Wife stand at attention

Chapter 108 2 The Story of the Young Master’s Prostitution

Chapter 108
So, squinting his eyes, he went to the bird to do good things.

Tong Mushi, who was left alone in the swimming pool in a daze, looked embarrassed.

"Miss Tong, if you want to swim in our swimming pool, I don't have any objections to the old lady. But, you don't seem to be suitable for swimming when you are dressed like this? Or, when I ask Aunt Gui to call Order a swimsuit for you too?" The old lady said to Tong Mushi in the swimming pool with a serious and joking smile.

Following the old matriarch's voice, Tong Mushi, who was in a panic, came back to his senses.He climbed out of the stairs in a panic.

"Grandma...I..." There was anger in the embarrassment, but he couldn't attack it, so he could only endure it forcefully.

The old lady pursed her lips and smiled: "As you know, Xu has always been very defensive. If someone bullies him, let alone an outsider, he won't even give face to his own people." Yes. So, Ms. Tong, don’t take it to heart. It’s a big holiday, you still have the heart to come to see me, an old woman, but you have let you into such a mess. Don’t worry, the old woman will tell you about that brat later. How can you be so ignorant of compassion, really!"

The inconsistent attitude of the old lady made Tong Mushi a little confused, but for the sake of him in her heart, she endured it.

Showing a sweet smile to Taijun: "No, it's my fault. I don't know how to measure my hands. I didn't think that such a light touch would send the child into the water. It's okay, anyway, when I was filming , Falling into the water is common. Then, last time in that film, Xu and Xu were filming an underwater wedding of the century. It’s okay, just go home and change clothes later. By the way, grandma, whose family does that child belong to? Haven't seen it before, and that... Miss?"

The corners of the old matriarch's lips raised, and the brows raised: "It's the children of the two of them."

"What...what?" Tong Mushi couldn't believe her ears, "Xu...'s child?" How is that possible?how is this possible?

"Miss Tong, you can do what you want. I'll go and see the girls too. It won't be good if you catch a cold for a while. You can do what you want." The old lady didn't say anything to her. She smiled slightly, turned and left.

Seeing the back of the old lady leaving, and thinking about what she said just now, Tong Mushi's eyes flashed a gloomy coldness.

children?Ran Xu's?
Turning around, the skirt on her body was dripping with drops of water. The original lady's long hair was now clinging to her cheeks in a shapeless way, and the beautiful hairstyle no longer existed.

A blue convertible sports car drove into Ran's villa.

After parking the car, a tall and straight body jumped out of the sports car, wearing a twill blue and white shirt, a pair of dark black suit pants, a pair of shiny black leather shoes, and a suit jacket hanging on the wrist.He walked towards the gate of the villa in a refreshed manner.

"Ran Xi?" Tong Mushi, who was in a mess, saw a flash of joy and excitement on his face the moment he saw Ran Xi, but when he thought of his current mess, the instant joy and excitement was replaced by depression.Although it was just a back view, she could tell it was Ran Xi at a glance.

Looking for the sound, Ran Xi stopped, turned around, and when she saw Tong Mushi who couldn't be more embarrassed, something flashed in her eyes.But he looked directly at her with expressionless eyes: "Are you looking for Xu?"

Looking down at himself in a mess, he nodded and smiled bitterly at him: "Sorry, I look like this..."

"As long as Xu doesn't dislike it." After finishing speaking, he turned around and left.

Tong Mushi lost her mind, looking at Ran Xi's fading figure, and Ran Xu's completely different attitude towards her and that woman just now, a layer of dim haze crept into her eyes.

Ran Xu, why are you doing this to me?Don't you understand my feelings for you?
She left quietly, but there was a gloomy look in her eyes.

When the old lady returned to the house, she did not see the second young master and Xiaocao.Miaomiao was wrapped in a big white bath towel and was nestling on the sofa facing the super-large TV that she didn't know how many inches it was, and was watching cartoons while sipping pure milk with relish.

The third young master is missing.

Aunt Gui was sitting next to Miao Miao, who had just blow-dried her hair into a princess braid.

"Where are people?" the old lady asked lightly.

Aunt Gui pointed to the ceiling, indicating that the Second Young Master had brought Xiaocao into his room.

The old matriarch's eyes flashed: "Are you moving so fast?" After speaking, he pulled Aunt Gui over and said with a sneaky expression: "Hurry up, go up and help them fuel the fire, you have to sell this kid today!" Otherwise, I'm too sorry for the post that this kid posted."

As soon as the old matriarch finished speaking, the third young master came out from nowhere, and put a hand on Aunt Gui's shoulder with brotherhood: "Aunt Gui, I will leave everything so strong to you. Then, I found it for you." Order something good." After speaking, he spread out his right hand and handed the small pills to Aunt Gui.

The old lady and Aunt Gui asked in unison, "What?"

The corner of the third young master's lips twitched: "It's a good thing that can speed up the second brother's prostitution."

When the old matriarch heard this, he stretched out his hand and gave him a slap in the face: "You bastard, how did you learn this?"

The third young master was wronged, and just when he was about to explain to himself, the old matriarch said blushingly and breathlessly: "Xiaogui, go!"


The third young master almost bit his own tongue.

Aunt Gui looked tremblingly at the old matriarch, then at the third young master, and sincerely wiped away the sweat of the second young master upstairs!But to wipe the sweat away, in the end Aunt Gui naturally sided with the old matriarch and the third young master, so the three of them began to work hand in hand to make the second young master sell himself and keep the truth.

Miao Miao's black and white eyes, wrapped in a large bath towel, moved between the three of them. He raised his head and asked the third young master, "Third Uncle, is it true that Miao Miao can be an older sister?"

The third young master nodded sharply, and stroked the top of her head lovingly: "Yes!"

On the second floor, the second young master's room.

The door of the bathroom in the room was closed tightly, and the second young master was standing by the window with his hands behind his back, his deep eyes were straight, staring at the closed door of the bathroom without blinking.

Crazy laughter came out from inside from time to time, and screams of "ah-ah--" came out from time to time.

The second young master frowned.

"Little sister, what are you doing? You are only asked to take a bath in it, and you can make such a rich cry? People who don't know think you are messing around in there!" Finally, the ears couldn't stand the stimulation The second young master yelled at the door of the bathroom, "This is my room, don't make such rich noises for me! Do you hear me?"

With her "ah-ah-" voice, can it not make people think about it?
If the prince of his family stood at the door, or if the elder brother came back and entered his room, and heard such a voice, he might have misunderstood something.

(End of this chapter)

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