Brother, I'm here to survive

Chapter 232 Whimsical

Chapter 232 Whimsical
Ruohua stepped forward and hurriedly said to Mo Jun Xinglan.

"I have a solution. I can maintain the current stability. Both the fairy world and the demon world will be stable without interference."

Ruohua seemed a little excited, Mo Jun Xinglan looked at Ruohua's appearance, smiled disdainfully, and then said.

"Little Ruohua, stop dreaming, who do you think you are?"

Ruohua looked at Mojun Xinglan, a little confused about what Mojun Xinglan meant, at this time Mojun Xinglan spoke slowly.

"Back then, I almost wiped out the demon clan by myself. Ruohua, do you think I did the right thing?"

Ruohua shook his head and looked at Mojun Xinglan.

Mo Jun Xinglan smiled lightly, and reached out to touch Ruohua's bun.

"At the time, I thought I was doing the right thing, but later on, do you know what happened?"

Ruohua shook her head, then she seemed to think of something again, looking at Mojun Xinglan, she remembered seeing him in a dream, and finally...

Ruohua didn't think about it, Mo Jun Xinglan looked at Ruohua and smiled, then said.

"I almost forgot, you know, you saw everything, didn't you?"

Mo Jun Xinglan smiled lightly, as if recalling something, and then said.

"I told you that the six worlds are divided by God the Father, remember?"

Ruohua nodded, naturally remembering, but what does it mean when he mentions the division of the six realms at this time.

"The six realms are indeed divided by Father God, but there is one thing. When Father God divided the six realms, the six realms had already taken shape. What Father God did was nothing more than fueling the flames."

Mo Jun Xinglan glanced at Ruohua and thought of his father, the father god of the six realms.

"Everything in the world appeared together. They each have their own thoughts, lives, and strength. In fact, they are all equal at the beginning. Whether it is human or immortal, they are all the same from the beginning of the world. , there is no such thing as high or low, and there is no such thing as high or low."

"Later, gradually, people thought more, saw more, and thought more, and they had emotions, desires, greed, anger, and obsession. Because of this, what everyone saw later was different. Like the fairy world, what he sees is nothing but the inconsistency between good and evil. There should be no so-called evil in this world. Among the six worlds, the one that can bring out evil the most is the demon world. They are tyrannical and ferocious. In the eyes of the fairy world, they You shouldn't be living in this world. So, there was me back then, and I led people to drive the demon world to almost extinction."

When talking about this, Mo Jun Xinglan took a look at Ruohua, and smiled disapprovingly. If you want to talk about the past, he didn't have a tyrannical heart back then.

Ruohua looked at Mo Jun Xinglan, and spoke slowly.

"This is also in the dossier of the fairy world, there are only a few records about you?"

"Yes, because I killed so many demons, and the demons are no longer a climate. At that time, did you think that there would be no such thing as evil in this world? Without the threat of the demons, I would become the evil in their mouths. I am cruel, cruel, and killing. This is what they call evil. Therefore, a group of people who supported me planned to kill me behind the scenes. When my strength weakened, they assassinated me. Most of my cultivation was sealed with secret law, preventing me from being reincarnated for tens of millions of years. I was tortured. Ruohua, what kind of evil do you think this is?"

Mo Jun Xinglan looked at Ruohua, and said slowly.

Ruohua opened his mouth.

Mo Jun Xinglan spoke again.

"In this world, as long as there are people, there is no so-called peace. The peaceful coexistence you want is impossible. Look at the current six realms. Their common enemy is the demon realm, so they have the so-called peace now. Because their swords are all facing the Demon Realm. If the Demon Realm is gone, their swords will not be put away, but will be directed at other people. Now the Demon Realm is not tolerated by the Six Realms, but have they ever thought about whether it is the Demon Realm? Because the Six Realms don't allow it, or the Six Realms don't allow the Demon Realm."

Ruohua remained silent and looked at Mojun Xinglan. She really didn't know as much as Mojun Xinglan about some things.

Seeing Ruohua's appearance, Mo Jun Xinglan smiled, stretched out his hand, stroked Ruohua's bun, and then said.

"Don't think about anything. It's best to be safe in the fairy world. If you don't, I could destroy the demons back then. Why can't I destroy the fairy world now? Don't worry, Xiao Ruohua, the person you care about is for your sake Come on, I'll spare their lives."

Mo Jun Xinglan finished speaking, turned and left.Ruohua was left at a loss.

Ruohua understands that Mojun Xinglan told her so much because he wanted to dispel the idea of ​​letting the fairy world and the demon world live in peace. Just know that the fairy world will not give up.

Mo Jun Xinglan promised himself that he would not attack the fairy world and retreat to the demon world, but he did not promise himself that he would not fight back against the attack of the fairy world.

From the beginning, Mojun Xinglan had already thought about it, so he agreed to himself so easily. Ruohua suddenly realized that it was because of this. Lan's way.

Ruohua's calf was weak, although he sat on the ground limply.Her face was pale, Ruohua shook her head, no, she can't just watch the demon world slaughter the fairy world.

Ruohua stood up hurriedly, thinking constantly in her mind, what should she do.

In the fairy world, Le Cheng and Sinian looked at Jing Shuo, and couldn't help but sighed. Ever since the two of them brought Jing Shuo back from the Demon Realm, Jing Shuo has been like this all the time, without saying a word, and the whole person doesn't know what's going on. After all, the only thing he said was that he was going to attack the Demon Realm.

Immortal world was hurt before cultivation, but when Jing Shuo said this, there were countless people who agreed, and Jing Shuo became the only representative, but Le Cheng and the others were very worried when they saw Jing Shuo like this.

This is not at all like the senior brother they knew. They didn't know what happened to the senior brother in the devil world. It was just that when they saw Jing Shuo that day, they were all shocked, even though Jing Shuo didn't know what happened to him at all. No matter what kind of injury, but the blood on the clothes and the pale face made the two of them terrified.

Jing Shuo, who returned to the Immortal Mountain of Immortality, was also very frightening. The aura of not getting close to others made them all feel depressed and uncomfortable.

Now, Jing Shuo stays at Siguoya practicing every day, as if he wants to make up for what he didn't practice in the previous days.

The two looked distressed, but they didn't dare to say anything, let alone mention that name, as if if they said that name, the world would collapse.

(End of this chapter)

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