Chapter 238

Peak Lord Mingyi's memory of Ruohua is what happened at the registration ceremony. Generally speaking, he doesn't have a good impression of Ruohua. He was somewhat dissatisfied with Ruohua himself.

"This girl can't stay!"

Peak Master Mingyi spoke suddenly, and the other three looked at Peak Master Mingyi, Qing Yang, the master of Huanggu Peak, and Yun Ye, the master of Shuofang Peak, looked at Peak Master Mingyi because they didn't understand.The two of them have been in seclusion for many years, and they didn't even appear in the grand ceremony of Jing Shuo's co-registration, but it's not that the Immortal Mountain of Immortality was almost destroyed this time, and they would never leave the seclusion.

As for Ruohua, they only knew very little, and their understanding of her was only a fragment of what everyone said, so the two of them were a little confused when Master Mingyi said this.


Peak Master Chiyin looked at Peak Master Mingyi. Whether Ruohua could stay or not could not be decided by Peak Master Mingyi alone. Moreover, Peak Master Chiyin looked at Ruohua who was locked on the wall.When she came to the prison, Liuli begged her not to embarrass Ruohua.

Peak Master Mingyi looked at Peak Master Chiyin and said slowly.

"Not only did she and the devil Xinglan collude, she even killed Zijin. Now it is because of her that I am not old enough to suffer such a catastrophe. Therefore, Ruohua can't stay!"

Hearing this, Chiyin Peak Master's eyes drooped slightly, and he spoke immediately.

"The calamity of Immortal Mountain was indeed caused by her, but it cannot be entirely blamed on her alone. Her life and death should not be decided by you alone."

Chiyin Peak Master looked at Mingyi, Mingyi didn't like Ruohua, other people couldn't tell, but she could see clearly, he didn't like Ruohua for nothing more than Ruohua was born of Xue Yunyue and mortals, Ruohua Hua did make a mistake, but Chiyin Peak Lord didn't understand. From the beginning to the end, Ruohua never quibbled, and even when he went to the Eternal Life Prison, he didn't even ask for mercy.

It's the same now, obviously she didn't know what happened in Bulaoxian Mountain until later, but she took the initiative to stand up and let them use herself to blackmail Demon Lord Xinglan.

Thinking of this, Peak Master Chiyin still didn't understand why Ruohua did this.

Hearing this, Peak Master Mingyi sneered, and then spoke.

"You want to protect her too? This devil, you all have to protect her? Chiyin, you want to protect her, have you ever considered your own identity! How many disciples of Immortal Mountain of Immortality died because of her, wouldn't she Damn it!"

Peak Master Mingyi and Peak Master Chiyin have always been at odds with each other, and Peak Master Chiyin can't understand that Peak Master Mingyi is too self-centered and always thinks that he is the right way in the world.

"First of all! I didn't defend her, I just told you that you and I can't decide her life or death! Don't tell me about my identity, my identity is to protect the disciples of Immortal Mountain of Immortality! I'm not talking about whether to kill or not!"

Peak Lord Chiyin said angrily, she really can't understand Peak Master Mingyi's way, he already has a prejudice against Ruohua, based on this prejudice, the decisions he makes are unfair.

Hearing the quarrel between the two, Peak Master Qingyang sighed, and then spoke.

"Ruohua's mistakes are indeed not worthy of death. However, there is no balance between good and evil. Since she has devoted herself to the devil world, we should act for the heavens."

Peak Lord Qingyang said, in his opinion, a mistake is a mistake, if Ruohua has been in the eternal life prison, nothing will happen, but Ruohua escaped, which led to this big mistake .

Counting so many lives in Immortal Mountain of Immortality, Ruohua really deserved to die.

Hearing this, the Chiyin Peak Master was about to speak, Ruohua, who was quietly listening to the four of them, raised his head, looked at the crowd and spoke.

"Everyone, can you listen to me?"

The four turned their heads and looked at Ruohua. Ruohua smiled at the four of them. The face that resembled Xue Yunyue made the four of them slightly startled. Xue Yunyue was the senior sister of the four of them, and the four of them They are also disciples from Xianzhong Mountain. When they first entered Xianzhong Mountain, Xue Yunyue took care of them a lot, but now they are discussing whether Xue Yunyue's daughter should die or not!

For a moment, the four of them had thoughts in their hearts.

Ruohua looked at the four of them, and changed his mouth.

"Ruohua's fault deserves death, but at the moment, the thing to do is to solve the demon world, not talk about what to do with a damned person."

After Ruohua finished speaking, she smiled. In fact, she knew that not only the blood debts of the Immortal Mountain, but also the blood debts of the immortal sects that were washed away by the demon king Xinglan on the grounds of her, would also be counted on her.

Therefore, she has already figured it out. The only thing she thinks now is that Jing Shuo should not protect her anymore. Jing Shuo is protecting her, and it will only make Jing Shuo the target of everyone's abuse. That day in Xianzhongshan, Ruohua It is clear that those who admire Jing Shuo on weekdays, when they look at Jing Shuo, their eyes are full of disappointment.

Ruohua don't do this, her senior brother is Haoyue in the sky, she shouldn't be disliked by everyone because of her, thinking of this, when Ruohua watched the Lord of the Four Peaks quarrel over whether she deserved to die or not, Ruohua made a decision, Since everyone thinks she deserves to die, there's no point in keeping her.

"When everything subsides, Ruohua's life and death will be up to you to decide."

After Ruohua finished speaking, she looked at the four of them and smiled.No more talking.

The Chiyin Peak Master looked at Ruohua and frowned. Ruohua was like this. No matter what the crime was, she would not explain or justify it. She would bear everything.

On the contrary, it was Ruohua's attitude that began to make Chiyin Peak Lord doubt whether all of this had anything to do with Ruohua.

Here, Xian Zhongshan, Ya Chun looked at Jing Shuo, and then said.

"Big Brother."

Yachun called Jing Shuo, then lowered his head, he almost failed to keep the Immortal Mountain, and even caused the Immortal Mountain to lose so many disciples, thinking of this, Yachun took a deep breath in his heart, feeling very uncomfortable, but even so, Yachun still persisted.

Jing Shuo looked at Ya Chun's appearance, and said slowly.

"I will avenge them."

Hearing this, Yachun looked up at Jing Shuo, Jing Shuo's face was calm, maybe even the demon Xinglan didn't know that after returning from the demon world, he was completely able to use the demigod power in his body by accident, so he changed In a word, he is now on the same level as Mo Jun Xinglan, so if the two confront each other, whoever wins can't do it.

Ya Chun looked at Jing Shuo, clenched his fists, and then spoke.

"Eldest brother, this time, Ruohua must give an explanation to everyone, not only you and me, but also the disciples of Immortal Mountain of Immortality."

Ya Chun's eyes drooped slightly, this time, it was difficult for them to keep Ruohua.

Hearing this, Jing Shuo spoke slowly.

"Among the Six Realms, Ruohua only needs to explain to me, and if I don't agree, no one can touch her!"

(End of this chapter)

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