Chapter 281 Resolved
Withdrawing her gaze, Lu Yao looked at the three white coats standing to one side.

Her eldest brother, Lu Qingyi, and two middle-aged men with graying temples.

"here we go."

Lu Yao just nodded slightly to the three of them, and then put the black plastic bag she brought over at the foot of the bed.

Lu Yao first stepped forward to check Zhang Pingan's situation.

Almost as she had expected, Zhang Ping'an's eyes were covered with bloodshot eyes, and the eyeballs were sunken with blood oozing out.

There were still a few scratches on his cheeks, which seemed to be scratched off by his own nails because of the unbearable pain.

Zhang Ping'an was bound, his hands and feet were bound, and he couldn't move, but the pain in his body was too strong.With a white towel stuffed in his mouth, he could only make a whimpering sound.

There was a layer of sweat on his body, and most of the blue-striped hospital gown was already soaked with sweat.

Lu Yao knew that if she didn't take action, the Gu worms lodged in Zhang Pingan's eyes would nibble away at his blood and swim all over his body in a short time.

Feed on blood, feed on flesh, and grow little by little.

The dark light in her eyes flashed past, Lu Yao didn't hesitate any longer, and directly took out a stack of yellow talisman papers and a lighter from the black plastic bag.

There were only six of them left in the ward at the moment.

The two deans in white coats and Lu Qingyi just watched helplessly as Lu Yao calmly raised her hand and lit the yellow talisman with a lighter.

Then when Lu Yao raised her hand, it was already burning, and the yellow talisman paper with fire was flying over the ward.

Before everyone had any reaction, it turned into a cloud of black powder and scattered down.

Her movements are crisp and neat, and she is handsome enough.

The raised delicate chin, the smooth jawline, and the seductive red lips...

Unfortunately, there are no fans in this ward.

There are only three doctors who are tireless in the field of medical research and continue to study and explore.

The kind that believes in science and is determined to be prosperous, strong, democratic, civilized and harmonious.

Therefore, seeing Lu Yao's actions, except that Lu Qingyi's expression remained unchanged, with the usual gentle mask on his face.

The remaining two middle-aged doctors, who were highly respected at first glance, frowned.

They didn't believe at all that Zhang Ping'an's illness could be cured by just lighting a stack of talisman papers like this.

If it weren't for Lu Qingyi, a proud student, they would have already spoken to stop Lu Yao's actions.

After all, if a disease can be cured by just copying it, or it is like this strange disease that has never been heard of, then what is the use of their doctors?

However, just when the two of them were about to ask Lu Yao to stop messing around and give Zhang Pingan a final rescue.

Miraculously it appeared.

Zhang Pingan, who had been howling and convulsing before, gradually calmed down, and the painful expression on his face gradually relaxed.

The unbearable convulsions and convulsions due to pain are no longer there.

Most importantly, the blood oozing from the eye sockets had also stopped.

Just, it's hard to accept for a while.


The two old deans took a breath and stepped forward to check the situation.

After confirming that there was no problem with the person, he quickly raised his head and looked at Lu Yao like a monster.

The look in those eyes was too complicated.

But this is only a preliminary judgment, the two of them regained their senses in an instant, and shouted out the door.

A group of nurses and doctors came in and pushed Zhang Ping'an with the bed to the operating room for another comprehensive examination.

Although it seems that the person is normal, it still needs to be checked again to confirm.

Suppressing the excitement in their hearts, the two deans still looked complicated when they passed by Lu Qingyi.

When these people left in a hurry, the ward became even quieter.

There are only two brothers and sisters, Lu Yao, and Wang Cuihua, who has always had a low sense of presence in the corner.

Since Lu Yao entered the room, Wang Cuihua has not made any movement, and has been sitting quietly with her back to everyone.

If it wasn't for this moment, she would suddenly mutter in her mouth: "Impossible, impossible."

Wang Cuihua may still be completely ignored.

Lu Yao's eyes were unclear, and she could only hear the woman on the opposite side kept chanting: "Impossible, it's all fake".


"Ah ah ah ah ah!"

Lu Yao suddenly went up to pat Wang Cuihua's shoulder with bad intentions, and the woman jumped up and screamed.

Wang Cuihua turned around with a face of horror, and smiled maliciously at Lu Yao.

"Can't believe it? Think your son will die today?"

Lu Yao had a nasty smile on the corner of her mouth, and a naughty tone.It's just like a demon who came up from hell.

Wang Cuihua's trembling lips could not utter a single word.

"What are you talking about, I don't understand?"

She tried her best to deny it, but the Beijing opera and dodge in those eyes clearly fell into the eyes of the two brothers and sisters.

Lu Yao snorted lightly, left a word, and was about to walk away.

"Don't worry, your son won't die, are you happy?"

Wang Cuihua's cries of madness came from behind her, but Lu Yao didn't care at all, she was in a really good mood at the moment.

One must know that this crooked sorcery of feeding Gu with blood and testing poison with one's body must have serious side effects.

Now Zhang Ping'an has been returned by her, and the Gu worm was also burned to slag by her.

Then, the person behind the scenes who controls everything must have suffered a lot of backlash.

I just don't know, what is the relationship between Wang Cuihua and the people behind the scenes?
It was worth her own son's life to do such a thing.


Just to frame Lu Qingyi?
These follow-up questions are not what Lu Yao should worry about.

Raise your hand to look at the watch, the pointer is unbiased, and it just lands on 12.

Lu Yao yawned, patted her buttocks and was about to leave.

She didn't intend to continue to wait for the so-called inspection report. Lu Yao knew the best about Zhang Ping'an's situation.

As for the subsequent mess, it has to be taken care of by her good brother.

The factors that directly led to Lu Qingyi's imprisonment have been resolved by himself, so Lu Yao no longer misses it.

With a wave of his sleeves, he does not take away a cloud.

After solving a major matter on her mind, Lu Yao wanted to go home and sleep.

However, Dean Wu, who was chased out, stopped him.

"Slow down, this will be superior and wait first."

Lu Yao stood still, and Dean Wu hurried forward, wanting to get a better understanding from Lu Yao.

She was dismissed by Lu Yao, "If you ask my elder brother, he will know."

After all, no one can stop the ancestor's determination to sleep.

"Well, Qingyi, is this really your sister?"

Behind him was Dean Wu's uncertain voice and Lu Qingyi's voice asking for confirmation.

It's no wonder that Dean Wu didn't believe it. After all, in everyone's eyes, Lu Yao just tapped a handful of yellow talismans at random.

Then it's gone.

And miraculously, Zhang Ping'an really recovered.

How is this not surprising?
(End of this chapter)

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