Wife stand at attention

Chapter 109 2 The Story of the Young Master’s Prostitution

Chapter 109
What are you doing?He has always kept himself clean, okay?

Even she couldn't understand why he went to this little sister's house by mistake, and took her home by mistake. The most incredible thing was that he took her into his room willingly.

In this room, apart from his Taijun and Aunt Gui, as well as his mother who is far away in heaven, this little sister is the fourth woman to enter his room, and she is not a woman from their family, but an outsider!
He couldn't figure it out, whether his brain was flooded or was he squeezed by the door, he was willing not to talk about being pulled by the collar by her, and... he even threw his clothes to her!

He must have been bewitched by ghosts!

Yes, it must be so!
When Xiaocao's voice was as clear as a bell came from the bathroom: "You don't care, I can call you whatever I like. Who asked your woman to push my baby into the water? It's too late for the girl to settle accounts with you." Not bad. Why don’t you just use your bathroom to wash it up, and you’re still howling like a ghost. Wait, girl, I’m happy, ah—um—oh—ah———” One sound is more vivid than the sound, and the sound is more sloppy than the sound.

The Second Young Master shuddered violently, and his goosebumps stood up.

It's just that there was a little reaction in a certain place that couldn't help it.

The second young master is dumbfounded, brother, what are you doing with that little sister, and why are you so excited?The young master hasn't reacted yet, but you reacted first?
Speechless and crying two lines.

In the bathroom, Shi Xiaocao Zhizi was just playing, which is a shame.

Ah, what a high-end bathroom, what a big comfortable bathtub, what a fragrant shower gel, how...

Countless good ones...

Such a high-end bathroom can only be seen in TV dramas, okay? For her, it has always been something she desires and cannot achieve.But now, she is really lying in such a comfortable big bathtub, soaking in the bubble bath, clearing her feet to the bottom of her feet and comfortable to the top of her head.


Xiao Cao Zhizi laughed three more times.

If she could have such a comfortable big bathtub to lie down in and take a bubble bath every day in the future, then her life would be wonderful.It's a pity, she doesn't have this ability, she doesn't have this condition!
Well, then if you have wine today, you will be drunk today. Now that you have a vat, drink it now. Let’s talk about tomorrow’s matter tomorrow. Let’s talk about drinking enough now.

I didn't expect the stinky man's family to be so rich. Since he is so rich, then he doesn't care if she sells him a few more copies so that she can earn more?

He is not short of money, but she is short of money.Even if she is not short of money, she will not say that she is not short of money, nonsense, who would think that there is too much money.When she was Xiaocao, her goal in life was to sleep until she woke up naturally, and count money until her hands cramp.

Well, the first half of the goal is well within reach.But in the second half, it seems...it seems...not yet.

Well, then start today, start now, start here, start with that stinky man out there.

Well, this is his room, there should be many pictures of him.Find a way to get a few more in a while.It's better to do it one by one, then it's not far from the time when she counts the money and gets cramps in her hands.

Oh yeah!
However, the other person is in the room, so what should I do?
This is a very serious question.

While playing with bubbles, Xiaocao Zhizi swayed her two slender beautiful legs, her almond eyes rolled darkly, and her mind was quickly thinking about how to deal with the man outside.

Xiaocao Zhizi, your mind is flooded after soaking in baths, you don’t need to deal with that man outside at all, you can just ask the third young master or the old lady for it, I believe they will be happy and unlimited Provided for you.

However, it is normal for excited people to have their brains shut down.At this moment, Xiaocao Zhizi's brain froze because of being too excited.

Beauty plan!
These are the three words that flashed through Shi Xiaocao's mind when she thought of the man outside.

In other words, the word "beauty" is very appropriate for her, right?
He stretched out his hand to poke his very elastic and tall, and then pinched his thighs that were as white as jade.

In the end, Xiaocao came to a conclusion, that is, she was absolutely sure that [-]% must be a beauty, and she was also sure that if she walked like this now, she would definitely be able to get rid of the so-called beauty outside. The man who is fascinated by the three-dimensional animal is completely dizzy.

For her own charm, Shi Xiaocao has always been very confident.

Could it be that she really had to use a beauty trick to get the man outside?

Then what if she got herself involved by tricks?
Not worth it, not worth it, not worth it.

Could it be that when she was Xiaocao, she sold herself for a few photos of Grandpa Mao?

Absolutely not!
Her Shi Xiaocao has always pursued the purpose of life: take advantage of her, but never allow anyone to take advantage of her.

What should I do now?
Xiaocao Zhizi had a convulsion, and his brain was confused.


A series of groans, why is she so desperate to add cups?

Aunt Gui was carrying a bowl of brown sugar water with ingredients to the door of the room, when she first heard the imaginative humming sound coming from the room, she slammed on the brakes as she was about to leave. The feet that entered the second young master's room.

"I didn't expect the second young master to be so fast, right? It seems that the old matriarch's worries were in vain, and she asked me to bring a special bowl of brown sugar water. This second young master is really, how can he even have a door?" It doesn't matter, if the third young master barges in with a frizzy face, it doesn't matter. The second young master is really anxious or not like this It looks like that." Aunt Gui muttered to herself, and after she finished muttering, she kindly and gently closed the wide open door, and then grinned and grinned to announce the good news to the old lady downstairs. up.

Well, the added brown sugar water is no longer needed.

But the second young master doesn't use it, so you can try it on the third young master next time. This is called trying medicine by yourself.hey-hey……

Aunt Gui smiled wickedly.

Downstairs, three people, old, middle and young, were sitting on the sofa with a box of pure milk each. Although they were facing the TV, it was obvious that the eyes of the Taijun and the third young master were on the second floor.

Aunt Gui put the bowl on the table, and whispered in Taijun's ear, and the third young master hurriedly leaned in.

"Wow! The second brother is so fierce!" The third young master slapped his thigh and shouted, "It really took a lot of effort for me as a younger brother to put Xiaoyecao on so quickly. The medicine was for nothing. Xiaoyecao It's too careless to fall so quickly!"

(End of this chapter)

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