Chapter 877

After being yelled at by the director, everyone looked at Zhao Rufeng alone, as if they were blaming her for not cooperating earlier and ending work earlier.

Zhao Rufeng was looked at very embarrassingly, but that Chu Yun was still sitting on the tall horse, so beautiful, with fresh clothes and angry horses, she looked slightly sideways, watching the situation here quietly.

But in an instant, a smile appeared on his face, and his watery eyes rolled away, as if he didn't care what Zhao Rufeng did again.

The more Zhao Rufeng thought about it, the more angry he became, he clenched his fists tightly, and both eyes turned red.

"Hurry up, do it again, or the filming of a scene will take until midnight!" The director didn't take care of her emotions, and kept urging work.

After all, they discussed for a while and changed their costumes again, which took a lot of energy. If they didn't speed up, the next scene would be delayed.

At this time, everyone was ready, and Zhao Rufeng was under the pressure of the director, so he could only continue filming reluctantly.

After a lot of effort, they finally filmed the first half of the scene, and everyone breathed a sigh of relief.

After filming, there is a half hour break in between.

Chu Yun seemed to be going to her RV, probably to go to the bathroom, and she would come back after a while to change into armor and equipment.

Zhao Rufeng looked at the direction in which she was going, and suddenly his mind moved, and he smiled sadly with his lips curled up.

She turned first and went to the makeup artist.

At this time, a few makeup artists were arranging the contents of their makeup boxes, and they would take these things to touch up the actors' makeup later.

Zhao Rufeng went in and greeted them.

"Who are you going to fix makeup for?" Zhao Rufeng smiled.

They said they wanted to touch up the actor's makeup first.

Zhao Rufeng pointed them in the direction, saying that the actor was just looking for them everywhere.

Only then did they quickly carry the cosmetic case on their backs.

Taking advantage of this moment, Zhao Rufeng found the armor that Chu Yun had just taken off, took the pair of scissors on the dressing table, and cut the buckles a few times.

She gestured fiercely, as if venting hatred.

The eyes exuded a biting light, and the lower lip was bitten tightly.

Doesn't it look good in a red robe?Let her wear it!Let her wear it!

Then she narrowed her eyes and smiled with satisfaction, seeing how Chu Yun was still showing off in front of her!
Thinking of this, she quickly put down the scissors and walked out quietly.

After half an hour, everyone started rehearsing the play again.

At this time, Chu Yun put on the armor just now again and got on the horse.

Zhao Rufeng watched her ride away on horseback, feeling more and more complacent.

Filming resumed.

The field workers on the set have all left.

The director yelled in the distance.

Chu Yun held the horse between her legs, and rushed towards the enemy camp from the yellow sand holding a big knife.

At this time, she had already fought with the soldiers alone.

Her hand turned the big knife a few times in the air.

At this time, she seemed to hear a few ropes tied in the armor snap.

And the group performers in front of them were about to knock down the spears in their hands.

She felt that her armor was getting looser and looser, and then it actually split in two from her body and fell off.

Somewhat caught off guard, she raised her head and glanced at the people around her, a flash of fear flashed in her eyes for a moment.

Seeing this situation, everyone wanted to put away the weapons in their hands, but the weapons were really heavy, and when they were chopped down, they couldn't stop their inertia, and they smashed hard on Chu Yun's arm !

Zhao Rufeng who was standing in the distance saw this scene and smiled triumphantly.

(End of this chapter)

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