Wife stand at attention

Chapter 120 Xiao Yang and Master Kang

Chapter 120 Xiao Yang and Master Kang (1)
"Comrade Yang Yi, tell me, tell me the truth, why did you come back alone? Where is my chief brother-in-law?" Yang Liu quickly changed the subject.

Yes, at this time, Comrade Yang Yi must not be allowed to bring the topic to her. It is necessary, absolutely, and definitely, to turn the topic back to her decisively.

As for her problem, you bastard, you dare to plot against her, and you are getting impatient. You must find out whoever hit her on the back of the head, and whoever drugged her.

Dare to plot against her, Yang Liu, and don't strip him of three layers of skin, she, Yang Liu, will write in reverse.Of course, it is absolutely not allowed to wear a military uniform when skinning, or let Shi Xiaocao do it, anyway, it is normal for Xiao Taimei to pick people's skin.

At Shi Xiaocao's house, Shi Xiaocao, who was lying on the bed with her baby Miaomiao in her arms and sleeping very sweetly, woke up suddenly.

"The head of your family is going on an expedition, so I'm going home, okay?" Yang Yi hugged the pillow in her arms aggrievedly, and then briefly summarized the matter in aggrieved manner.


Yang Liu, who was stuffing a mouthful of wontons into her mouth, choked, her face flushed red.

Dumbfounded, she stared at Yang Yi in disbelief, finally swallowed the food in her mouth, and after a long time found her own voice: "This...so...old lady...you haven't... ……break?"

"No, yes—" Comrade Xiao Yang gritted his teeth and complained!

Didn't she just want Master Kong to treat her like a hooligan and a beast? Why is it so difficult?Why are there so many mountains and rivers?
Although the answer is almost inseparable, but when Yang Yi said those two words, Yang Liu became unbalanced, very unbalanced!

No reason, no reason!

To be a sister, to marry, or to be in love with each other, but it has not been broken until now.And she, who is not married, is the one who is unwilling and unwilling to be broken first!

How embarrassing is it, how embarrassing it is!

Immediately, Yang Liu became sad and angry!
Damn, you perverted bastard, next time I will definitely tear you into pieces!

After the grief and indignation, he patted Yang Yi on the shoulder with great love, and said earnestly: "Comrade Yang Yi, the revolution is still successful, and comrades still need to work hard. As your sister's home, I will fully support you in spirit and action, and support you to speed up the revolution." Throw my brother-in-law down. Okay, I think that's it, you continue to move towards this goal, and I will continue to move towards my life goal."

Yang Yi asked: "May I ask Lieutenant Yang Liu, what is your goal in life?"

Lieutenant Yang Liu pointed at the one bar and two stars on his epaulettes in embarrassment, and his face was filled with righteous indignation: "The current goal of my life is to bring back two two stars, and then be equal to the brother-in-law of the chief!"

Yang Yi...

After being speechless, Comrade Yang Yi poured cold water on Yang Liu very shamelessly: "Liu Liu, I didn't hit you as a sister. You are moving towards your life goal. Isn't my Master Kang moving towards your life goal? Co-author He has been standing still? Don't worry, by the time you get back the two bars and two stars, maybe the head of your family has already carried the wheat!"


Sister, I hate you you you you!
Don't take you to hit your own sister like this!

It is said that girls are extroverted, look, look, her comrade Yang Yi is the best typical representative at the moment.Look, the elbow turned out so quickly.

Yang Liu snorted, ignored Yang Yi, and ate her breakfast.

This kind of woman who is wanted by a man is not her kind.She has a lot of adults, so she doesn't care about it like her.


After an eight-day long vacation, I finally went to work.

As always, I got up early, and as always, Yang Liu went out for five kilometers every day.

Five kilometers a day is Yangliu's daily task. Since entering the military academy, this has become a habit.Even when she was assigned to the army to carry a camera and sit in front of a computer, she never had the habit of abandoning her.Because she knew that sooner or later, she would go back to the barracks.No, it finally came true.

When the five kilometers came back, Yang Yi made breakfast as if she had timed it.

After breakfast, the two sisters went out separately.

Yang Liu went back to the army stepping on her military boots, and Yang Yi naturally went to work in the company.

Nothing has changed, the only thing that has changed is that there is an extra ring on the ring finger that symbolizes the identity of a married woman.

Master Kang's mobile phone is in a concerned state, and Yang Yi knows that there must be a mission.

Well, nothing has changed in her day.

Still go to get off work, get off work, go home, read a book every day.

This weekend is the last time for her to take the self-examination. After the exam, she will be able to get a bachelor's degree, which is a step closer to her dream of being a senior accountant.

Along the way, the bus was crowded with chests sticking to backs.

At this time, the mobile phone rang as if to join in the fun.

Holding the lever above his head tightly with one hand, he took out his cell phone from his jeans pocket with the other.The incoming call shows "Master Kong".

Pursing her lips and smiling slightly, "Hello, Master Kong."

"Have you gone out?" A familiar and nice voice came from the phone.

"On the bus, are you back?"

"I guess I won't be back until the weekend, are you okay?"

"Ah?" Yang Yi was puzzled, what could be wrong with her? "It's okay, should there be something? Oh, yes, I have an exam on weekends."

"Yes, I see." Kang Qiao responded, and suddenly asked, "Have you passed the driver's license test?"

"No." Yang Yi replied truthfully, what kind of driver's license did she take, and she couldn't afford a car.

"After the exam, go sign up and get out of the exam."

"doing what?"

"It's so much nonsense, if you are told to take the exam, just take the exam."

"Oh. That's fine, I won't tell you anymore. The car is jammed to death. Anyway, there's nothing special. I'll talk about it when you come back." She said tiredly, holding the lever with one hand and answering the phone unsteadily.

Without thinking about it, Cambridge knew how crowded the bus would be. Naturally, he also knew how inconvenient it was for her to answer the phone.That's why I thought about letting her get a driver's license and buy a car, so it wouldn't be so inconvenient.

"Well, hang up then, be careful yourself, if you come back early on weekends, I'll pick you up." After finishing speaking, she hung up the phone without waiting for Yang Yi to say anything else.

Pick her up?

Master Kang picks her up from get off work?
A picture flashed in Comrade Xiao Yang's mind: Master Kong in military uniform, driving a very powerful military vehicle, picked her up downstairs from the company.Oh oh, is it cool?Although she has already had the experience of being picked up by a military vehicle.But Master Kang personally came to pick her up from get off work, so he was very flattered, okay?

Thinking about it, Comrade Xiao Yang was so hopeless that he couldn't find the southeast and northwest.

(End of this chapter)

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