Wife stand at attention

Chapter 104: You are cheating on marriage

Chapter 104: You are cheating on marriage (3)
When the two of them opened their mouths to say something at the same time, the third young master who was leaving with the little princess poked his head back halfway, and said solemnly to the two of them: "Oh, by the way, I forgot to tell you, the prince said that he wanted to see the little princess and Damn, she has nothing to do with me. Well, that's it, what are you supposed to do, you should continue, little princess, you don't need to worry, you just need to go home before dinner at night." After finishing speaking, hugging The little princess left without looking back.

There were only two people left who looked at each other silently.

Comrade Xiao Yang felt that she was the most miserable person in the world.If she recognized the second, no one would recognize the first.


Because of the Uncle of the People's Liberation Army, her family is Master Kang.

He was extremely tangled watching Master Kang buy the bread to honor her aunt after going out for half an hour, and then raised his eyes to look at the mighty Master Kong standing in front of her with dazed and helpless eyes, he was tangled for a long time , I heard my own stammering voice: "Master Kong... you... went out for half an hour... just to... buy this for me?"

Boss, the one you bought is a diaper, okay? It’s not the bread that my sister wants to honor my aunt, okay?Although it is said that the diapers are somewhat similar to bread, but...but...

Comrade Xiao Yang was very torn, and didn't know what to use to describe her extremely complicated mood at the moment.Was it because she didn't explain clearly or was Master Kong not reliable?

In the end, after struggling, Comrade Xiao Yang came to a conclusion, that is, she made it clear that Master Kong was unreliable in his work.

Master Kang glanced at the large bag of diapers on the table very calmly, then turned his eyes to Yang Xiaoguai who was glaring at him with a face full of anger, stretched out his hand to climb his neck, and asked, "Would I buy it?" Wrong?"

He didn't even look at it, okay? I want you to buy that kind of thing by yourself. If you can stand in front of the row or row as if nothing happened, and choose the brand seriously, he will stand on your head for you. two hours.

Besides, he is a well-known naval lieutenant colonel, and he still buys this kind of thing in the small supermarket of his own army. If the word spreads, can he still hang around in the army?

Therefore, he didn't have that thought at all, he just pressed the hat down as low as possible, covering almost half of his face, reached out in front of the shelf to pick up a bag, and then turned and went out.

The salesperson in the small supermarket asked him several times with that weird look and expression: Captain Kang, are you sure you want to buy this?


Commander Kang is angry!

I lowered the hat so low, how could it still be recognized by people?
Yang Xiaoguai, you have ruined Lao Tzu's fame throughout his life!
On the road of life from now on, if you dare to treat Lao Tzu badly, Lao Tzu will definitely...definitely punish you!

Ever since, Commander Kang took off the hat that was so low that it couldn't be lowered any more, glared at the salesperson fiercely, and roared: I want this, why can't I do it!Stop fucking nonsense, hurry up, I'll wait!

Battalion Commander Kang has always been known in the army for his cold face and seriousness.With another roar like this, the frightened little sales girl shook her hand, and almost tore the bright red hundred-nothing bill in her hand into two halves.

Trembling, Weiwei stuffed the so-called emergency diapers that Captain Kang said into the bag, looked for the money, and turned his eyes to the distance, no longer looking directly at the black-faced Shenying Commander Kang.

It's just that in my heart, I was thinking: bedwetting does not distinguish between ages, and there is no distinction between men and women when using tablets.But... but... with the size and capacity of Camp Commander Kang, can this... diaper hold it?

So, there is no limit to YY in my mind.

Yang Yi took the diapers that were on the table, spread them out in front of Master Kang, and smiled terribly: "Master Kang, please repeat these words yourself, OK?"

When Master Kong saw clearly the three words "diapers" written on the package Ruoda, his brain froze instantly and his nerves became deranged.

Isn't he holding a diaper instead of a sanitary napkin?
How could it be a diaper?
Suddenly!The sales girl's weird expression and complicated tone flashed in his mind and ears again: Captain Kang, are you sure you want to buy this?

Camp Commander Kang was furious again!

He shot at Yang Yi with his murderous knife eyes, gritted his teeth and squeezed out from between his teeth: "Yang Xiaoguai! I have lost all my face and heart!" The old man was strangled, and it meant to kill people to silence his mouth, destroy his corpse and wipe out his traces.

Seeing Master Kong's aggrieved and cute look, Comrade Xiao Yang smiled immorally.Let's just smile, even the waist is no longer sore, the back is no longer hurting, but the corners of the belly are throbbing, hugging the very cute diaper, rolling on the bed.

Master Kang, you are such a cute bird, too cute bird.

I don't know, when you buy this diaper, what kind of eyes and expressions will the salesperson look at you?

Oh, I will definitely treat you as a monster.

Everyone knows that the famous Camp Commander Kang doesn't even have a wife, not to mention a son, so why don't you buy this diaper for yourself?

Oh...for your own use?

Comrade Xiao Yang laughed immorally again and rolled on the narrow bed, thinking about the expression of the salesman girl when she saw him holding such a big bag of diapers.It must be quite rich and wonderful.

Comrade Xiao Yang even thought a little bit to add insult to injury, it would be great if she was at the scene, but unfortunately she didn't see it.


It's a pity, a pity, to miss such a wonderful show.

Comrade Xiao Yang's stomach hurt from laughing, but Master Kang's face was getting darker and darker, as dark as if it was covered with a thick layer of mist, which simply couldn't be described in black.

Swinging his fists, he wanted to punch the woman who was laughing all over the world and without knowing it.

Of course, in the end, it is definitely impossible to swing the fist at Comrade Xiao Yang, but Comrade Xiao Yang is also a death penalty, and a living crime is inevitable.

I saw Master Kang's dark, pit-like face suddenly raised a peach-like smile, bent down and lowered his head, and said to Comrade Yang with his magnetic voice that is so fascinating: "Little boy Yang!" , in order to be worthy of this embarrassment made by Lao Tzu, you——used it!"


Immediately, the smile on Comrade Xiao Yang's face froze, even at this moment she was still bent over, her hands were creatively covering the corners of her belly, but...it was so abrupt that Master Kang's In a word, Comrade Xiao Yang seemed to be stepping on the soft cloud layer just now, but in just 0 second, he fell directly from the cloud layer to the bottom of the valley, his body was smashed to pieces, and he was completely over!

(End of this chapter)

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