Chapter 1094 Trap
When he came to the bar, Weng Yi looked for the Chinese man.

This bar is full of people, it is really not easy to find someone, Weng Yi spent a lot of effort, only to find the Chinese man sitting in a remote corner.

"Sorry to keep you waiting."

Weng Yi smiled, put down her bag, and sat down in front of the Chinese man.

"It's okay." The Chinese man is very gentleman, and he looks very clean, which makes people feel very comfortable.

"This is the best Lafite in [-], try it." The Chinese man smiled slightly, and poured wine for Weng Yi in a gentlemanly manner.

But at this moment Weng Yi's mind is not on drinking.

"Didn't you talk about Gu Xiezhi? Who are you, how do you know that I like Gu Xiezhi?"

Weng Yi didn't drink, but eagerly asked such a question, eager to know the answer.

"This is my business card." The Chinese man took out his business card.

"Mo Tian?" Weng Yi muttered the man's name.

This person is the president of the Mo Group, but there is one thing that Weng Yi finds strange.

"Why have I never heard of the Mo's Group?" Weng Yi's doubtful voice sounded.

"This is a newly established company, it's normal for you not to know." Mo Tian smiled and explained casually.

Weng Yixin thought it was true, completely unaware that he had already fallen into Mo Tian's trap from the very moment.

"You said you could help me, but you and I have never met before, why did you help me?"

"Miss Weng, I'm your fan. I've liked you for a long time, so I know about you more or less, and I want to help you." Mo Tian deliberately put on a look of admiration.

It turned out to be her fan!
When Weng Yi heard that Mo Tian was her fan, she immediately relaxed her vigilance. Unexpectedly, she is so famous now that she can meet her fans everywhere, which made Weng Yi feel a lot of arrogance.

"How can you help me?" Weng Yi eagerly grabbed Mo Tian's hand. When he heard that Mo Tian had a chance to help her, Weng Yi's whole heart became excited.

She wanted to get Gu Xiezhi so much, even if it was said by a strange man, as long as it could help her get Gu Xiezhi, she was willing to believe it.

"Don't worry." Mo Tian evoked a gentle smile, "Taste the wine here first to see if it's good."

Mo Tian filled Weng Yi's glass with wine.

Weng Yi was taken aback for a moment, it seemed that Mo Tian had already raised the wine glass in his hand to clink with her, it seemed that it would be impolite for her to refuse.

After thinking about it, Weng Yi still didn't refuse, picked up the wine in the glass, and drank the wine in the glass in one gulp.

"Now you can tell me how you can help me!"

After drinking, the first thing Weng Yi wanted to know was about Gu Xiezhi. If it wasn't for Gu Xiezhi, she wouldn't have come.

"Miss Weng, how do you feel now?"

"Ah?" Weng Yi was stunned, she didn't know what Mo Tian's intention was when she asked this question, suddenly, she felt dizzy, as if she was going to be drunk.

At this moment, Weng Yi felt that something was wrong.

"You actually put medicine in the wine!" Weng Yi was shocked, and then realized that Mo Tian had put medicine in the wine, which he never thought of.

"Smart." Mo Tian evoked an evil smile.

Weng Yi only realized it now, but it was over. Weng Yi was given sweat medicine, gradually lost his strength, passed out, and passed out in Mo Tian's arms, and then Weng Yi lost consciousness.

As for what happened later, Weng Yi was no longer conscious, but vaguely saw Mo Tian's evil smile.

(End of this chapter)

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