Wife stand at attention

Chapter 110 Master Kong scared away

Chapter 110 Master Kong scared away (1)
That grinning grin was so happy that he couldn't find things, and even his eyes were narrowed into a thin slit.

Third Young Master: Xiaoyecao is really powerful, just the "ah" sound of his three-spotted animals, it must be Xiaoyecao that overwhelms the three-spotted animals.

Ever since, the third young master had a vicious playful mind of a certain unsuitable picture of the second young master being overwhelmed by Shi Xiaocao, and at the same time, the corners of his lips were raised, and the corners of his eyes were twitched.

Seeing each person with a rich and complex expression, Baby Miaomiao moved her hands to her chin, staring at each of them in bewilderment and incomprehension, her black jewel-like eyes lingering back and forth on everyone's cheeks, wandering back and forth. linger again.

Then, if the people downstairs knew what the two upstairs were doing now, they would probably fall to the ground and die.

On the second floor, the second young master's room.

At this moment, the second young master is sitting on a chair very aggrieved, and on the table in front of him are a lot of jade photos that the second young master has never made public, and the second young master is holding a pen in his right hand and is signing with great care on the pile of jade photos. with his name.

Shi Xiaocao was sitting on the mahogany table opposite the second young master with her jade legs crossed, holding a goblet in her hand, which was half full of the high-end red wine that the second young master had privately kept, while sipping it very elegantly Red Wine, while supervising the second young master who was signing the name, would say from time to time: "Short oil, second young master didn't expect your handwriting to be quite handsome."Hehe, Second Young Master, I like this one, so it must be sold for a good price.

The black line on the second young master's forehead fell off, and a crow flew over his head, screaming "Wow".

He swore, if it wasn't for the sake of seeing the little princess, just this little sister, don't let him betray him.

Second young master, don't keep carrying it. In fact, you don't think so in your heart. In fact, you don't know how willing you are to sell yourself to Xiaocao. Come on, don't deceive yourself there.

Xiaocao Zhizi was a complete bird, and at the same time she sipped a sip of the red wine that still had her saliva on her lips, and gave it to the lips of the second young master: "Well, the girl is full of love, I will reward you!"

The second young master glared at her angrily, snatched the goblet from Xiaocao's hand, raised his head and drank it all in one gulp, as if a strong man would never return.

Shi Xiaocao was overjoyed, and yelled "Ah—ah—" happily, again misleading everyone downstairs.

The old lady is happy, and her great-grandson is hopeful.

The third young master smiled, his old lady would no longer stare straight at him.

Boss Ran's mouth trembled, second child, what are you doing?Why did you fall in love with such a strong woman?Put you down.

It made him subconsciously think of the woman who overwhelmed him that day.

It's okay to overwhelm, but she even left a note for him, and it's fine to leave a note for him, but she even wrote: Jianghu emergency, return it next time!

That's fine, isn't it?Let's see how you pay me back next time!

Thinking about it, a sinister sneer rose from the corner of his lips, and his eyes were filled with darkness.

In the company, Yang Liu, who was sparring with Jian Bojun on the training ground, saw that if the last shot was another ten rings, it would have been a tie with Jian Bojun, but when he didn't want to pull the trigger, his fingers trembled.Yang Liu was dumbfounded, and Jian Bojun was even more stunned.

Six rings?

How can it be?

Since Yang Liu knew how to hold a gun, she has never hit anyone below the ninth ring, but today she only hit the sixth ring?

Once again broke the record since Yangliu 23.

In order to allow the second young master and Xiaocao enough time to give her great-grandchildren, the old matriarch did not even ask Aunt Gui to call them after lunch.In the words of the old lady, that is: How can eating be as important as great-grandchildren?Now that I have this great-grandson, I can eat whatever I want, and when I want to eat.

Aunt Gui naturally obeyed the old lady's words.

As a result, upstairs and downstairs are all concerned about each other, each with their own thoughts, what should they be busy with.

However, the imagination has always been beautiful, but the reality is cruel.

Just when the old lady, Boss Ran and everyone were eating around the table with relish, the shadows of the two old ladies who were happy to continue in the room "uh, u, me and me" came from the stairs.Of course, Shi Xiaocao was still wearing the pure white shirt of the Second Young Master.Although Shi Xiaocao was said to be 168 in height, but wearing the shirt of the second young master who is 185 in height, it is obviously very big.The hem of the clothes covered her upturned buttocks, the long sleeves were rolled up to her elbows, and a pair of the second young master's sky blue jeans were put on her legs, and the trousers were also rolled up high by her.Although it is a men's shirt and denim, when worn on Xiaocao's body, it does not look nondescript at all. Instead, it fully shows the wild neutrality of her body, which has a special flavor.

The second young master naturally changed into a different set of clothes.

Of course, the previous set of clothes got wet when he hugged Xiaocao and Miaomiao, and when Shi Xiaocao pushed and pushed the glass to the ground, and the red wine spilled on the ground, his moon-white shirt was naturally wet. Got some red wine.Therefore, those who look like the second young master naturally changed their clothes.

However, in the eyes of the old lady who is eager to embrace her great-grandson, this is not the same thing.

This is not Hongguoguo. The naked fruit is telling others that they have just finished a major life event, so they showed up refreshed after taking a bath together.

The third young master naturally had the same thoughts as the old matriarch.

Ever since, the old lady and the third young master, grandson and grandson, cast an ambiguous and carefree look at the second young master and Xiaocao in unison.

The old lady: "Xu, why did you come down so soon? The old lady doesn't mind if you stay a little longer."

The third young master: "Xiaoyecao, my young master really admires you, and I cast my whole body to the ground."

Ran Xi continued to sit in his seat, while eating the rice in the bowl as if nothing had happened, and at the same time cast a look at the second young master with the same three-eighth look as the third young master.

It was just this smug look in his eyes that made the second young master suddenly feel that something was wrong.

Even the boss's eyes showed such a mischievous look, so why is it that the old lady of his family is with the coquettish little sister Ran?

"Mum, uncle's clothes are so beautiful." Sitting on the chair, Miao Miao, who had already put on a new princess dress, spoke the most sincere truth to those two people.

Xiaocao lowered her head, glanced at the second young master's clothes on her body, then squinted at the second young master who was standing beside her, showed a very loving smile to the little princess, and said in a self-absorbed and narcissistic way: "Baby! , it’s not that the clothes are beautiful, it’s your mommy who made the clothes look beautiful, understand?”

The little princess nodded, and put a piece of fish into her mouth: "Understood, uncle made Mummy more beautiful."

Xiaocao: "..."

(End of this chapter)

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