Mrs. Gu is getting divorced every day

Chapter 1084 Transforming the Little Milk Dog

Chapter 1084 Transforming the Little Milk Dog

Chu Yun awkwardly pushed Gu Junzhi away, and turned her face to the sofa to prevent Gu Junzhi from seeing her blushing badly.

"I remember you weren't like this..." Chu Yun said in a buzzing voice.

Seeing Chu Yun's clumsy behavior, Gu Junzhi couldn't help but raise the corners of his mouth.In fact, he had seen Chu Yun's crimson face a long time ago, but he didn't expect his little wife to be so flirtatious!

Gu Junzhi paused. In order not to embarrass Chu Yun, he sat on the sofa beside him, picked up the newspaper and read it casually.

"From now on, I will only treat you like this. Doesn't Chu Yun like it?"

Chu Yun, who was hiding on the sofa, shrank her body again, half of her face was originally red, but now it was completely red.

Chu Yun patted her face lightly, implying that she should calm down. She sat up again when she felt that she was calm enough, and replied pretending to be calm, "Well... I like it."

Gu Junzhi didn't answer her, and used the newspaper to cover his face, only showing his two eyes. Seeing the combination of Chu Yun's pretended calm expression and the face that hadn't dissipated the heat, he behind the newspaper couldn't bear it any longer. , and began to laugh wantonly.

Chu Yun pretended to give him a fierce look, "Why are you laughing, I will ignore you if you laugh any more!"

Gu Junzhi immediately restrained his insolent smile, moved closer to Chu Yun's side, and squeezed her shoulders graciously.

"Honey, let's relax tomorrow and go out for a trip, shall we?"

Chu Yun was being pinched comfortably by her shoulders. After hearing Gu Junzhi's words, she pushed him away again, "If you don't go to the Three Treasures Palace for nothing, you will know that you will not be courteous for nothing!"

Gu Junzhi chuckled, and leaned closer again, "It seems that you have been under too much pressure recently, and I want you to go out and relax."

"It just so happens that you have a lot of places you want to go, why don't we take advantage of this time to go out and have fun, which can be regarded as fulfilling one of your wishes."

One thing to say, Gu Junzhi's words did touch Chu Yun's heart, but...

Chu Yun began to reply with some embarrassment, "I know, but the stock price of the Chu Corporation has not been very stable recently, going up and down, and I am the top leader of the Chu Corporation, so I can't leave my post at this time, right?"

Gu Junzhi would have expected that Chu Yun would say this, the little girl in his family was so busy with work that she didn't even take care of him.

He knew that Chu Yun was thin-skinned, so he simply leaned directly on Chu Yun's body and shook her arm, "But I want to go out and play... I've been bored at home for the past few days and I'm suffocated. If you don't go out, let me breathe I have to go out to get some air..."

Sure enough, Chu Yun couldn't stand it, and the temperature that had finally subsided rose again. She tilted her head, "If you can't hold it anymore, why don't you go out and play by yourself..."

"We are a whole, how can I go out and leave you at home by myself. Besides, I am so attractive, are you not afraid that I will be provoked by those cats and dogs outside?"

After hearing this, Chu Yun was very happy.She knew that Gu Juanzhi was not the kind of person who would go on and on, once he recognized the right person, he would not change his mind.

Besides, the dignified CEO of the Gu family is now snuggling by her side, acting coquettishly like a little milk dog. In fact, Chu Yun's heart has already softened.

"I know, but..."

Seeing that Chu Yun had room to let go, Gu Junzhi immediately pursued the victory, "Don't worry, I arranged for people from the Gu family to go over there, and the situation will improve for the time being. You can also take advantage of this free time to go out and relax. It's always so boring, it's really easy to get bored."

Gu Junzhi took Chu Yun into his arms, "My heart aches."

Chu Yun responded, also hugged Gu Junzhi, and said "um" softly.

(End of this chapter)

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