Wife stand at attention

Chapter 118 A Different Wedding

Chapter 118 A Different Wedding (5)
On the contrary, Brigadier Guan said this sentence very forcefully: "Old Kang, why are you twisting? If you are a man, give me a kiss!"

Look at what this said, if Master Kang doesn't kiss, is he not a man?

Yang Yi is embarrassing.

Cambridge Ne.

Comrade Chief, can you stop booing?This appearance is very inconsistent with your superior status, okay?

At this moment, you shouldn't be staring at the group of cajoling soldiers with a mighty face, and what you should blurt out is: What are you booing for?If you boo again, give me extra weight to practice.This is in line with your status as a senior comrade.


Comrade Xiao Yang sighed and mourned twice.

Naguina, since the chief has spoken, as a qualified soldier, Comrade Kang Qiao naturally obeyed the order of the army.

I lowered my head, and was about to kiss Comrade Xiao Yang's charming lips, when I saw Comrade Xiao Yang tiptoe, actively and passionately KISS on Master Kong.

While Master Kong was dumbfounded, everyone was also dumbfounded.

Comrade Xiao Yang is huffing and laughing.

Master Kang, if sister doesn't take the initiative to attack, who knows when she will be able to achieve something?

Well, Comrade Xiao Yang has gone crazy.

Of course, at such a glorious moment, Yang Liu naturally used the single back in his hand to freeze the frame again.

Sure enough, it is Comrade Yang Yi, who should be vigorous and vigorous.

Very decisively, is there any flash screen made by Shi Xiaocao?
Ever since, this scene has become Comrade Xiao Yang's eternal and indelible hunger for food.

The sun was rising high, and the red rays of the sun shone on the blue sea level.

The five-star red flag is still fluttering in the wind.

The white military uniform and the white riding uniform were particularly eye-catching under the bright red sun.

The ceremony was completed, and the soldiers disbanded.

The giant tank retreated successfully, San Que retreated successfully, Yang Liu retreated successfully, and everyone else also retreated successfully.

Of course, Yang Liu floated a word before leaving: Sister, Shi Xiaocao will follow up the whole post-production Flash production.After floating, he raised the single return in his hand and retired.

A sentence of flash production brought back memories deep in Comrade Xiao Yang's heart. Hong Guoguo recalled the Flash called the wedding gift, and compared with her hungry wolf just now, Comrade Xiao Yang was very happy. The decisive wind was messy, and the brain was short-circuited.

This is the legendary brain kicked by a donkey, right?

Comrade Xiao Yang felt at this moment that she had been kicked in the head by a donkey, so she took the initiative to attack and kissed Master Kong in front of everyone.


This is a new house temporarily prepared by the camp in the family building for Master Kong and Comrade Xiao Yang's wedding. It is no longer a single dormitory, with one bedroom and one living room.

The walls, windows, and doors were all pasted with bright red happy characters, of course the happy characters were cut and pasted by the soldiers.There is a table in the middle of the living room, and a glass vase is placed on the table. In the vase is a large bouquet of flowers that she doesn't know what kind of flowers they are. Come wild flowers.But there are various colors of red, orange, yellow, green, blue, and purple.

Mixed together, it is colorful and dazzling.

Well, for the sake of being so creative, wildflowers are wildflowers.Although her favorite flower is the blue enchantress.However, it seems... impossible for Master Kang to give her such a dazzling bouquet of enchantresses.

Then just accept the wild flowers, it is estimated that Master Kang will not pick them.With his temperament, how could it be possible to pick such flamboyant wild flowers?
Well, wild flowers cannot be picked casually.Therefore, her Master Kang is very civic-minded.Comrade Xiao Yang has no doubts about this point. I have known him for five years. Can you not be so sure?
In the room, the bed is no longer a single bed of only 1.5 centimeters, but a large bed of [-] meters.The bed sheet is pure white with straight strips that she likes, and there is a pair of porcelain dolls with pouting buttocks and kissing KISS that are creatively placed on the bedside table on the left.

Yang Yi was sure that this ornament would definitely not be made by Master Kang.If it is said that it was made by her family Yangliu, then there is a 12-point possibility.

It was already dark, and I don't know who was so creative to replace the incandescent lights in the room with violet neon lights.

At this moment, the neon lights are flashing that hazy and romantic violet.

Such a hazy and very seductive light made Comrade Xiao Yang, who was so focused on making Master Kong a hooligan again, flustered and trembling.

In the bathroom, Master Kang was taking a bath at the moment, and with the sound of "squeaking" water, Comrade Xiao Yang couldn't calm down.

With green eyes staring straight at the closed door, he imagined how Master Kang would treat her as a beast after he came out of the wash.


She trembled all over, although she had longed for this moment for a long time, she also coveted Master Kong for a long time.However, when this moment came, she was a little timid again.

Tightening the undershirt on his body that still belonged to Master Kong, he looked up at the hazy violet.

"Crack!" The sound of the door opening drew Comrade Xiao Yang, who was looking straight up, to his senses, and turned to look at Master Kang who came out of the shower.

Wearing only a pair of boxers, holding a towel in his hand and wiping his short cut.As Yang Yi turned to look at him, he also looked at her.

The four eyes met, his hand holding the towel paused for a moment, a faint green light flashed in his deep eyes, full of raging desire, like a hungry wolf looking for food in the dark for a long time, when he sees the prey, his eyes The green light emanating from it is average.


Seeing his green light with raging desire, Yang Yi swallowed hard.

Although, she really wanted to have sex with Master Kong and have sex.But when you should be reserved, you should always be reserved. Besides, she is really not reserved now, but really nervous.

This person, if he is nervous, he will speak without thinking, and will not choose what to say.

Yang Yi is like this at the moment.

Seeing that Master Kang was walking towards her step by step, and he was still like a hungry wolf with green eyes.So, Comrade Xiao Yang became nervous, pointed to the porcelain doll with KISS on the bedside table, and said indiscriminately: "Did you buy that? It has a personality, I like it."

As soon as the words were finished, Comrade Xiao Yang burst into tears.

she likes?
Is the implication: Master Kang, your movements are too slow?I can't wait.


That's not what she meant, okay?
Well, in fact, she really meant something like that.

(End of this chapter)

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