Wife stand at attention

Chapter 111 Master Kong scared away

Chapter 111 Master Kong scared away (2)
Baby, what you said and what Mommy said are two different things, okay?

The black lines on the second young master's face became thicker, little princess, are you adding fuel to the fire, making it blacker and darker?

The old lady Jun Le couldn't keep her lips from ear to ear, and she liked the little princess even more.

The third young master was almost on the verge of spouting, but for the sake of his own image, he tried very hard not to spout.Swallowing the mouthful of rice in great pain, he picked up a large piece of thornless fish with his chopsticks and put it in the little princess's bowl: "Little princess, tell third uncle what you want in the future, and third uncle will try his best to satisfy you." .”

Little Princess Miaomiao's eyes lit up, she blinked twice like a doll, and said to the third young master, "Really? Anything is fine?"

The third young master said without hesitation: "Anything is fine."

Miao Miao: "Okay, Miao Miao has written it down, and I will see you next time." After speaking, he buried his head in his meal.

Third young master: "..." Uh, did he do something stupid?Why does he feel like he has sold himself?Why?
Mouguang turned to the boss, asking for help: Brother, what should I do?

The boss lovingly ignored his begging eyes, ate and drank soup, and gave him two words: cold salad.

The third young master cried.

"Daughter-in-law, come and sit here." The old matriarch directly called Xiaocao as his daughter-in-law, and patted her sideways seat.

Aunt Gui gave Xiaocao a set of bowls and chopsticks with great insight: "Second young lady."

Shi Xiaocao: "..." Uh, she just went upstairs and put on a set of Second Young Master's clothes, and killed a few photos of Second Young Master's body for sale, so she became a granddaughter-in-law and Second Young Mistress?

Turning his eyes to the second young master, he waited dumbly for him to start explaining.

But I saw the second young master shrugged his shoulders, stretched out his arms to hug her waist, and smiled with a look of confusion: "Grandma, you can sit if grandma asks you. From today on, you are the boss of our family." After that, facing Shi Xiaocao raised his eyebrows again, his eyes sparkling.

Xiaocao shivered violently, her chicken skin stood up, and she almost choked on her own saliva.

Is there any horror?
Second young master, your brain is squeezed by the door, or did you squeeze the door?

Obviously, the second young master's mind was squeezed by the door.

Pointing to the tip of his nose, he said in an awkward and unnatural way: "That... I... grandma... not..."

The old lady smiled: "I understand, grandma understands. Don't be shy, you know these three grandchildren, then this is the elder brother." The old lady pointed to Ran Xi who was sitting opposite her: "Xi, Xiaocao can be a big brother in the future." It's your sister-in-law, you have to take care of her, but you can't let people outside bully you, otherwise people will think that there is no one in our Ran family. People in our Ran family have never been bullied. "

Ran Xi put down the bowl and spoon in her hand, raised her eyes to look at Xiaocao, showed a very rare smile, and nodded: "Don't worry, Taijun, the members of Ran's family can't be bullied by others. Sit down and eat."

Shi Xiaocao: "..."

This becomes a family?She just became a member of Ran's family?She is not ready to say, can she say no, can she say it?

His eyes turned to the second young master again, but he saw that the second young master was sitting next to his elder brother, eating and drinking soup as if nothing had happened, completely ignoring the distress signal from her eyes.

Shi Xiaocao tears.

The major events in her life are given so hastily?

She wanted to sell the second young master, but in the end, she sold herself?

Looking up to the sky and asking the sky silently, and crying a thousand lines.

Sunset Xixia.

The faint afterglow is imprinted on the calm sea surface, and the breeze blows, rippling layers of waves.The endless sea and the sky are connected together, and at that distant junction, there is the warm sunset red, neither bright nor light, but it gives people a warm and soft feeling.

The sea water did not cross the beach, but retreated again, and so on, leaving some shells of different sizes.

Yang Yi walked barefoot on the beach, with two rows of long footprints behind her.

On the surface of the sea, a few seagulls flew by and soared in the sky.

Stopping in her tracks, looking at the place where she met the sea that day and the seagulls soaring in the sky, Yang Yi was in a good mood, with a faint smile on her lips.

In the distance, some sailors were swimming like fish in the sea, some were leapfrogging on the beach, and some even played beach volleyball very creatively.

This is the sea training ground for the troops.

It seems to be playing very hard.

This is Yang Yi's sixth day in the army.

Well, she admitted that she was completely abandoned by Master Kong.

In the past six days, the number of times I saw him, um... Ten fingers can't count.Of course, three meals a day, three times a day, isn't it that ten fingers can't be used up.For several days in the six days, she didn't know when he came back at night.

But every morning when he wakes up, he must be in his arms.

Of course, with the bed that was only [-] centimeters long, it was difficult not to be held in his arms.

On the first night, it was naturally Comrade Xiao Yang who stayed alone in the boudoir and fell asleep alone.In the morning, I thought I could throw Master Kong down in a heroic manner, but I didn't expect my dear aunt to visit relatives.

On the second night, Comrade Xiao Yang waited until eleven o'clock, but there was still no sign of Master Kong.Comrade Xiao Yang is full of enthusiasm but can't sleep alone.After greeting his aunt fiercely, he naturally complained to Master Kong.

Damn it, it's too irresponsible to disturb my sister's spring water, but there is no one left!

Well, Comrade Xiao Yang admits that she is completely rotten, and there is no cure for her rottenness.

In the morning, after a burst of heat gushed out, I heard a "boom". Comrade Xiao Yang hadn't realized what the sound was, but he found that he was only wearing a big T-shirt from Master Kong, and he was half lying down. on the ground.

On the bed, Master Kang looked at her with unbelievable eyes.

Comrade Xiao Yang is in tears!
After crying, he gave Master Kang a hard look.

Yaya, Master Kang, you are too good at taking care of others. You know that your bed is very small, and you know that sleeping with two of you is almost like arhat.It's good for you to be old, and you actually went to sleep in it by yourself, leaving me, the girl, outside.Just this little bed, can I not fall off?
After staring, Comrade Xiao Yang went into the bathroom with a sad expression on his face.

Master Kang suddenly understood.

So, on the third night, the position was changed, and Comrade Xiao Yang finally fell asleep.

But Su, the sad thing happened again.

Although I didn't fall off the bed, my aunt was dyed a lot of red.

Looking at the very glaring aunt on the army green bed sheet, Comrade Xiao Yang felt like he was insane and his brain was shutting down.

(End of this chapter)

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