Mrs. Gu is getting divorced every day

Chapter 243 Cooperation Accident

Chapter 243 Cooperation Accident
The man was still holding a stack of documents, and he was obviously overwhelmed by the busyness. His face was still angry after being pulled like this. When he turned around and was about to scold, he found that it was Chu Xiang, and immediately changed his tone.

Just kidding, who is Chu Xiang?As employees of the company, they can't afford to mess with them.

"The boss lost his temper early this morning, saying that there were some problems with our cooperation with other companies, and now it is too late to fix it, and we are looking for a way to fix it."

Chu Xiang asked very anxiously: "What's the matter? Tell me first, is the company's plan wrong?"

"I heard that it seems that the person in charge took away the funds, and the police have already dealt with it. I don't know if it can be recovered."

Although she planned this incident by herself, she still laughed when she learned about the situation from others.

Chu Xiang tried her best to maintain her facial expression, and walked towards Chu Yun's office step by step.

She hadn't gone in yet, but was just waiting at the door when she heard Chu Yun scolding someone.

"I told you that you can't just give the funds to others casually. If there is a mistake like this, do you know who will make up for the deficit?"

Chu Yun was so angry that her brain hurt. It happened so suddenly. She never thought that the other party would take away the money directly, causing their company's stock price to fall accordingly.

Now there is not much money in the company's account that can be used, if she hadn't withdrawn money from Gu Junzhi to make up for it, she didn't know what to do.

Calling the police will not save the current losses of Sun and Chu.

Soon the assistant walked past Chu Xiang, and she hurriedly said: "Boss, the people from Sun's side have come over and need an explanation from us. I have placed them in the conference hall now."

Chu Yun took a deep breath, turned and walked towards the conference hall.

There were too many things to consider, and when she came out, she didn't even notice that there was a Chu Xiang at the door, walking right past her.

Seeing that the main event was coming soon, Chu Xiang didn't want to miss such a wonderful performance, so she hurriedly walked over with her and opened the door of the conference room a little.

"Hello, Boss Chu."


After the people on both sides shook hands, the other party also said bluntly: "According to this situation, we reasonably question your company's ability, and we have already planned not to cooperate with your company."

Cancellation of cooperation at this time is undoubtedly a heavy blow to their company.The losses that could have been borne by the two companies together will become Chu's only.

Chu Yun held her head and was a little speechless, and hurriedly asked them to stop: "Please wait a moment, you haven't informed Mr. Sun of this decision, how can you directly cancel the cooperation before the end of the matter?"

The person in charge of the other party kept a straight face, as if he didn't want to stay any longer, and continued: "We trust you very much, but now that this situation has happened, Sun's investment in this way may be a big expense. "

When Chu Yun found out that Sun Zichu was not the person who came, she became even more resolute in her heart.

"Don't say it too early. Since our company is already in the process of public relations, things will definitely have a good result in the end." Chu Yun tried her best to keep calm, and re-promised to them: "We will use our own funds first. To fill the void this time, we will also find the person who took the property later."

"Please don't revoke the cooperation and give us another chance."

Now that it's all said and done, the person in charge of the other party obviously begins to waver.Chu Xiang heard it clearly at the door, and she turned a corner to call Sun Nan.

"Is it someone you sent?"

Sun Nan's tone was obviously a little nervous, and he thought for a while before replying: "I don't know their situation, the people here were sent by my brother."

(End of this chapter)

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