Wife stand at attention

Chapter 114 A Different Wedding

Chapter 114 A Different Wedding (1)
"Why haven't you even brushed your teeth well? Quick, quick! Wash up quickly!" Before Yang Yi opened her mouth to say anything, Li Manqing dragged her directly to the bathroom inside the house.

"What... what's wrong?" Yang Yi asked vaguely.

Of course, while asking, he quickly turned himself over to wash up. Fortunately, the undershirt belonging to Master Kong had been changed.Otherwise, how embarrassing.

"Okay, sit down, don't talk!" San Que directly supported her and sat on the chair, and Gu Lingli put a toolbox in her hand on the table.Take out a ten-inch mirror from the box, put it on the table, and then take out everything in the toolbox in an orderly manner.

what's going on?
Comrade Xiao Yang was dumbfounded, there was everything in the toolbox, foundation, eye shadow, mascara, razor blades, small scissors, etc. Gu Lingli's toolbox had everything that a makeup artist should have.

Who is this makeup for?

She raised her head and was about to ask, but before she opened her mouth to react, she saw that Gu Lingli had already started to apply foundation on her cheeks.

"Stop—" Facing Sanqueyi, Comrade Xiao Yang let out a Hedong lion roar, made a stop gesture, and raised his eyes to look up at Sanqueyi, "Sisters-in-law of the three card friends, please tell me, you are now What do you mean? Huh?" Pointing to the makeup toolbox on the table, she turned her eyes to look up at Gu Lingli who was still holding a foundation brush in her hand, "I have the right to know, right?"

Gu Lingli turned her head directly, "Stop talking nonsense, sit down, and shut up!" After speaking, she rested her chin with her left hand and continued to work on her hand.

Comrade Xiao Yang tears...

The person being played with now is her, okay?OK!She has no right to speak or know?

Don't bring such troublemakers?
Li Manqing and Mu Yingying folded their arms around their chests and stroked their chins with their right hands. Standing behind Yang Yi, they looked directly at Yang Yi, who was almost put on make-up in the mirror.

"Sure enough, Lily's craftsmanship is top-notch."

"Sure enough, Lao Kang's family has a very good foundation."

As soon as the two finished talking, Gu Lingli snapped her fingers and said, "OK, it's finished! Guaranteed that your old Kang will not recognize you in a while."

I heard that Yang Yi opened her eyes...

"Ah—" There was an exclamation, fingers trembling slightly, pointing at myself in the mirror, "You... plan to just let me go out like this? Three sisters-in-law, I don't take artistic photos, no! Just go out like this, People don't think of me as a Huadan?"

Although it's not heavy makeup, it's just light makeup, white foundation, and a layer of mascara on the curled eyelashes, which makes it look even more curled up. The lavender eye shadow has a hint of elegance in the haze, and the peach pink lip gloss makes her look more beautiful. Her already delicate lips were even more moist.

Well, to be honest, although she is still a beauty when she is naked, but I have to admit that after adding such a little artificial factor, it makes her more... er... charming, no, it is tender.However, there is also a little bit of charm.

Well, Comrade Xiao Yang has a little bit of narcissism.

"Don't puff yourself up, change your clothes quickly, you're still waiting." Yang Yi, who was in the midst of puffing herself up, hadn't recovered from the puffing up, when a set of pure white clothes appeared in front of her eyes.

Swallowing a mouthful of saliva, blinking the watery contact lenses twice, pointing to the pure white clothes: "Mine?"

Comrade Xiao Yang has a feeling that she does not follow the thoughts and steps of these three sisters-in-law very much. No matter what, she feels that she is the chicken standing among the cranes in front of them.

People say she stands out from the crowd, but she stands out from the crowd—out of place.

When he spread out the pure white clothes, Comrade Xiao Yang burst into tears again, but the tears were messed up in the wind.

Riding outfit?
Is it such a horror?

Wearing ladylike makeup and riding clothes?
Is it very thunderous?

"Sisters-in-law, please tell me, in the end..."

"Stop talking nonsense, do you change it yourself or should I change it for you?" Before Yang Yi finished speaking, she was interrupted by Mu Yingying, who picked up the riding suit and threw it at her, " Hurry up and put it on, we're all waiting."


What are you waiting for?
Who is waiting?

Who are you waiting for?
Turn her into this, and let her dress like this, but don't tell her what to do?What do these three people want to do?

Tangled, Yang Yi is very tangled.

Why does she feel like a little guinea pig being treated as an experiment now?

Very bad feeling!

Can she choose not to change clothes, not to go out?
The answer is yes: no!
Because, while she was still confused, Mu Guiying was ready to move, picked up the riding clothes, and wanted to go into battle by herself, changing her clothes and dressing her up.

call out--

Comrade Xiao Yang quickly picked up his riding clothes and slipped to the bathroom.

Well, the little white mouse is the little white mouse!
Anyway, this is on Master Kong's territory, Liang and the others dare not do anything to themselves.

In any case, it is said that Master Kang's military rank is higher than that of any man who is missing one of the three!
Okay, with Master Kong as the backer.

One bite, one cruelty, change!

There is no mirror in the bathroom, so Yang Yi has no way of knowing how glorious she is in that riding suit.But he found that the horse riding suit seemed to be tailor-made for her, and it fit very well.

When leaving the bathroom, Li Manqing handed over a pair of riding boots.

Yang Yi...

Did they come prepared?
She doesn't know how to ride a horse, so what would she do with such a complete set?

Could it be that you plan to make her a horse model?

However, only those who have heard of car models, have never heard of horse models?
Could it be that she, Yang Yi, is going to become the No. 1 horse model in history today?
Comrade Xiao Yang was shocked by his thunderous thoughts that day.

After putting on her boots, Gu Lingli tossed her again, and tied her into a very distinctive bun.From the ten-inch mirror, I finally saw myself in riding clothes.

Well, Tianlei belongs to Tianlei, I have to admit that the hairstyle and clothes don't match very well, even the makeup on the face looks so matching.

When Comrade Xiao Yang was looking high in the mirror, he was once again set up by those three missing ones.This time, he directly carried her out of the room.

Comrade Xiao Yang burst into tears...

Can you tell her what this is for?She is the person involved, and she has the right to know.

She even wanted to shout: Master Kang, help——

It's a pity that she doesn't know where Master Kong is now.

At this time, Comrade Xiao Yang really hated Master Kong to the core, cheating, how cheating, after getting her into the army, let her fend for herself?

(End of this chapter)

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