industry it is involved in is getting wider and wider, and it is blooming everywhere.

As for Hualanshan, it was also completed in the first half of the year, excluding the part that had already been sold.

There are also a dozen or so villas that are officially on sale.

To know how many people in Kyoto want to get on line with Fu Group and Fu Xiuyun, Hua Lanshan has been attracting attention ever since it was under construction.

Countless people bought the villa in advance through various relationships, and when Hua Lanshan officially sold it, some people had almost finished the decoration.

What's more, you can move in directly.

As for the remaining dozen or so villas, the price has long been beyond the consideration of ordinary people.

Rough, starting at RMB 28 per square...

This price is out of reach.

The point is that there are too many people who want to buy it, and they may not be able to grab it.

Mi Le's face changed again and again in front of the camera, and he could no longer pretend to be calm.

When she was working in a bar before, she had heard about Hua Lanshan, so she searched for information.

The price posted on the Internet is an astronomical figure that she may not even be able to afford in her lifetime.

In the past, she didn't even dare to think about it.

And now, Yin Na has given her the courage to dream countless times.

This was also the first time when Yin Na proposed to draw a lottery to give away a villa, and Mi Le had the courage to ask for it for the first time.

A large sea view villa with fading flowers has face when you say it.

Originally, Mi Le was worried that he would be rejected, but Yin Na just nodded and agreed.Didn't even ask the price.

From the first meeting, the stack of banknotes that Yin Na threw in front of Mi Le, her haughty posture.

Mi Le knew that this person was not simple.

Indeed, Yin Na also made Mi Le see another world.

She actually knows those things that are considered feudal superstitions.The most important thing is that it is very effective.

For example, being able to make people crazily swipe gifts for themselves through the screen this time is like losing their minds.

Looking at the special effects of the gift on the screen, Mi Le was very excited.

Before the broadcast, Yin Na promised that as long as the popularity of the live broadcast continued and the gifts continued, she would sell this sea view room.

But now, everything deviated from what Mi Le thought.

There are no audiences who continue to give her crazy gifts, and no one praises her beauty anymore.

There were only countless people urging her over and over again, why not draw a lottery, why not respond.

In the eyes of the audience, only the lottery is left.

Why is this happening?

Hatred flashed in Mi Le's eyes, and his eyes on Lu Yao's id became more and more fierce.

The strong hatred towards him was clearly captured by Lu Yao on the other side of the screen.

In this regard, the ancestors were noncommittal.In a good mood, admiring the distraught look of the woman on the screen.

"My dear fans, don't worry, everyone calm down first. Although I promised to give everyone a lucky draw, it will definitely be fulfilled."

After all, Mi Le couldn't keep silent.

"I, Mi Le, keep my word, but a mere villa is nothing to me. I'm not going to deceive everyone for a villa."

In the early years, I spent a long time in those romantic places.Mi Le's words became smoother and smoother, and the acting was natural, without any flaws.

That tone and expression, how disdainful, how disdainful, how arrogant and arrogant.

It's like the daughter of a wealthy nouveau riche.That disdainful face made people wonder what to say for a while.

Especially her pretentious movement of raising her head at 45 degrees to look at the sky and brushing her hair is really a bit greasy.

Of course, in Mi Le's own eyes, he may still think that he is a noble and elegant lady.

The sensible netizens who saw this directly were speechless.

Especially with the blessing of Lu Yao's Purifying Heart Mantra, everyone's minds are clear and their eyes are clear.

If it weren't for waiting for the lottery draw, who would be willing to stay in Mi Le's live broadcast room after thinking that he had reached this point.

Although, some people have already seen that something is wrong.

[This Mi Le is not holding on, is he?It feels like her eyes are so erratic.It's like I'm trying to pretend I'm rich. 】

[Shh, don't tell me if you see through, let's watch her slap her swollen face to pretend to be fat.It's the same as watching a big show. After all, I have already paid for the tickets, so I don't want to leave so early.

I have to watch it even if I hold back my nausea, or I'm sorry for the rockets I brushed. 】

Wuhu, see this comment, everyone take a look.

Good guy, this person is actually No. [-] in Mi Le's live broadcast room.

I guess I was impulsive just now when I said these words, but now that I am awake, I start to regret my money.

[Hahahahaha The six big guys on the list express the aspirations of thousands of netizens who eat melons.

It's been so many years, I've been running around in various melon fields in the entertainment circle, it's the first time I've spent money for others, and I'm not happy until I see the finale. 】

[hhhhh the top six on the list are all like this, it is estimated that the top one on the list has already fled overnight.This is really, really embarrassing. 】

[The sense of substitution is too strong, I have already started to feel embarrassed for the first place. 】

[Hahahahaha, the key is that the big guy on the list is actually a fan of Hao Tiantian, and he even wears her profile picture! 】

[This is too social, right?The worst time I, Hao Tiantian, was hacked.I laughed so hard goose goose goose goose goose goose. 】

[Isn't this the scene of a large-scale social death where Hao Tiantian's fans were caught climbing the wall? 】

[hhhhh This big guy on the list is probably going to be expelled from the fandom if he doesn't get a sea view villa. 】

 Thank you little cuties for recommending tickets~

  Thank you【Me and the stars and you】cute monthly ticket*2~

(End of this chapter)

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