Wife stand at attention

Chapter 119 A Different Wedding

Chapter 119 A Different Wedding (6)
Ever since, he lowered his head and blushed.Comrade Xiao Yang stopped talking.

say what?
What else can I say?
She has already clearly hinted at him, come on, come on me, I can't wait.

What can I say?

Well, silence is Jin's dictum, and now Comrade Xiao Yang has done it, and he has done it very well.

Sitting on the head of the bed, twisting her fingers, lowering her eyebrows, pursing her lips, she vividly interpreted the shy appearance of a newlywed daughter-in-law.

The corners of Master Kang's lips were raised, and the corners of his eyes were raised, revealing a meaningful arc.

Throwing the towel in his hand, the white towel drew a beautiful parabola, and then hung firmly on the back of the chair not far away.

"Yang Xiaoguai, what you say is a deep boudoir's grudge?" Standing in front of her, looking down on her as if condescending, a steady voice sounded above her head.

Do you have a lot of grudges?
Shaking her head violently and looking up, she wanted to say: No!

However, the moment he raised his head, Comrade Xiao Yang became delusional.

For Mao le?
The condescending Master Kong was standing too close to the bird, so that the moment Comrade Xiao Yang raised his head, his lips touched a certain place of someone.

So, don't calm down the bird, really don't calm down the bird.

Comrade Xiao Yang was frozen as if he had been tapped, and Master Kong was also frozen.


Doesn't this show her boudoir's deep grievance so vividly?

As for this?As for making her act so hungry?

Comrade Xiao Yang wants to cry but has no tears.

Although it was just such an inadvertent light touch, even though it was still separated by a pair of boxers, it aroused Master Kang's desire to go further and ignited his more intense lust.The flames blazed up, burning, burning, and burning.

Pursing her thin lips, she threw Yang Yi, who was in fantasy, onto the bed, "Little boy, let's go to sleep after washing. Don't worry, I will calm down your deep boudoir grievances and raging desires for my husband."

Yang Yi...

With all their clothes down, they faced each other frankly, and the two men, who were sweating profusely, were panting heavily.

At the moment when Master Kong is about to enter the most critical moment...

"Woo-woo-" the siren sounded.


Master Kang sat up in a jerk, and quickly got dressed.

"Xiaoguai, I have an urgent mission, you can handle it yourself." After finishing speaking, in less than a minute, she was already fully dressed and went out.

"Bah!" The sound of closing the door.

Before Comrade Xiao Yang came back to his senses, Master Kong had long since disappeared.

Solve it yourself?

Comrade Xiao Yang is delusional.


Master Kang, you—my sister blames you!

Can I solve this problem by myself?

Comrade Xiao Yang scratched his heart and lungs, which is called holding back!
Don't bring such tormenting people!
He picked up the pillow and almost rolled on the ground.


What kind of crime did she commit? As for torturing her once, twice or thrice?

hold head high--

A loud roar raised up to the sky.

Comrade Xiao Yang's hooligan plan once again fell through and turned into nothing.

Early in the morning, Comrade Xiao Yang returned to his home in despair.

When he got home, Yang Liu had just come back from a five-kilometer long run, with a packed breakfast in his hand, ready to eat.Seeing Yang Yi who opened the door and came back, he was slightly taken aback.

"Old sister, why are you back?" After staring blankly, he asked Yang Yi sideways while eating the breakfast in the bowl.

Doesn't she have a day off today?Shouldn't he be in love with the chief's brother-in-law?Why are you back so early?
Chewing in his mouth, his eyes swept behind Yang Yi, as if he was looking for something.

"You don't have to look for it anymore, your chief didn't come back with me." Yang Yi said with a sullen face, while closing the door, she threw the bag in her hand on the sofa, took it and put it on the coffee table, Yang Liu drank half of the water, "Gulu" finished his stomach, and then took the chopsticks aside, picked up a wonton from Yangliu's bowl, and put it in his mouth.

For the two of them to eat the same bowl of rice, the two sisters have long been familiar with it. They picked up a wonton and stuffed it into their mouths. While continuing to chew, Yang Liu said inarticulately: "Hey, Comrade Yang Yi, you What's that expression?" He hooked her shoulder with one hand in a very loyal way, and picked her chin with the other hand, with a ruffian face: "How do I look like I am dissatisfied with my desires? My family's chief is not satisfied you?"

No way?
Is the old lady really so fierce?
If the head of the KISS initiative doesn't say anything, the head still can't satisfy her?
Wearing a military uniform and carrying epaulets, Willow, with a rotten mind, fills in a certain scene of Comrade Yang Yi's desire and dissatisfaction, and her family's head and brother-in-law being abused like a child.


But Su, why, it seems that what she came up with in her brain was an erotic picture of her throwing someone down in dissatisfaction with her desire!

Yang Liu was scorched and tender by a certain image of boundless spring in his mind.

Suddenly, trembling all over.

Evil, so evil.

Don't want to, don't want to!
Can't even think about it.

It was a rescue in the rivers and lakes, not because of her desire or dissatisfaction.Well, no, really not!

But it seems that there seems to be a hot fire coming from his face?

Quickly slapped the abnormal image in his mind, and continued to chew nonchalantly for a while, but in fact he had no mouth.

Yang Yi directly stuffed her into a pillow: "Get lost, you are the one who wants to be dissatisfied!"

With Yang Yi plugging the pillow, Yang Liu's soul was finally pulled back.

"Oh, Liuliu, are you yearning for spring?" Just as she was about to say something, she saw Yang Yi pointing at her lustful cheeks with a gossipy face, and said rottenly, while talking, she turned her face to her with great interest. She leaned in front of her: "Are you really yearning for spring?"

Think... spring?

I rely on!

Comrade Yang Yi, do you need such sharp eyes?
Isn't it just that when I was brainstorming about you, I accidentally brainstormed my own erotic scene. As for the seriousness of springtime!
"Get out!" Throwing the pillow in his hand back to Yang Yi, "You only miss spring, and your whole family misses spring!"

Yang Yi answered: "Doesn't that include you?"


It seems that the whole family seems to include her.

oh oh……

No, no, people who are thinking about spring, their brains are slow.

However, people in Sichun will never admit that they are Sichun.Just like a drunk person, he will never admit that he is drunk.

(End of this chapter)

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