Mrs. Gu is getting divorced every day

Chapter 223 Intentional Murder

Chapter 223 Intentional Murder
"Don't talk nonsense." Chu Yun scolded with a smile, "I have great fortune and fate, and I shouldn't die here."

She said this on purpose, wanting to dissolve the current sad atmosphere.

Gu Junzhi shouldn't be like this. In Chu Yun's memory, he has always been aloof, with a strategizing temperament permeating his whole body.Such a proud person should not be so humble.

Yes, even though she didn't want to admit it, at that moment, Chu Yun still felt humbled by Gu Junzhi.

Perhaps in the face of love, everyone is mortal, no matter how powerful you are, you cannot escape the shackles of love.

"I'm not talking nonsense, I will really do this. So Chu Yun, if you don't want me to do this, then you should protect yourself." Gu Junzhi said to Chu Yun very seriously.Even he, who has always called her "Ayun", now calls her by her first and last name.

And this, Chu Yun is also well aware.

"I know, I won't be like this, I'm still young, I don't want to die young." Chu Yun said.

In this way, Gu Junzhi nodded in satisfaction, but he never let go of the hand holding Chu Yun, as if he was holding a lost and recovered treasure carefully.

Seeing Gu Junzhi's appearance, Chu Yun couldn't say anything, and let him go.

I don't know how long it took, but there was no sound of the two talking, and there was only silence in the ward.

Chu Yun seemed to have thought of something, and suddenly broke the silence, "Gu Junzhi, why do you like me?"

Asking herself, Chu Yun thinks that she is a very ordinary person, especially beautiful in appearance, but according to the status and status of taking care of Junzhi, Chu Yun does not think that she can be treated according to her appearance. Attracted to Gu Junzhi.

The love shown by Gu Junzhi was so strong and deep that Chu Yun even felt that she was not worthy of such love.

"Because you are Chu Yun." Without even thinking about it, these words came out of Gu Junzhi's mouth.

Hearing this, Chu Yun smiled contentedly.

Because she is Chu Yun, Gu Junzhi will love her no matter what she becomes.Just because she is the unique Chu Yun in this world.

For a moment, Chu Yun felt as if she had been redeemed, and everything in the past seemed to be unimportant.Even the Chu family has become irrelevant in Chu Yun's heart at this moment.

The two stayed up all night and stayed together until dawn.

Without saying anything, just being so quietly by each other's side, feeling each other's figure, you can get great satisfaction.

It wasn't until the dawn of the second day that a layer of whiteness appeared on the sky, and Gu Junzhi covered Chu Yun's eyes with his hands, "Good boy, it's time for you to sleep."

The voice is extremely gentle.

And Chu Yun was completely indulging in this tenderness, without any rebuttal, and did as she said.

She slept soundly, and when she woke up again, it was already noon. Gu Junzhi was sitting by the side, holding his laptop to deal with things, and when he saw her wake up, he quickly put it down.

"What do you want? I'll buy it for you. I asked the doctor. You can eat some light food now, but you shouldn't eat too much."

"Anything is fine." Chu Yun replied.

Before Gu Junzhi asked, Chu Yun didn't feel hungry, but after asking, her stomach began to growl uncontrollably.

In the past few days, Chu Yun has been relying on infusions to maintain her life, and the taste in her mouth has long since disappeared.

"Okay, just wait for me, I'll be right back." After Gu Junzhi finished speaking, he immediately went out to buy something for Chu Yun.

He moved so quickly that Chu Yun felt that Gu Junzhi came back just after she had waited for a while.He bought a bowl of porridge, sat by the bed, and fed it to Chu Yun.

"Aren't you going to eat?" Chu Yun asked after swallowing the porridge that Gu Junzhi handed to her lips.

"I've eaten." Gu Junzhi said.

Now, he has returned to his former Fengshen and handsome appearance. After Chu Yun woke up, he finally had the mood to clean himself up and deal with other things.

Gu Junzhi remembered the license plate number of the car that hit Chu Yun on the road that day. After sending Chu Yun to the ambulance, Gu Junzhi called the police.

But now it is the fourth day, and there is no news from the police, and the person who hit the person has never been found.

He seemed to appear out of thin air, and after bumping into Chu Yun, he disappeared.

All these things, coupled with the crazy speed of the car at that time, Gu Junzhi understood that this accident was intentional, and someone wanted to kill Chu Yun.

This thought caused Gu Junzhi's eyes to flash fiercely, and a faint murderous aura overflowed from his body.

After the bowl of porridge was eaten by Chu Yun, Gu Junzhi stood up and continued to deal with things in front of the laptop.

"That person bumped into me on purpose that day?" Chu Yun suddenly asked when Gu Junzhi typed the first word.

"En." Gu Junzhi responded lightly, without denying it, which is actually not difficult to guess.

Chu Yun pursed her lips, "Have you caught someone? Was it ordered by someone, or what?"

She thought that although she was not kind, she never took the initiative to provoke others, leaving room for everything.

But there are always people who will always think of killing her.It seemed that as long as she, Chu Yun, was alive, the other party would have trouble sleeping and eating.

This is true of Chu Xiang, and so of Sun Nan.

Up to now, Chu Yun can still clearly recall the ear-piercing laughter of these two people before their death in the previous life.

"Not yet, that person has never been caught, and I don't know where he hid it." Mentioning this matter, Gu Junzhi's eyes darkened, and his heart was filled with anger.

Since the police are unreliable, he can only do it himself, but now there are some clues.

"I think the person behind this matter may be your old acquaintance." Gu Juanzhi said coldly.

Today's matter must not simply let them go.One by one, sooner or later Gu Junzhi will be uprooted and not a blade of grass will be left.

"Really?" Chu Yun curled her lips, lowered her brows and eyes, and suddenly had mixed feelings, "Is it Chu Xiang, or Sun Nan?"

If she can, she just wants to live her life in peace, why do people always let her go?

"Sun Nan. Although the evidence is still insufficient, I always feel that she did this thing, and I will follow this person to focus on the investigation." Gu Junzhi told the truth. Yun glanced, "Leave this matter to me, you just need to rest well and take care of your body."

Don't worry about anything else, I'll take care of it for you.

Although Gu Junzhi didn't say this, Chu Yun knew it in his heart.

There are some things that have long been unnecessary between the two of them.

(End of this chapter)

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