Mrs. Gu is getting divorced every day

Chapter 1083 Perfect Counterattack

Chapter 1083 Perfect Counterattack
Chu Yun slightly raised her hand to signal the waiter to come over, and asked in a low voice for a cup of black coffee without sugar and milk.

She looked at Weng Yi who was sitting across from her with great interest. At this time, she had lost the arrogance she had when she first stepped into the restaurant, and her face was full of tension, which Chu Yun could feel without looking.

Weng Yi may not have expected that things did not go as she imagined.She thought that in Chu Yun's mind, the interests of the Chu Group were greater than that of Gu Junzhi.

But who knew, from the very first step, the pawn fell wrong.

The restaurant's service was very fast. As soon as Chu Yun's order was placed, the black coffee was served.

Chu Yun took a sip lightly, um, it still tasted the same.

People who have never tried pure black coffee just feel that it is bitter and tasteless, but only those who have really tasted black coffee know that after drinking it, it will leave a fragrance on the lips and teeth.

She has already experienced it for a lifetime, and she knows what these people are planning. This may be considered bitter and tasteless to her, but she still wants to find some interest in it.

Chu Yun drank the black coffee, picked up the small bag beside her, and stood up, "I'm sorry, excuse me."

Before Weng Yi regained consciousness, she saw that Chu Yun had gone a few steps away.

She can't just give up so easily, she always feels that she still has a chance.Jealousy and anger drove her, and Weng Yi chased after her again.

Chu Yun walked to the door with a blank expression, only to find a man leaning there, playing with his phone dully.

"Junzhi?" Chu Yun couldn't believe it, and froze in place, "Why are you here?"

When Gu Junzhi heard the voice, he put the phone in his arms, and walked towards Chu Yun with his mouth slightly raised.

"I'll come and see you and let you run around again!" Gu Junzhi whispered in Chu Yun's ear in a slightly threatening tone, like an electric current went straight from the ear to the heart.

She felt her heart beat faster.

Chu Yun let out a cry of anger, and threw herself into Gu Junzhi's arms, "It turns out that our family's Junzhi is a wife-protecting madman. If I had known about this, I wouldn't have run around!"

Hearing Gu Junzhi's sonorous and powerful heartbeat, Chu Yun gradually felt a little more secure.Such a man who is willing to protect her all his life, if he hadn't been reckless in his previous life, how could he have left him?
Gu Junzhi hugged the little man in his arms, and pampered Chu Yun's head, "I'm still a madman who spoils his wife..."

The second half of the sentence was still unfinished, so Gu Junzhi's ending stopped quite a bit.

He saw Weng Yi who was catching up in a hurry.

Gu Junzhi understood why Chu Yun came out this time.My wife doesn't like the woman in front of me. Coincidentally, so does he.

Weng Yi didn't expect that Gu Junzhi would be here, she hastily arranged her attire, and greeted Gu Junzhi with a big smile on her face.

"Junzhi, what a coincidence to meet you here!"

Gu Junzhi ignored Weng Yi, and continued to rub his little head, "You can pet me whenever you want."

Only then did Weng Yi see Chu Yun hugging Gu Junzhi.

Weng Yi was furious immediately, she originally wanted to attack Gu Jun, but who knew that her previous opponent hadn't left yet, instead they joined forces!

"Junzhi, won't you say hello to me?" Weng Yi still persevered.

Gu Junzhi took off his coat, put it on Chu Yun, hugged Chu Yun and walked out, "You look so simple in your clothes, don't be compared to the cats and dogs outside!"

Chu Yun covered her mouth and laughed secretly, but she didn't expect that this man's poisonous tongue was even stronger than hers!

Weng Yi looked at the backs of the two of them leaving, and stomped on the spot angrily.

Back home, Chu Yun stretched her waist and lay comfortably on the sofa, and asked Gu Junzhi next to her, "Why did you treat Weng Yi like that just now?"

Gu Junzhi simply lay down next to Chu Yun, and hugged Chu Yun, "I can't make my wife jealous..."

Chu Yun didn't expect him to operate like this, and half of her face turned red instantly.

Why does this man always like to attack her with a subwoofer!

(End of this chapter)

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