Brother, I'm here to survive

Chapter 231 Emotional

Chapter 231 Emotional
Then what's the best of both worlds, Ruohua became quiet for a moment.

Mo Jun Xinglan remained silent for a long time, Mo Jun Xinglan sighed, not knowing exactly what the idea was, looking at Ruohua's face, Mo Jun Xinglan spoke slowly.

"I promised you, and I will obey it, but Ruohua, I am the master of the Demon Realm, and I am responsible for everyone in the Demon Realm."

After Mo Jun Xinglan finished speaking, she turned and left, leaving Ruohua alone, staying in place quietly.

Ruohua looked at Mojun Xinglan's back, clenched his hands in his wide sleeves, thinking about something in his head.

She wants to maintain the status quo, but she thinks too simply, how can the so-called status quo be maintained.

At this moment, a person slowly walked into the gate of the hall, Chi Yin looked at Ruohua and smiled.

Ruohua remained silent, glanced at Chi Yin, and lowered his head, thinking about something.

Sitting beside Ruohua, Chi Yin looked at Ruohua's appearance, and said slowly.

"Why, His Royal Highness is also in trouble?"

Ruohua glanced at Chi Yin, she couldn't see what this woman was thinking at all, Chi Yin would say some inexplicable things to her sometimes, Ruohua looked at Chi Yin, and then said.

"Is something wrong?"

Chi Yin smiled, supported her head, looked at Ruohua, and then said.

"It's okay, let's see you."

Ruohua stood up, Chiyin was so strange, she was not in the mood to continue talking with her.

Seeing Ruohua stand up, Chi Yin smiled and shook her head, then said.

"Remember, I told Her Majesty the Empress that you will regret it sooner or later."

Ruohua glanced at Chi Yin, regretted?Where did Chi Yin see that she regretted it?It's funny, regret, what did she do wrong to regret?

Ruohua looked at Chi Yin.

"Regret? What do I regret, and what is there to regret?"

Seeing Ruohua like this, Chi Yin smiled, and then said.

"It's good that His Majesty the Demon Queen doesn't regret it. Now His Majesty the Demon Monarch has really moved his heart towards you. If you regret it, it will be icing on the cake for him. If you don't regret it, it is also dispensable to him."

Ruohua glanced at Chi Yin, Chi Yin really has a problem, and she doesn't regret anything later.

"What do you want to say, don't beat around the bush."

Ruohua said to Chi Yin, Chi Yin looked at Ruohua's appearance, laughed lightly, and looked at Ruohua with smiling eyes.

"His Royal Highness the Demon Queen only wants to feed the demon with her body, but you have forgotten that our Highness the Demon Lord also has intentions. You said before that he doesn't like you, but now you still can't see it. Our Highness the Demon Lord is moving towards you I'm in love."

Chi Yin spoke slowly, and after she finished speaking, she chuckled, yes, maybe even Mo Jun Xinglan didn't realize that he had already fallen in love with Ruohua.

In the past, it was just for fun, and I wanted to see Ruohua and Jing Shuo in pain, but after a long time, I'm afraid even Mo Jun Xinglan didn't realize that he fell in love with Ruohua invisibly.

Ruohua frowned when he heard what Chi Yin said, his face changed slightly.How could it be possible, how could Mo Jun Xinglan be emotional with herself, this is absolutely impossible!
"And then, what do you want to say?"

Ruohua looked at Chi Yin calmly on the surface, and Chi Yin looked at Ruohua's appearance, smiled, and then spoke.

"What are you talking about? I've already finished. Her Majesty the Demon Empress cherishes those who are kind to you in the Immortal Mountain of Immortality, for fear that they will be harmed. Our Majesty the Demon Monarch treats you well. He took you out of the Purgatory of the Immortal Realm. Yuepei gave it to you, and then healed the red marks on your body with the reincarnation flower, and rescued you from the barren wilderness, because you were injured, and the environment of the devil world is not suitable for you to heal your injuries, so I specially brought you You go to the world to heal your wounds, Your Majesty the Demon Queen, you are also a kind and righteous person. You think about all the people who treat you well, why don’t you think about His Majesty the Demon Lord? Is it because we are demons and treat people well? Wouldn't it be better?"

Chi Yin said word by word, seeing their demon Jun Xinglan falling in love is also an extremely rare thing, isn't it? Thinking of this, Chi Yin smiled, and the smile made it hard to see what she was really like. What are you thinking.

Ruohua frowned, everything that Chi Yin said, Ruohua experienced it all personally, so naturally he knew it better than Chi Yin.

Chi Yin's words made Ruohua silent. She couldn't deny that Mo Jun Xinglan was kind to her. What Chi Yin didn't know was that Mo Jun Xinglan had blocked eighty thunderstorms for her, and it was during the A place like Immortal Purgatory.

Mojun Xinglan always kept saying that she liked her, Ruohua didn't see why Mojun Xinglan liked her, but when Chi Yin said that, Ruohua didn't understand what Mojun Xinglan meant to her , Looking at Chi Yin on the side, Ruohua didn't say a word.

On the contrary, it was Chi Yin who looked at Ruohua, smiled, and then said.

"Subordinates retire."

Chi Yin walked out of the palace gate, and Ruohua sat alone in the huge palace, thinking, just like what Chi Yin said, the demons are good to people, and the demon Xinglan is also good to her, But Ruohua really can't accept the demon Xinglan Duila's liking for her.

For a long time, Ruohua sighed and remained silent.

In the purgatory of the fairy world, Chenghong sat in the void city, looking at the Red Lake in front of him.

"So, you still don't want to go out with me?"

The answer to Chenghong was silence.

Chenghong sighed, then stood up and spoke.

"The battle between the immortal and demon realms is about to break out. Xinglan doesn't have many people who can use him. If you don't want to go out, then you can't blame others for what happens."

Chenghong Tianjun had just finished speaking, when a muffled voice came from the depths of the lake.

"Needless to say, don't go, just don't go, he and I are now regarded as enemies, why should I help him!"

"You can't forget him!"

Chenghong said, in the past, he couldn't understand what kind of emotion Bei felt towards the demon Xinglan, but now he understands and sees it clearly.Why would you be so humble to the demon Xinglan?

After Chenghong finished speaking, the Red Lake, which was originally extremely calm, suddenly surged violently, and dried up completely the next moment.It was as if there was no water at all.

Chenghong frowned, without humble's help, he wouldn't be able to get out of the fairy world and purgatory at all, he had a premonition that something was going to happen, so he had to leave quickly.

Here, in the demon world, because of Chi Yin's remarks, Ruohua didn't know how to face the demon Xinglan for a while, and the demon Xinglan didn't appear in front of Ruohua for a day. After a day, I finally found a way.

Ruohua stood up and walked out of the palace gate, just in time to meet the demon king Xinglan.

(End of this chapter)

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