Chapter 244 Escape Failed

Sun Nan was not aware of this change either. Her original plan was to let her own people go, and she would cancel the cooperation no matter what.She didn't expect that although her brother agreed with her proposal, he also sent two smart people there.

She anxiously asked about the current situation: "Chu Xiang, how is your situation now? Have you canceled the cooperation?"

While listening to the phone, Chu Xiang inquired about the situation in the meeting room, and finally found that those people did not ask Chu Yun to sign at all.

Naturally, the plan to withdraw the cooperation would come to naught.

After hanging up the phone, Chu Xiang already had other plans in his heart.These people are just a small episode, nothing to be afraid of.

Before the people left, some employees were still in the conference room, Chu Xiang walked in slowly and asked, "Are you satisfied with the way you have made the company like it is?"

Her voice was not loud, but everyone present could hear her clearly.As soon as these words came out, the people below were immediately whispering.

"What are you doing here?"

Chu Yun doesn't have the time to pay attention to Chu Xiang at all now, and when she sees her, she just wants her to leave quickly, so as not to cause trouble here.

"This is my family's company. I can't take a look at it if there's such a big mistake? Look at how messed up you are. I don't know what good it is to hand over the company to you."

If he had come by himself, he would have led the Chu family to a higher level.Who made these people look down and didn't leave things to her.

After being contradicted in front of so many people, Chu Yun's face was also ugly, and she said domineeringly: "I can solve my affairs by myself, not to mention that this is my mother's company. I can do whatever I want."

Chu Yun's words shocked the employees of the company, and they quickly left to do what they should do.

When the meeting room was empty, she slowly walked to Chu Xiang's side and stopped.

"You think I'm free now, and I can accommodate you to say a few words, right? You'd better stay at home obediently and don't do anything. Otherwise, you will be at your own risk."

After Chu Yun said this, she left the meeting room, naturally she didn't notice Chu Xiang's expression.

The expression on her face became more and more stiff, and it didn't get better until Chu Yun left.Originally, Chu Xiang came here to laugh at Chu Yun's failure in handling affairs, but he didn't expect to be turned into a general.

Chu Xiang looked at Chu Yun's leaving back with some disgust, thinking about what chance he should have to make a move next time.

Gu Junzhi also came to the company soon, he thought for a while, and began to adjust the company's surveillance, and soon locked down a suspect named Liu Kai who was moving strangely.

Liu Kai is an ordinary office worker. Originally, he could work in the company without worrying about food and clothing, but he was moved by Jia Kegui's short words.

He took the 10 yuan from Jia Kegui and told Jia Kegui the flow of funds.

As a person who has worked in the Chu family for a long time, he naturally knows the consequences of what he does, it's just that the money is touching people's hearts.

Gu Junzhi called him to the office, and with an unkind expression on his face, he directly asked, "Why did you betray the company? Now you'd better tell me the truth. We have already contacted the police. If you behave well, we will Still need to discuss."

A few short sentences already made Liu Kai extremely flustered, and he never thought that Gu Junzhi's next sentence would be to use a child as a cover.

"You'd better think of your children."

Liu Kai immediately confessed that it was Jia Kegui who did it, and also gave all his contact information.

Based on the information, Gu Junzhi and the police worked hard for three days and finally captured Jia Kegui who was fleeing.

And because he wanted to know who was behind him, Gu Junzhi decided to interrogate himself after he was caught.

He looked at Jia Kegui and sneered: "I believe you don't have the guts to do such a thing yourself, tell the truth, otherwise I believe you won't see the sun tomorrow."

(End of this chapter)

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