Brother, I'm here to survive

Chapter 261 is different

Chapter 261 is different

Jing Shuo couldn't understand, Shura seemed to be completing a mission, going to every place once, eating every thing once, and never looked back.

Shura didn't want to talk to Jing Shuo, and after taking a bite of the last dish on the table, he didn't touch him a second time.

Jing Shuo immediately brought a cup of tea to Shura, and Shura didn't refuse. He took the tea and drank it. After one sip, he put it on the table without moving a second time.

"What's with you?"

Shura stood up and was about to leave. Jing Shuo put a piece of silver on the table, and followed Shura out.

Shura walked on the busy street, quietly, just looking at him like an ordinary person, but Jing Shuo knew that this was not an ordinary person.She has Ruohua's appearance, but inside, there is a Shura who can destroy the world.

Seeing Shuo walk away, Jing Shuo hastily followed, and Shuo looked at Jing Shuo who followed behind and said.

"You all say that I am very similar to that Ruohua, how similar is it?"

Xiu Luo looked at Jing Shuo beside her, and she always felt that there must be a reason why she failed to kill Jing Shuo that day.

"Exactly the same. Including her previous injuries."

Jing Shuo put his hand on Shura's shoulder, where he had hurt Ruohua.

Shura looked at Jing Shuo, and frowned slightly. In fact, she was able to wake up, and she didn't mind what she looked like after waking up. The important thing was that she came back, and Shura was reborn!
Shura's eyes fell on Jing Shuo's hand on her shoulder, and the meaning in his eyes was unclear. There are some things that others may not think of, but she is different. No one in the six realms knows better than her.

Jing Shuo followed Shura to the barren field at last. Looking at the barren field, this may be the second place Shura came to after he appeared. Looking at the barren field, Jing Shuo frowned slightly, because the barren field unexpectedly grew Although there are not many green grass, it can be seen that something has indeed grown in the barren wilderness.

"This is……"

Even Jing Shuo himself couldn't believe that the barren land, which has been barren since ancient times, has grown greenery.

Shura looked at the barren wilderness with no shock on his face, then looked at Jing Shuo and said.

"The Ruohua you mentioned died in this place?"

When Shura opened his mouth, Jing Shuo's expression was extremely ugly. Did he die in this place?Indeed, he still killed her with his own hands. The two of them worshiped heaven and earth at this place, and later he killed her himself.

When Xuanyuan pierced Ruohua's body back then, Jing Shuo realized something was wrong. Ruohua's soul and body were disappearing.

Jing Shuo was silent, and Shura understood. Looking at the barren field, a burst of spiritual power flashed in his hand.

At the next moment, many people suddenly appeared in the barren wilderness. They were stunned for a moment, and Shura actually reproduced the scene of that day.

Jing Shuo hurriedly turned around and looked, not far away, he saw that he had personally stabbed Xuanyuan into Ruohua's body,

Jing Shuo hardly dared to watch such a scene, but Shura beside him walked towards the original self and Ruohua step by step.

Then stopped, Shura looked at Ruohua who was disappearing inch by inch in Jing Shuo's arms, was slightly taken aback, and stretched out his hand to touch his face.He opened his mouth slowly.

"It's exactly the same."

Shura opened his mouth, and then the scenes in front of him returned to their original state, but Jing Shuo's face was pale, and he knelt directly on the ground.

The scene just now flashed in his mind over and over again, yes, it was him, the one who kept saying that he wanted to protect Ruohua, and killed her.

Seeing Jing Shuo's appearance, Shura spoke slowly.

"You killed her."

Jing Shuo remained silent, acquiescing to this fact, yes, he killed her, killed Ruohua, he killed her.

Jing Shuo clasped his fingers to the ground, his eyes full of remorse, he killed Ruohua, and kept saying that he would protect Ruohua and kill his Ruohua.

Seeing Jing Shuo's painful appearance, Shura smiled, and then said.

"I am indeed exactly like her, but I am not her."

Xiu Luo looked at Jing Shuo coldly, this was a warning, she knew who Jing Shuo thought of her, although she didn't know why she couldn't kill Jing Shuo, but she would always find the reason.

Jing Shuo raised his head, looked up at Shura in front of him, and stood up with difficulty.

"If you're not her? Where is she?"

Ruohua died in the barren wilderness, Shura was reborn in the barren wilderness, and was exactly the same as Ruohua, even though it wasn't Ruohua inside, Shura must have a connection with Ruohua.

"You have survived for so many years, and my Ruohua will definitely be able to survive!"

Jing Shuo looked at Shura, maybe Shura would know the answer.

Shura also thought it was amazing that he was able to be reborn, but in the appearance of another person, it was really amazing.

"I'm different from her. I used to control the death of the entire six realms, but she is just a mortal with a mortal body. If the god and body are destroyed, there is really nothing."

Shura looked at Jing Shuo, mortals are the weakest existences in the six realms, and if the gods and forms are destroyed, there is really nothing left, let alone Jing Shuo, even she may not be able to save them.

Why can something that has disappeared be saved?

When Jing Shuo heard this, he laughed. He looked at Shura, at this person who was exactly like Ruohua.Then he opened his mouth and said.

"And then? What's the difference between you? What's the difference between you and her? You can come back, and so can she."

Jing Shuo said slowly, in his opinion, there is no difference between high and low cultivation, so what about Asura?What about Ruohua?Even Shura can come back to life, so why can't Ruohua?
Shura looked at Jing Shuo coldly, and said slowly.


She won't argue with Jing Shuo, Ruohua is naturally different from her, she is a real great god in ancient times, after having her, there are all kinds of creatures in the six realms.

What's more, Ruohua after tens of millions of years, in the eyes of Shura, this is nothing more than a piece of mud in the quagmire.

However, what is ridiculous is that what she is wearing now is the face of this piece of mud.

Shura looked at Jing Shuo, she would be the same as Ruohua, probably because Ruohua also died in this place.

Thinking of this, Shura's eyes were unpredictable, and no one knew what she was thinking.

The two were silent for a while, and at this moment, a thunderbolt fell from the sky, as if splitting the entire sky.

I saw a figure slowly descending from the sky, landed in front of Shura, looked at Shura and asked questioningly.


Shura looked coldly at the person who suddenly appeared in front of him, and at the next moment, Shura raised his hand and closed his fingers, and the person exploded and died instantly.

(End of this chapter)

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