Chapter 819 Eradication
After Gu Junzhi learned that Chu Xiang was cooperating with a branch company, he was unhappy from the bottom of his heart: "I'll ask someone to terminate the contract with them, and I'll pay twice the liquidated damages." After saying that, he was about to call his secretary.The things that Chu Xiang always appeared in front of him made him dislike Chu Xiang. Coupled with today's incident, he disliked her even more. He wished that he had nothing to do with Chu Xiang.

"Don't be so impulsive." Chu Yun stopped him, she was worried that Gu Junzhi would ruin the company's reputation by terminating the contract with Chu Xiang for no reason, "There is no need to damage the group's reputation for one person."

After being stopped by her like this, Gu Junzhi became more sober: "Then what do you think should be done?" He wanted to terminate the contract with Yu Yi, and he couldn't ruin his reputation.

Chu Yun smiled slightly: "You wait and see what I do." She had already thought of a good method, and she just had to practice it.

Gu Junzhi was amused by her mysterious appearance, nodded dotingly, and let her go.

Chu Yun took out her mobile phone and made a phone call: "Ke'er, it's me." On the other end of the phone was her confidant Song Ke'er, who now works in Yuyi, and she always takes Song Keer to investigate the internal affairs of Yuyi for herself.

A female voice came from the other end of the phone: "Chu Yun? What's the matter so late?" She was a little surprised because Chu Yun hadn't called her for a long time, but she knew that Chu Yun must have something for her to do , to call her so late.

"You work in Yuyi. What's new about Yuyi recently?" Chu Yun didn't beat around the bush. After all, Song Ke'er was not an outsider, so it was convenient for both of them to talk to her directly.

There was silence on the other end of the phone, and Song Ke'er was thinking: "I've been busy with other things these days, and I haven't had a chance to go back to the company yet. I'll make inquiries for you tomorrow and then call you back."

After hanging up the phone, Chu Yun sat on the sofa thinking, Chu Xiang is her younger sister, she naturally has a thorough understanding of Chu Xiang's character, she is unwilling to give up until she achieves her goal, and her methods are not very clever, so she will naturally offend many people .

And I can just take advantage of this opportunity to find those people she offended to break her down, and successfully let the Yuansheng Group terminate the contract with Yuyi.

Gu Junzhi saw that she had her own ideas, so he didn't ask for help. He believed that Chu Yun could do it.

The next day, Song Ke'er called Chu Yun: "I found out that Chu Xiang has been busy expanding the market recently, recruiting many designers from outside, with all kinds of styles, and now the Yuyi design department is in a mess. There are all kinds of styles and schools." There was a trace of disdain in her tone, obviously she did not approve of Chu Xiang's approach.

Chu Yun also disagrees with this act. Chu Xiang's reckless behavior will not only not expand the market, but will lead to conflicts between designers, especially the original designers will be more sensitive to new designers. Picky, and the new designer is arrogant, and the contradictions in the design department will become more and more serious as time goes by.

"And then?" Although Chu Yun had guessed the consequences, she still wanted to ask.

"The original national style designers are very dissatisfied with Chu Xiang." Song Ke'er said, but Chu Xiang didn't seem to notice the displeasure of the designers, and kept recruiting designers. Opinions about her are growing.

Chu Yun nodded, but did not speak.Although Song Ke'er didn't see it, she also guessed it. Knowing that Chu Yun was thinking, she waited patiently.

Chu Yun was really thinking about how to maximize the designer's dissatisfaction, but she didn't have a clue for a while.

Just simple dissatisfaction is not enough to accomplish what she wants to do, she has to wait and see for a while, and find a good time to start.

(End of this chapter)

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