Chapter 878 Injured
In order not to be accused by the director of being fake, the extras didn't know that there was something wrong with Chu Yun's props, so the force remained undiminished and hit the flesh directly. It fell to the ground.

The weapon in Chu Yun's hand fell, and her face was full of pain. The actors watching the play stepped forward one after another and asked eagerly, "Sister Chu Yun, what's wrong with you?"

In order to prevent the extras from being ridiculed, Chu Yun smiled bitterly, shook her head and said, "It's okay, my arm hurts a bit."

As Chu Yun's assistant on the set, she cared a lot: "Sister Yun, hurry up and see if the injury is serious. Even if it doesn't hurt very much now, you should pay attention."

The pain in her arm was severe, Chu Yun reluctantly nodded, and said: "Yes! Go to the hospital and ask the director for leave."

The assistant immediately told the director that there was something wrong with the props, and now Chu Yun was injured and needed to go to the hospital urgently.

The heroine was injured and went to see a doctor, and the director immediately sent two people to see a doctor.

When the assistant came back to help Chu Yun take off her costume, Chu Yun couldn't lift her whole arm, she would cry out in pain if she touched it, and she was so anxious: "It's all blue, sister Yun, don't lift it up, I'll give you my clothes Take it off."

"It's okay, let's go to the hospital quickly!" Chu Yun's heart warmed up. Since she chose to be an actress, she must do her best and not leave any criticism.

When the two arrived at the hospital, cold sweat broke out on Chu Yun's forehead, presumably the pain was too severe.

An old doctor, who looked very technical, tapped two fingers up and down on Chu Yun's badly injured arm to observe the changes in Chu Yun's expression.

The doctor is not in a hurry, but the assistant is.

Seeing the other party touch for a long time without making a sound, the assistant couldn't help asking: "Doctor, how is my sister's injury?"

Hearing the sound, the doctor pushed the glasses on the bridge of the nose, and said wisely: "I can't move anymore. Naturally, I have to rest for a week and see the situation."

After recuperating for a week, Chu Yun almost collapsed. She hadn't caught up with the progress, and if there was any further delay, the director would be impatient.

Seeing that the doctor was prescribing a prescription, Chu Yun tried tactfully: "Can the doctor apply some ointment to quickly reduce the swelling and pain? I still have work to be done quickly, and a week is a bit long."

After Chu Yun finished speaking, the doctor paused and looked up at Chu Yun. He didn't speak disdainfully until he was horrified by the other person's look, "If you go to work without being afraid of being disabled, you will regret the consequences in the future."

Famous doctors tend to have a bit of a temper, and the assistant answered immediately: "It's okay, doctor, my sister is just asking, and she will rest in the hospital."

The doctor finished drawing up the form and handed it to the assistant beside him: "Take this form and go to the pharmacy to get the medicine and go through a hospitalization procedure."

The assistant gave a deep respect, and said repeatedly: "Okay, thank you doctor."

After the doctor left, the assistant let out a deep breath, and called Xu Zhian in front of Chu Zuo: "Director, Sister Yun's arm is injured now, and the doctor said she needs to rest for a week. I'm going to go through the hospitalization procedures for her now."

"Okay, I'll go and have a look right away." Xu Zhian was so angry that he couldn't express it in front of Chu Yun, and warmly comforted him.

After hanging up the phone, the assistant completed the hospitalization procedures for Chu Yun. Just after lying down on the ward for a while, I heard Xu Zhian calling at the door of the ward, questioning how the people in the clothing team do things. people hurt.

Not knowing how the other party explained it, Xu Zhian reprimanded him twice before saying, "Let's talk about it when he goes back!"

After a few seconds, Xu Zhian regained his composure before knocking on the door and entering.

When Xu Zhian came in, Chu Yun hurried over to say hello: "Director, are you here?"

(End of this chapter)

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