Brother, I'm here to survive

Chapter 237 She Was Not Wrong

Chapter 237 She Was Not Wrong

For a moment, everyone pointed their long swords at Ruohua in front of them. Ruohua stepped back subconsciously, but Jing Shuo kept holding Ruohua's catkin.Then he looked at Ya Chun in front of him, his eyes were full of inquiries.

At this moment, Yachun also called out his long sword, facing Ruohua in front of him.

Ya Chun looked at Ruohua with a look of grief and indignation.

"What a demon queen, you told us not to attack the demon world, and not to fall into the trap of the demon king Xinglan, but the demon king Xinglan used you as an excuse to bloodwash many fairy gates, as well as the Immortal Mountain of Immortality. Your Highness, are you satisfied?"

Ya Chun looked at Ruohua, tears welled up in his eyes, Ruohua and the others watched her grow up and cared for her in every possible way, but the disciples of Bulao Xianshan were also their senior brothers, siblings of the same school, one by one fell on the ground. In front of him, he could only watch them fall.

Ruohua was startled when she saw Yachun's appearance, she knew something would happen.Ruohua didn't know how to face all this, she took her hand out of Jing Shuo's palm, looked at the crowd, Ruohua took a few steps back subconsciously.

Everyone in Immortal Mountain looked at Ruohua. Without Ruohua, the demon king Xinglan would not have bloodbathed Immortal Mountain, their brothers would not have died, and nothing would have happened.

"Kill her and avenge my brothers!"

At this time, I don't know who said such a sentence, like a stone stirring up a thousand waves.When everyone looked at Ruohua, their eyes were full of murderous intent, kill her!kill her!

If it wasn't for Ruohua, if it wasn't for her, Zijin would not have died, and if she hadn't escaped from the eternal prison, what happened later would not have happened.

The disciples on Xianzhong Mountain are all protected by Ya Chun and others. In order to protect them, Ya Chun also shoulders a heavy responsibility.These disciples survived almost by narrow escape. When they saw Ruohua, it was like seeing the Yin Lord who took the lead in washing the Immortal Mountain with blood, and their resentment was overwhelming.They can't wait to kill Ruohua right now.

Ruohua saw such a scene for the first time, and she couldn't help feeling scared. She looked at the crowd at a loss, opened her mouth, and wanted to explain, but when the words came to her lips, even Ruohua herself could feel it. , her powerlessness to say the words of explanation.

Ruohua shook his head, but didn't give an explanation, explanation?How to explain, Mo Jun Xinglan is for the Immortal Mountain of Immortality that she washed with blood, presumably those disciples who died all died with resentment towards him.

I didn't kill Boren, but Boren died because of me.These blood debts of Bulao Xianshan really have something to do with Ruohua, Ruohua looked at the scene in front of him.

At this moment, Jing Shuo spoke slowly.

"It has nothing to do with Ruohua!"

This matter really had nothing to do with Ruohua, it was the Immortal Mountain of Immortals who was washed by Yin Jun with blood, and it was not Ruohua who brought blood to wash.

However, who can still listen to Jing Shuo's words now? They are full of disappointment with Jing Shuo. The senior brother Jing Shuo they admire stayed with the culprit when they were in danger, and now he still has to protect him. Looking at this culprit, how much he admired Jing Shuo before, but now he is disappointed with Jing Shuo.

"At this time, Senior Brother Jing Shuo, you still have to protect this scourge! It was she who caused the Immortal Mountain of Immortality to be washed in blood! She killed Senior Brother Zijin! Senior Brother Jing Shuo, you still have to protect her now! Do you want to wait until we all Only after death can you wake up!"

Such a voice came from the crowd, and for a moment, everyone was filled with righteous indignation, wishing to kill Ruohua immediately.

At this moment, Peak Master Mingyi spoke slowly.

"Jing Shuo! You are a disciple of Immortal Mountain, pick up your sword! Kill this devil beside you!"

"Yes! Kill her! Kill her!"

The words of Peak Lord Mingyi made everyone indignant, and asked Jing Shuo to kill the person in front of him one after another!
With a sullen face, Jing Shuo stopped Ruohua behind him, looked at the crowd, and spoke slowly.

"If Hua is right, who dares to kill her and try!"

As Jing Shuo said, Xuanyuan in his hand stood in front of him and looked at everyone.In Jing Shuo's view, Ruohua was not at fault at all, and what happened to Ruohua is not something they can judge. The bloodbath of Immortal Mountain was the fault of the demon king Xinglan, and what did it have to do with Ruohua.

Ruohua raised her head, looked at Jing Shuo's back, her eyes were a little moist, yes, senior brother has been protecting her all the time, but what did she do?The blood debt of Immortal Immortal Mountain should indeed be counted on her.

Ruohua stretched out his hand and grabbed Brother Jing Shuo's sleeve, just like every time in these years, Jing Shuo turned his head and looked at Ruohua.

Ruohua raised his head, smiled at Jing Shuo, and then stood up.

"Yes, I am the queen of the devil, but it is meaningless for you to kill me now. You are dead, why don't you use me to blackmail the demon king Xinglan, and avenge the disciples who died in vain?"

Ruohua looked at the crowd, she also wanted to understand, she also wanted to understand, she can't escape, since they are all dead, then she might as well do what she can for the immortal mountain.

Ruohua just finished speaking, Jing Shuo pulled Ruohua back, what was she talking about!Blackmail the demon king Xinglan.

"what are you going to do?"

Jing Shuo looked at Ruohua, Ruohua definitely didn't think so, Ruohua looked at Jing Shuo.He opened his mouth slowly.

"Mojun Xinglan won't ignore me, you can use me to blackmail him, brother, I beg you. Don't ask."

Ruohua spoke with a pleading tone, Jing Shuo can no longer protect her, everything started because of her, she can't watch Jing Shuo defend her and become the target of public criticism.

Jing Shuo looked at her, stretched out his hand, and held Ruohua's catkin.

"I don't care what you do, I just want you to be well."

Ruohua looked at Jing Shuo and nodded, she knew that Jing Shuo was kind to her.

What Ruohua is going to do, no one knows, but she entered the prison of Mogu Peak again, this time it is different, she did not go to the eternal life prison, but was guarded by the master of Sifeng.

Ya Chun also summoned all the fairy sects in the fairy world, the purpose is to completely solve the matter of the demon world, Ruohua is in the hands of the fairy world, and this time the method of the demon king Xinglan can be said to have completely angered everyone in the fairy world, and the immortal sects are filled with righteous indignation. In addition, Penglai actually borrowed one hundred thousand demon soldiers from the demon world, and this time the fairy world is bound to win.

Ruohua didn't know all of this. Staying in the jail, looking at the Sifeng master sitting in four directions guarding her, Ruohua felt that she had a great deal of face. The Sifeng masters had never been so neat. Appeared before, but this time it was rare that he appeared neatly because of himself.

I still remember what Jing Shuo said, the master of Sifeng can be regarded as her mother's senior brother and sister, and in this way, she can be regarded as her elder.

At this moment, Peak Master Mingyi looked at Ruohua with a cautious look on his face.

(End of this chapter)

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