Chapter 222 Accidents
Chu Yun walked out of the Chu residence in a daze. She couldn't tell what she was feeling at the moment, but she felt that there was a huge hole in her heart, which was difficult to fill.

"Why are you so unhappy?"

After getting into Gu Junzhi's car who was waiting outside, what Chu Yun heard was just such a sentence, her voice was a little heavy and there was a little displeasure.

Her complexion is not very good at the moment, it is easy to see that it is ugly, Gu Junzhi is inevitably worried.

But for this inquiry, Chu Yun just shook her head and said nothing.Only she closed her eyes, as if she was extremely tired.

After experiencing the things of the previous life and all the things of this life, she has long been completely numb to the people of the Chu family. No matter what those people do, they can't affect any of her emotions.

I thought it was, and it should be.

But the truth is always a bit ridiculous, and it was only at this moment that Chu Yun realized that some emotions cannot be let go just by letting go.

But Chu Yun believed that sooner or later, these things would become a thing of the past, and they would no longer be able to arouse her emotions.

"Chu Yun, no matter what happens, I will always be by your side." Gu Junzhi vaguely guessed what Chu Yun had experienced inside. He took her into his arms and pressed Chu Yun's head on his. Chest, listening to the strong and powerful heart beating only for her.

No matter where Chu Yun was, Gu Junzhi would always be by his side.

Perhaps this emotion is too warm, so warm that it is within reach, making Chu Yun feel warm, and the loopholes in her heart are being filled up little by little.All that's left is a dull mood.

She smiled lightly, feeling inexplicably better, "I want to go abroad to relax."

In a short period of time, Chu Yun doesn't want to stay in the country anymore. Too many bad things have happened recently, and her emotions have been in a tense state. Now the co-author should relax.

Then plan what to do next. Lin Yudai's affairs and Chu Xiang's affairs all require her to work hard to solve them.

"Okay, I'll arrange a plane for you and go with you." Gu Junzhi answered the words naturally, he was a little worried about Chu Yun, and wanted to stay by her side.

Chu Yun didn't refuse either, so the matter was settled.

But now that it was getting late, Gu Junzhi booked an eight o'clock flight the next day and set off for Zurich.

When they arrived, it was already dusk and there was nothing interesting to do, so Gu Junzhi took Chu Yun to the pre-booked hotel to stay, planning to go out to play the next day.

Zurich is actually a very old city with beautiful scenery, and the buildings still retain the style handed down from centuries ago, exuding a classical charm everywhere.At first glance, people will fall in love with it easily.

Chu Yun was taken to the Zurich Cathedral by Gu Junzhi, which is one of the famous attractions here.It is mainly civilized by its Romanesque twin towers, which serve as the landmark of Zurich.The stained glass in the church is also a masterpiece of Swiss modern art master Giacometti.

But these things, in fact, Gu Junzhi didn't appreciate it very much, he just made a strategy before coming, and the above crazy recommendation is here.

Fortunately, Chu Yun liked it very much, and spent the whole morning happily.

At noon, Gu Junzhi arranged meals in a famous hotel in Zurich, just hoping that Chu Yun could have a pleasant and wonderful journey.

It would have been like this if the accident hadn't happened.

The two came out of the Zurich church at eleven o'clock, and Gu Junzhi took Chu Yun to the hotel that had been prepared in advance.

Walking all the way, wandering around, every place in Zurich seems to be as beautiful as a painting.

Just one street away from the reserved hotel, when Gu Junzhi was crossing the road holding Chu Yun's hand, a car suddenly rushed out on the road, and the speed was very fast. Leng Leng rushed over.

It was Chu Yun who reacted quickly and pushed Gu Junzhi away when the car was about to hit him.

But when she was by herself, she couldn't dodge in time, and her body was directly knocked into the air.

The colors of heaven and earth gradually became blurred in Chu Yun's eyes. The last scene in Chu Yun's memory was the fresh blood flowing from her body, and the faint bloody smell that diffused in the air.

Since then, no more consciousness.

And when Chu Yun woke up again after being rescued, it was already three days later. She was wearing an oxygen mask on her mouth and an infusion bottle on her wrist.

With a slight movement of her fingers, Gu Junzhi who was lying beside her bed woke up.

For three days, Gu Junzhi stayed by Chu Yun's side all the time, his eyes were red, and a slight stubble appeared on his chin.

"Ah Yun, you're finally awake, I'll call you." Gu Junzhi said quickly, his eyes that were originally dim when he saw Chu Yun woke up instantly regained their light, so bright that they were dazzling.

Before Chu Yun could react, Gu Junzhi rushed out to call the doctor.

Three days may not seem like a long time, but during these days, Gu Junzhi seems to be living like a year.

He couldn't forget that Chu Yun was lying on the icy asphalt road at that time, and the blood flowed all over the floor, soaking all the clothes under her.

Between the sky and the earth, in Gu Junzhi's eyes, nothing seemed possible, only Chu Yun was lying on the ground, the bright red color piercing his eyes with pain.

Gu Junzhi didn't know how he got through the phone call, the ambulance call, and even the subsequent rescue. His mind was just blank, as if he didn't know anything.

It wasn't until this moment when Chu Yun woke up that Gu Junzhi felt that he had come back to life.The heart seemed to be beating again.

The road from the ward to the hospital was not very far, but Gu Junzhi felt that it had been a long time in a daze.

After the doctor finally checked Chu Yun and found that there was no serious problem, Gu Junzhi's heart was truly at ease.

"Ayun, you almost didn't scare me to death." Gu Junzhi held Chu Yun's hand, sticking his cheek to the back of her hand with nostalgia, "In the past three days since you were in a coma, I have even thought about it countless times. If you never wake up, I will take care of you for the rest of your life. If you die, I will accompany you."

"Ayun, don't do such stupid things in the future, you are far more important than my own life, without you, I will not be able to live."

This was the first time that Gu Junzhi showed his deepest emotions in front of Chu Yun, far deeper than Chu Yun imagined.

This time he was really terrified, and even silently made plans now.

The rest of his life is long, without Chu Yun, Gu Junzhi doesn't even know how he would spend that long time.

(End of this chapter)

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