Wife stand at attention

Chapter 115 A Different Wedding

Chapter 115 A Different Wedding (2)
At this moment, Comrade Xiao Yang's feeling is: in the big play, before the execution, the prisoner wears a white coat, wears his long hair, turns his head and shakes his hair, and then is raised with both hands and feet. Raise high, make a decision!
Is there wood?
really have!
Comrade Xiao Yang felt that she was being carried to the execution ground right now.

Tears, big tears—

Two minutes later, Yang Yi was carried out of the dormitory building by three people.

what's the situation?
As soon as San Que put her down, Comrade Xiao Yang was stunned by the huge monster in front of him, which he had only seen in legendary TV dramas.

Some couldn't believe their eyes, they blinked fiercely, then rubbed their hands fiercely, and opened them.

The behemoths still exist.

oh oh……

Not vertigo, nor hallucinations.but true.

The legendary tank stood in front of her so realistically.

But...but...what's the situation?
Comrade Xiao Yang's brain is messed up and his nerves are deranged.

Moreover, two rows of soldiers in pure white navy suits stood neatly next to the huge monster. Seeing her stepping out of the dormitory building, they saluted her uniformly, and a loud and orderly voice sounded: "Sister-in-law! it is good!"


Yang Yi, whose brain was messed up and insane, was once again dazzled and her tongue was tied.

How... how should she answer them?

So what, is it like this when the head inspects: Hello, comrades——

Hello sir-

Comrades have worked hard——

Serve the people——

So should she reply now: Hello, comrades——


Yang Yi shuddered all over, it seemed that she had neither the qualifications nor the courage to say so.

To be honest, she was frightened by the battle in front of her, and she was not lightly frightened.

Can she... can turn around and run away?

This thought suddenly came to mind.


As soon as the idea came up, before he could turn it around, San Que looked at the neat row of respectful soldiers in front of him.

"Ah—" Comrade Xiao Yang screamed, but before he could react, he had already been placed on top of the tank.

The morning breeze is cool, my heart is trembling, my guts are trembling, and I am sweating——

She——once again became the focus of everyone's attention, wearing a riding suit and sitting on a tank.

Oh, Mamma Mia, who can save her in dire straits?
Is she an outlier from the masses?

The tank moved slowly, opening the way ahead.The two rows of fighters behind followed in unison, that is a strong lineup.

Yang Yi on the tank broke out in cold sweat even more fiercely.


Master Kang, where are you?

Your wife is about to be sold, do you know that?
Liuliu, where are you?
My sister wants to see you for the last time!
The tank continued to go in an unknown direction, and Yang Yi continued to sit on it motionless.

Scared, really scared.

I'm afraid that with a slight movement and rolling off, she might become the glory under the wheel.

Twisting her stiff neck that was even harder than the plaster cast before, facing the outstanding three missing ones below, she asked mechanically: "Three sister-in-laws, can you tell the younger one to me now?" Are we going? Are you going? Where are you going to sell me?"

However, it was obvious that the sound of the tank overwhelmed her mechanical sound, and none of the three could hear what she said.

Yang Yi burst into tears again——

If I had known, I wouldn't have come if I killed her. She would rather just nestle on the soft sofa at home, blowing on the air conditioner, holding a portable handbag, chewing on materials, and doing test papers.Oh, now that the weather is like this, there should be no need for an air conditioner.

What kind of sin did she commit, what kind of crime did she suffer, and she came here to suffer.

Liuliu, I hate you you you you!
Hey—poor Yang Liu, what kind of crime is this? Comrade Xiao Yang gritted his teeth with hatred.

Lying down and being shot is now Yangliu.

Sea training ground, on the beach.

All pure white navy uniforms are neatly arranged in several rows, waiting for strict order.

In the east, the morning sun rises, and the morning sun shines warmly on the sea surface, printing a layer of warm red that is not dazzling.

Seagulls glide and fly towards the light red sunrise.

The sea breeze blows, the sea surface is rippling, and the sea water overflows the beach and retreats.

A five-star red flag stands against the wind, and the flag flutters with the wind.

The red flag, the white military uniform, the rising sun, the warm sunshine, the boundless sea, and the gliding seagulls are such a picturesque scene.

Cambridge is also dressed in a pure white navy uniform, a white hat with a large brim, and a tall and straight figure. Although his face is solemn, there is a faint smile on his face.

Standing in front of the rows of sailors, although they are all in uniform white military uniforms, they are surrounded by halos.

The light of the rising sun illuminates the two stars on his epaulets so dazzlingly, the radiance is so extraordinary, it attracts people's attention.

At this moment, there was a slight anxiety on Kang Qiao's face, and his eyes looked in a certain direction from time to time. There was the woman he was waiting for today.

Standing beside him was Yang Liu in a grass-green military uniform, standing out from a group of white military uniforms like a flock of chickens.

Standing at attention to Cambridge, a group of military salutes, a serious voice sounded: "Report to the chief."

Kang Qiao, who was looking at a certain direction anxiously, was startled when he heard Yang Liu's voice.

But Kang Qiao is always Kang Qiao, even if he was so surprised, he didn't show it on his face at all, and said to Yang Liu seriously, "Say it."

Seeing Kang Qiao pretending to be quite cute, Yang Liu pursed her lips and smiled slightly, returning to Yang Liu's nature: "Brother-in-law, you don't need to be so anxious. My sister is already a cooked duck and can't fly. Don't worry, I'll wait a while." It's time to fly into your arms. There are so many people watching, don't worry, my sister can't fly."

When Cambridge opened his mouth and was about to say something, not far away, the huge tank slowly approached.The woman on the tank sat upright, motionless.

His eyes were drawn to that petite woman.

Yang Liu patted Cambridge on the shoulder again: "Look, it's flying here. My sister will never be able to fly out of the palm of your hand, Comrade Chief. Besides, don't you still have my strong backing." That's called a good-looking brother.

Looking at Yang Yi sitting on the tank in the distance, Yang Liu couldn't help showing a touch of relief and joy in his eyes.

The head comrade of her family really has the heart to plan such an ingenious wedding for the elder sister.

(End of this chapter)

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