Wife stand at attention

Chapter 105: You are cheating on marriage

Chapter 105: You are cheating on marriage (4)
Let her use diapers?

In an instant, countless "rumbling" thunderbolts rang out above her head.

Staring at her round almond eyes, he unblinkingly looked up at the gloomy and treacherous Master Kang who was only 0 cm away from her.

"Kang...Master Kong...how...how does this work?" A timid voice slipped out of that big mouth.

how to use?how to use?
This is the question that Comrade Xiao Yang has been circling in his mind.

Master Kang pursed his lips and raised a black and white smile: "There are explanatory pictures on it."

Yang Yi: "..."

Tears... huge tears... wild tears...

Master Kang, I don't want you to be so harmful.

"Then...then my Bra still has the small triangle?" After crying, she was also very concerned about this issue.

Master Kang gave her a long slash like a king: "I said, I don't mind if you wear mine!"

"What about Bra? Do you have one?"

Master Kang glanced at the 36B in front of you again, the meaning is obvious, don't you have one?

Comrade Xiao Yang swallowed hard, and made an eight with his index finger and thumb: "Eight days, just let me be like this? Don't you think it stinks?"

You don't think I hate it!
Master Kang got up, walked to the wardrobe, and threw her one of his vests directly: "This one is for you to replace."

Yang Yi: "..."

"Can I choose to go home today?"


"Then can I go out and buy it myself?"


Comrade Xiao Yang quickly got up from the bed and wanted to run out the door.Master Kong's voice floated behind her: "The army is just a small supermarket, but there is nothing you need inside. There is not even a small store outside."

Comrade Xiao Yang, who had just walked to the door, forcibly retracted the leg that had been stepped forward.


Let people not live, let people not live.

Seeing Comrade Xiao Yang's posture of neither stretching nor retracting as independent as a golden rooster, Master Kong smiled very unkindly, and the way he smiled was carefree and high-spirited.

Comrade Xiao Yang was blown up.

Master Kang, I am not as unkind as you.

After laughing, Master Kang held his breath, but there was still a faint arc that could not be ignored hanging from the corner of his mouth. He beckoned lovingly to Yang Yi, who was still standing at the door with Jin Yun's independent posture, as if waving Calling his beloved pet.

However, at this moment, Comrade Xiao Yang seemed to be possessed by a demon. Seeing his gesture like beckoning a dog, he actually raised his leg obediently and walked over.

Seeing such an obedient Yang Xiaoguai, the smile on Master Kang's face grew wider.

"What are you doing?" She squinted at Master Kong who was sitting on the edge of the bed, looking at her like a fox.

Comrade Xiao Yang agreed, why did she feel that Master Kong was becoming more and more foxy?In the five years we've known each other before, I've never seen him like this fox before, why is it that she has a very bad premonition now?

Sell ​​her?

In fact, she has already been sold, okay, and she was sold to him by her dear sister.Then is it possible that he wants to resell her?

Comrade Xiao Yang was taken aback by his astonishing idea.

He patted the seat next to him and signaled Yang Yi to sit down.

Yang Yi, who had no other choice, could only sit beside him, but her eyes were nonchalantly slanted to the diapers on the table.The picture of Master Kong buying diapers is still in his mind.

"Yang Xiaoguai." Seeing her absent-minded look, Master Kang sternly shouted.

"Yes!" Reflexively, he subconsciously stood up with a "swoosh", stood at attention, and waited for the instructions from the leader.

"Take a break."

She—take it easy.

"What kind of wedding do you want?" Cambridge asked nonchalantly.

"Ah?" Yang Yi turned her head mechanically, staring at Cambridge dumbfounded, not understanding what he meant by saying this all of a sudden.


If you say you don't want to, that's a lie.Marriage is only once in a lifetime, and everyone hopes that they can wear a beautiful wedding dress, hold hands with their beloved man, and grow old together.

Hold your hand and grow old together.

Thinking of these eight words, Comrade Xiao Yang's round almond eyes couldn't help drifting towards Cambridge.

He asked her what kind of wedding she wanted, did that mean that he wanted to give her a certain wedding?But, didn't he also say that he won't hold a wedding.

Hey, Yang Yi burst into tears.

In her whole life, she was doomed to not even have a decent wedding, so she was promoted from a single beautiful girl to a married woman overnight in such a lonely and unknown way.

Uh... No, she is not a woman yet, she is still a big girl.

Yang Xiaoguai, you are really strong, at this moment, you are still able to get entangled between women and daughters.

"Huh?" Seeing that Yang Yi didn't respond for a long time, but the expression on his face changed after a while, not to mention complicated and tangled.

I thought about it sideways, but blurted out: "I don't know, I haven't thought about it."

Cambridge: "..."

"I didn't know that I would become a married person so soon." She glanced at him, and suddenly remembered Master Kang's identity, so she smiled sinisterly at him: "Master Kang, are you cheating on marriage?"

Fraudulent marriage?

Master Kang's face turned black.

Ran's house.

"Wow, third uncle, your house is so big, Miaomiao likes it!" The little princess Miaomiao was holding a Haagen-Dazs strawberry cup bought for her by the third young master. As soon as she came out, the first thing that caught her eyelids were two straight rows of ginkgo.

The orange apricot leaves are so vibrant under the sunlight.A faint peripheral light passed through the orange-yellow apricot leaves and fell on the ground, as if coated with a thin layer of Sikkim.

I have never seen such a large yard, never seen so many ginkgo trees, let alone such a beautiful scenery.The Miaomiao kid is like a happy flying bird.

"Baby, do you like it?" As soon as Miao Miao's joyful voice like a lark came out, the old lady came out of the room with a smile and a cheerful voice.Seeing Miao Miao who is like a little princess, she was even more delighted to be from ear to ear.

Hey, how come such a porcelain doll is not the child of that kid?How good would it be if this was her Ran family's seed?Why not?Why not?
Tangled, the old lady is called a tangled.

But it doesn't matter, to be able to give birth to such a little princess-like porcelain doll, it means that the child's mother must have a good gene, and if you add the gene of her grandson who surpassed Pan An, the child who comes out must be More porcelain dolls than this little china doll.So this granddaughter-in-law, she is going to decide.

(End of this chapter)

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