Brother, I'm here to survive

Chapter 262 It's All Ruohua

Chapter 262 It's All Ruohua
Looking at this scene, Jing Shuo frowned subconsciously, the person who appeared suddenly just now.Jing Shuo looked up at the sky, at this moment, Shuo looked at Jing Shuo and said slowly.

"you recognize?"

Jing Shuo shook his head, he didn't know him, but he probably knew where he came from.

Looking at Jing Shuo, Shura smiled, and then said.

"If you offend me, I will kill you as if I killed him!"

Jing Shuo looked at Shura, smiled and shook his head.

"No, you won't."

Jing Shuo dared to believe that Shura would not.

Shura sneered, turned and left.

Jing Shuo immediately followed, and at this moment, there was another thunder in the sky, but this time it was different, and three people appeared in the void.Still the same as the man just now, Shura stopped this time and looked at the three people in front of him.

With just one glance, the three people who were still in midair immediately landed on the ground, and the three of them fell on the barren wilderness. Their appearance was really embarrassing.

The three of them knelt on the ground in a hurry.

"Kowtow to God Asura."

Shura looked at the three of them coldly, without saying a word, one of the three quietly raised his head to glance at Shura, but Shura's aura was really overwhelming, this person just raised his head, and immediately lowered his head, not daring to raise his head again Take a look at Shura.

"My lord, Father God wants to see you..."

The man's words should have just finished, and the next moment, the three of them seemed to be hit hard, and all of them vomited blood. Jing Shuo looked at this scene, and then looked at Shura next to him.


"They are more damned than you!"

Shura looked at Jing Shuo at the side coldly, what the hell?What kind of god, the father god found a place to hide himself, so that she could forget everything the father god did to her back then, that despicable and shameless person who killed herself, but made the six realms admire him?It's ridiculous!

The three fell to the ground, spitting blood from their mouths, and when they looked at Shura, they couldn't say a word.

Shura looked at the three of them coldly, and said slowly.

"Tell him, I will continue to do what I was going to do back then, but this time, I will not leave any of them behind."

The meaning of not staying is already obvious, that is, Godfather is also on Shura's list of destroying the world, and the creatures of the six worlds will all die!no matter who!All die!

Shura's eyes showed a fierce light, with a murderous aura that would destroy the world. Jing Shuo felt creepy looking at it from the sidelines. Such a Shura seemed to be the ancient god of killing, Shura who was in charge of killing in the six realms.

As soon as Shura finished speaking, he turned and left, and Jing Shuo was about to follow up. At this moment, the person who had originally talked to Shura spoke.

"Shenjun Jingshuo!"

Jing Shuo stopped and looked back at the man. The man held his chest, the blood in his mouth couldn't stop flowing. The man looked at Jing Shuo, took a breath, and then spoke with the last of his strength.

"Sura is the person you are looking for?"

Jing Shuo glanced at the man, not understanding what the man meant, but at this moment, the man continued to speak.

"Kill her!"

When Jing Shuo heard this, his face darkened, and he spoke immediately.

"no way!"

After Jing Shuo said this, he disappeared and chased after Shura.

In just a moment, the three seriously injured people who were lying on the barren field disappeared immediately, as if they had never appeared before.

At the same time, Jing Shuo managed to catch up with Shura, and Shuo didn't look too good-looking, obviously because of those people just now, Jing Shuo looked at Shuo, and he had been chasing her around these days, although she hated her, But facing them, Jing Shuo could feel that Shura's dislike for them was more serious than himself.

"Where to go next?"

Jing Shuo asked.

Xiu Luo glanced at Jing Shuo, he was not curious about the identities of those people.

"You have been to Tianwaitian."

Jing Shuo nodded, there is nothing to hide, he has indeed been to Tianwaitian.

"I've been, I've been to every place in the Six Realms."

Hearing this, Shura smiled.

"No, you didn't."

Xiu Luo looked at Jing Shuo, his eyes made it hard to see what she was thinking, Jing Shuo frowned slightly, and then spoke.

"The so-called six realms, even Father God has not been to all of them, why do you say that you have been to every place in the six realms?"

Xiu Luo spoke slowly, she didn't believe Jing Shuo's words, there were many things that these people in front of her didn't know.What they see and know is only what others say and what they see.

"Why haven't I traveled all over the six worlds? For Ruohua, where have I never been? The fairy world, the demon world, the spirit world, the human world, the demon world, the underworld, and Tianwaitian. No one has been to the fairy world for tens of thousands of years. Tianwaitian, I went. I searched everywhere, but I didn't find her. "

Jing Shuo opened his mouth slowly, looking at Shura in front of him, with the same face, but not his Hua'er.

Xiu Luo looked at Jing Shuo, quite surprised, now Jing Shuo no longer regards her as that Ruohua, it's good, at least she doesn't have to be treated as someone else all the time.

"You finally understand now that I am not Ruohua."

Jing Shuo looked at Shura, showing a wry smile, she was not Ruohua, she was either she was not, even though she had the same face and even the same scars on her body, it was still not his Ruohua, he couldn't deceive himself, but after thinking about it, Even if Shura can come back, so can his Huaer, maybe one day, the person in front of him will be Ruohua?It's true, the living Ruohua.

"At least now I can be sure that the you in front of me is indeed Ruohua's body."

After Jing Shuo finished speaking, he took a step forward, slowly stretched out his hand, and brushed towards Shura's face.

"Your eyebrows, your eyes, your nose, your face, and this scar, everything belongs to Ruohua."

Jing Shuo put his hand on Shura's shoulder, and Shuo subconsciously looked at the position where Jing Shuo was resting, and frowned.

Immediately, Shura stretched out his hand and unbuttoned the skirt. There was indeed a scar where Jing Shuo touched just now. Shura frowned and stretched out his hand. The palm of his hand was printed on the scar on her shoulder, but it was not what she expected. Generally, the scars disappear and return to their original appearance.

No matter what method Shura uses, that scar cannot be completely erased.Immediately, Shura looked at Jing Shuo at the side, raised his hand, and a sharp aura from his fingertips slid across Jing Shuo's cheek, and a bloodstain appeared just like that, naked, looking very scary on Jing Shuo's beautiful face .The original detached and refined face looked a little shocking at this moment.

At this moment, Shura stepped forward, covering Jing Shuo's face with his fingertips.

(End of this chapter)

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