Mrs. Gu is getting divorced every day

Chapter 1093 Strange Chinese Man

Chapter 1093 Strange Chinese Man

the other side

Weng Yi still didn't give up, and went to find Gu Xiezhi again. She finally mustered up the courage to go to Gu Xiezhi, but she just hoped that Gu Xiezhi could see her sincerity.

She came to the homestay where Gu Xiezhi lived and knocked on the door of the room.

Gu Xiezhi opened the door, and when he saw that this person was Weng Yi, his expression changed, "What are you doing here?"

Gu Xiezhi was very upset when he and Chu Yun were talking about each other and being disturbed by Weng Yi.

"Brother Gu, I really like you, can you just give me a chance, even once, I will definitely be a qualified girlfriend."

Seeing him, Weng Yi became emotional suddenly, and tightly grasped Gu Xiezhi's hands, her eyes were so urgent.

"Miss Weng, please respect yourself. The person I like is Chu Yun."

Gu Xiezhi's cold voice resounded, not giving Weng Yi the slightest sympathy, and hit Weng Yi mercilessly.

Weng Yi stalked her so hard that she even gave up her dignity for Gu Xizhi, but she never expected that what was waiting was Gu Xizhi's ruthlessness.

Weng Yi was so angry that he almost went crazy, and screamed, "How can I not compare to that bitch Chu Yun!"

"Miss Weng, you are excellent, I am not good enough for you, you deserve better." Gu Xiezhi's voice was still so cold, there was not much emotion between his eyebrows and eyes, and his eyes were extraordinarily cold.

Seeing from the previous feelings, Gu Xiezhi didn't say too much, he already gave Weng Yi a lot of face, if it was any other girl, he would have been kicked out by him long ago.

"No." Weng Yi shook her head desperately, her eyes filled with unwillingness, "But I only like you, you will give me this chance, right?"

"Miss Weng, if you continue to be obsessed with your obsession, I'm afraid you won't even be able to be friends, so please take care of yourself."

After leaving such a sentence coldly, Gu Xiezhi didn't pay any further attention to Weng Yi, and closed the door with a bang.

"Bring it..."

Weng Yi desperately wanted Gu Xiezhi to give her a chance, she loved Gu Xiezhi so much, but she was trampled underfoot by Gu Xiezhi mercilessly.

She is not reconciled!
Just when she was extremely unwilling, at this moment, she suddenly received a text message.

"Miss Weng, how are you thinking?"

This person... Weng Yi suddenly remembered that this was a strange man she met at the bar yesterday, he was Chinese, and since they were both Chinese, they added each other's WeChat.

If this Chinese man hadn't sent her a message at this time, she would have almost forgotten that there was such a person.

This Chinese man has always wanted to ask her to meet, but she has never agreed.

Weng Yi didn't want to continue to entangle with the strange man, so she sent a text message of rejection.

'Miss Weng, you like Gu Xiezhi, I can help you, and only I can help you. '

She was just about to send a rejecting text message, but before sending it out, a strange man sent another text message.

How did he know that he liked Gu Xiezhi?
Weng Yi was surprised, there were too many questions in Weng Yi's mind, she decided to find out this strange man herself.

After thinking about it, I still decided to meet this strange man, and quickly withdrew the originally rejected text message, agreeing to meet this strange man.

She really wanted to see what kind of medicine was sold in this strange man's gourd!

The two of them made an appointment at the bar where they met for the first time, and the strange man specially made an appointment at night, and Weng Yi didn't become suspicious because of this.

Weng Yi was really moved by the strange man's words, he could help him get Gu Xiezhi.

Because of Gu Xiezhi, Weng Yi was already in a daze, she didn't think about the purpose of this strange man at all, and went directly to the bar to make an appointment.

(End of this chapter)

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