Chapter 818 Changes
When she stepped into the company's gate, Chu Yun keenly felt that the atmosphere in the company seemed to be a little different.

Obviously, before this, basically everyone would not look at themselves with this kind of eyes.

She couldn't help frowning: "It's strange what's wrong with these people, they actually look at me with speculative eyes?"

Chu Yun thought about it for a long time, but she didn't think about what was going on, so she just wanted to forget about it.

In the end, she didn't expect that she would get the answer not long after.

She had just walked in, and not far away, she saw a group of people approaching, and surrounded by them was Chu Xiang.

"Thanks to you this's really great..."

Chu Yun listened carefully to what they said, but because of the distance, she could only vaguely hear it.

However, she could tell that now Chu Xiang was basically overwhelmed by the stars, and everyone revolved around her, and now she seemed to be proud of herself.

"Chu Yun, do you see that you should really learn from Chu Xiang in the future. If you can also have this ability, what else should our company worry about?"

"That's right, it's a good thing Chu Xiang is here!" Another person echoed.

Chu Yun became more and more confused, and at the same time felt inexplicable, not knowing what happened in between.

However, Chu Xiang didn't want to explain anything, she just took a meaningful look here.

"Okay, we still have a lot of things to do, let's deal with those things first, let's go."

After speaking, Chu Xiang walked over first, and the others quickly followed without saying anything to Chu Yun.

After arriving at the office, Chu Yun found out what happened.

The secretary was arranging the documents on the table, but the movements could be heard a little loudly, as if she was very angry now.

"What's the matter, who made you angry?" Chu Yun couldn't help but feel a little funny, and couldn't help asking.

Hearing her voice, the secretary turned his head in surprise, as if seeing a savior.

"It's not because of those people in Chuxiang! Now that Yuyi has been invested by Yuansheng Group, she leans against a big tree to enjoy the shade, and she doesn't take us seriously any more!" The secretary said angrily.

It can be seen that she should have been ridiculed by others before, so she is a little angry now.

And Chu Yun nodded clearly: "No wonder, with a temper like hers, if she gains power, she will definitely not make it easy for others."

As she spoke, she suddenly realized that she seemed to have overlooked something.

"Wait a minute, you just said that she is cooperating with Yuansheng Group? What's going on?" Chu Yun said in surprise.

She didn't seem to have heard Gu Junzhi say this, and it was impossible for him to do this.

Thinking of this, she immediately made a phone call: "Junzhi, I heard that Yuansheng invested in Chu Xiang's Yuyi, what's the situation? Could it be you who agreed?"

Hearing her words, Gu Juanzhi quickly denied it: "How is it possible, if you hadn't told me, I wouldn't even know about it."

"Don't worry, I'll ask now, and I should be able to get the answer." Gu Junzhi comforted.

Then, he immediately called the person in charge of the company and asked them what was going on.

It didn't take long for Gu Junzhi to get the answer. It turned out that the branch that his second uncle was in charge of cooperated with Chu Xiang.

(End of this chapter)

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