Chapter 282 Opening a New Map
The old ancestor was completely unaware of the sensation caused by his own shot, which solved the intractable disease in less than 3 minutes.

He also had no idea how much headache Lu Qingyi had in the hospital.

Dean Wu and the others were eager for Lu Qingyi, inquiring about Lu Yao's news, revealing their desire to keep Lu Qingyi in the hospital.

While Lu Qing sent everyone away, he had to deal with Zhang Pingan's follow-up matters.I'm so busy.

And what about Lu Yao?

At this time, I have already boarded the helicopter to the desert and opened a new map.

This is a private plane specially chartered by the program group.

There was a whistling wind in her ears, and Lu Yaorao could barely open her eyes without wearing goggles.

Even so, she still felt that her eyes would be filled with sand in the next second.

The helicopter has already begun to descend, and at this moment, it has stopped steadily at a height of [-] meters from the ground.

As far as the eye can see is the vast golden desert.

The cabin door has been opened, and the rustling wind is coming in from there.

"Attention all guests, you have arrived at the first stop. Everyone put on your equipment and check the parachute. If there is no problem, prepare to skydive."

Inside the helicopter, a tough man in army camouflage uniform and military boots spoke through a loudspeaker.

This man stood upright, his voice was loud, his words were round and round, and his tone had the momentum of belonging to the army.It's like an instructor during the military training of freshmen.

This proper temperament was carefully handled.

His voice was already loud, and with the blessing of a small speaker, it was directly and clearly transmitted to the ears of every guest present.

The eight guests present all straightened their backs involuntarily, put their hands on their knees, and looked like a good student sitting posture.

But after hearing the content clearly, incredible expressions appeared on each of their faces.

"Report to the instructor. Are you really going to skydive? Can't you park the helicopter in the desert?"

The one who spoke was a girl in her twenties. The girl's voice was as crisp as an oriole. She wore a high ponytail and showed her full forehead.

Huang Shiying's eyes were bright and clean, with the firmness of a young man.Her question made the instructor Liu Tong a little bit dumbfounded.

But still in a rough voice, holding a horn.

"No, you have to skydive. I think you have great potential, so let's jump first."

As soon as these words came out, all the guests in the audience fell silent.

Huang Shiying also showed a look of fear on her face, and her fingers holding the protective gear turned white.

She is afraid of heights...

Standing near the cabin door, looking down, I felt my head was in a daze, my feet were soft, and I dared to jump down.

No one wanted to speak. Judging by the instructor's appearance, as soon as they opened their mouths, Liu Tong would let himself jump down instead of Huang Shiying in the next second.

However, the silence will always be broken.

"Instructor, Shiying is a delicate and weak girl, she will inevitably be afraid of being the first to jump, so why don't you let her be the first?"

The person who said these words was Mi Le.

She was also wearing the same color red protective equipment as Huang Shiying at the moment, and was sitting next to Huang Shiying.

At this moment, she was holding Huang Shiying's hand with a concerned look on her face.

The appearance of a confidant big sister is full of ten.

"In that case, are you the first to go?"

Liu Tong didn't expect that anyone would dare to speak, after all, he said that a normal person would understand what he meant!

At this time, whoever interfaces will be the first to go.Liu Tong is a little curious, who is this warrior.

At first glance, Yo Ho, she is a girl with thick eyebrows and red lips.

I didn't expect this girl to look so smart, but she was so brave.Liu Tong admired Mi Le for a while.

It's no wonder that Liu Tong commented on Mi Le so much, the world in the eyes of straight men is just different.Not to mention the straight man of steel who has been in the army for five years.

In his mind, he had no idea about the European and American makeup on Mi Le's face, and he had no idea that it was the result of someone waking up two hours early on purpose.

If Mi Le knew the instructor's evaluation of his carefully drawn makeup, he would probably vomit to death.

Besides, Mi Le is not in a good mood at the moment.

When Mi Le heard the instructor's reply, his face froze.Xin Dao said that this man is really not good at sympathizing with others, he has no emotional intelligence at all.

Originally, she had a very good plan, but breaking the silence by speaking out at this moment can attract everyone's attention, and she can also show off, letting everyone know how gentle and considerate she is.

At the same time, he also gave Huang Shiying a break to promote the relationship between the two.It is no exaggeration to kill three birds with one stone.

But I didn't expect that this instructor was so stupid.

Let her replace Huang Shiying in the first place?What an international joke.

Mi Le wanted to show off, but she didn't want to be the first to skydive.She'll be scared too, okay?

But seeing Liu Tongming's swaying eyes of "I'm optimistic about you, I'm looking forward to it" and "Hurry up", Mi Le felt a beating in his heart.


Lu Yao sat at the position closest to the cabin door, with her hands folded around her chest, and she didn't speak.Silently took a panoramic view of everyone's expressions.

Look at the face.

The helicopter hovered for a while, and Liu Tong got impatient.

Seeing that everyone has put on their equipment and is carrying a parachute, they are all pretending to be dead like quail cubs, so he plans to go to Mi Le.

Let this girl go down first to show everyone.

However, as soon as he stepped forward, he heard the slightly trembling voice of the girl he thought was very brave.

"Instructor, I...I can't do it."

Seeing that Liu Tong was about to walk towards him, Mi Le panicked immediately.

Let her go down first, really can't do it!
She still wanted to make the last struggle, especially when she saw Lu Yao who was watching a joke, she felt even more irritable.

I can't wait to touch my mouth up and down in the next second, and say the words that make Lu Yao the first to skydive.

But seeing the cameras in all directions, Mi Le still held back.

This time is not the right time to fire at Lu Yao, after all, everyone knows about the two of them on the Internet.

I have to bear with it for a while.

She still has to rely on this show to turn around, change everyone's impression of herself, and win the favor of the audience.

Mi Le looked around, realizing that everyone's eyes were on him, he gritted his teeth, and became ruthless.

she jumps.

Isn't it okay for her to jump first?

After the zipper was zipped and wrapped up, Mi Le's hand grabbed the railing and moved to the cabin door.

The wind was very strong, and Mi Le's heart was also chilled.

She didn't dare to look down, for fear that her feet would give way and fall directly.

Seeing her dawdling at the cabin door again, Liu Tong, a rough man with a quick temper, couldn't help it.

He stretched out his foot and kicked Mi Le's ass.

"Ah ah ah ah ah."

Suddenly weightless and began to fall, Mi Le was dazed and frightened.

The normal saline rushed out instantly.

While descending extremely fast, countless thoughts flashed through her mind, and finally settled on Lu Yao's face.

It's all her fault. If it wasn't for her appearance, nothing would have gone wrong in the first place.

"Ah, ah, Lu Yao, just wait and see."

Mi Le's voice was finally blown away by the wind.

Anyway, she still remembered to open the parachute.

 Hey, I'm bald because I'm addicted to reading novels and missed updating my articles (~_~;)
(End of this chapter)

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